Result of Part 3 of the Final HOH Competition: Dick
Result of the 12th Live Eviction: Zach leaves the house.
9:30am (PST) - Zach is up and moving around. He goes downstairs to get something and bring it back up to his room and gets in bed.
9:55am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside." Dick and Daniele wake up and everyone goes outside. Dick talks about his eye infection and Zach complains that almost everyone has had some kind of infection.
10:10am (PST) - Zack starts to talk about the blue ball falling into the tube.. [cut] Zack plucks his eyebrows and asks if they had things shooting at them during Part 2 of the HOH Competition. Daniele questions, "Shoot at us? We were under water.” [cut] Dick is sleeping, Zach is doing his laundry, and Daniele is painting her toenails. [The Production crew is seen on feeds for a second.]
10:55am (PST) - They're still on an outdoor lockdown. Dick is still sleeping. Zach and Daniele are not talking.
11:20am (PST) - Dick wakes up and smokes a cigarette. Zach is doing his laundry and is not happy, saying, "Dammit!" This is the only thing that has been said in over twenty minutes. Dick asks Daniele if it has been more than an hour and she says, "Yes." Zach sits on the washing machine.
12:00pm (PST) - Nothing is happening.
12:20pm (PST) - Big Brother announces the outdoor lockdown is over. Still nothing going on.
12:30pm (PST) - Dick is sleeping in his bedroom.
1:45pm (PST) - Daniele is in the bathroom and Dick is still sleeping.
6:00pm (PST) - There are a few quick scenes shown on the feeds. During one, Dick and Daniele are talking about past Juries. In another, Dick is bouncing off the walls over the two of them making it to Final Two.
7:50pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are coming in from an outdoor lockdown. Daniele says that Big Brother needs to have someone come and wash the dishes because she's not. She says she's kidding, then says she's only half kidding. Big Brother set up the Dining Room table with nice plates and champagne. Dick pours the drinks and says, "This is Daniele's first drink since turning twenty-one," and Daniele says, "Or is it? You think you know everything." Dick asks what she's talking about and she says she had a drink when she was on the plane. They sit down and eat dinner. General chit chat follows.
8:45pm (PST) - They finish dinner. Dick is still in the Kitchen, alone, and talking to the camera, "By now even the west coast has seen the show and everyone knows that I won HOH and we won the whole show." In the meantime, Daniele goes to move her stuff back to her own bed in the little bedroom. She's mad because she was told earlier that the little bedroom was going to be locked up. She goes into the bathroom to change clothes and complains about something else. Dick tells her, “It could be worse. You could be here with Jen or Zach!” Daniele jokes, "No. It's worse, 'cause you’re here.”
8:50pm (PST) - Dick goes outside and pumps his fists and screams, "We did it! Fucking A." He goes to check out the pool and says, "There's a bunch of crap in there." He gets the net to scoop it all out and laughs about the sign that says "Slippery when wet" and says, "Now, you paint those signs. Oh, maybe its for next year." He looks at the camera, "I’m still here, motherfuckers! Still here, motherfuckers.. Checkmate, bitch," and smiles while pumping his fists and stomping his feet. He gets a bottle of something and pour some into the hot tub, saying, "I think that will nullify some of the cow manure in there now," then says, "From playing golf out here the first night with lime and a fucking mop, hitting Eric in the balls, to being here with Daniele... The End... Fucking fairytale come true."
Daniele is sitting at the Breakfast Bar staring at the Memory Wall.
9:05pm (PST) - Dick comes back inside and sits quietly at the Breakfast Bar with Daniele. Dick breaks the silence by saying, “This house has been our whole lives for the past three months and we'll get to go back to our real lives, never coming back to the house again.” They talk about the Jury and Dick says, "Bottom line. If anyone asks you a shitty question, just say whatever you want... 'Cause who cares. We won," and Daniele responds, "Yup." Then he starts to clean up the Dining Room table and complains about how horrible Zach was at washing dishes. He asks Daniele if she wants anymore champagne and she says, "No." Dick complains, "I'm going to redo all the dishes because there's shit on every one of them,” then says, “It's 8:58pm. The show is over on the west coast, basically.. and now, everyone knows we won the game. Everybody except my friend in Hawaii - Q - He'll know in two hours.” [cut] Dick is back to complaining about Zach, saying, "Zach is such a tool," and asks what she thinks Nick’s reaction was. Daniele says, “Happy and smiling,” then Dick asks, “You think he ran around screaming?” Daniele thinks probably fists pounding and Dick laughs. Dick says, "When I would get nervous today, I would remember how I beat Eric at questions. And Eric was in a desperate situation and I beat him.. So, I knew I could beat Zach, as Zach didn't know any of these people here." Neither one of them believe Dustin’s answer to the HOH Jury question. Daniele wonders how everyone is getting along, saying, "It has to be so fake," and Dick says, “I’m sure no one is putting up with Jen's shit, whatsoever.” [The camera keeps zooming in on the bunnies on the Dining Room table, doing it doggie style.] Dick says, "The sushi was good. I enjoyed it," and Daniele agrees, then wonders why the show's not ending on Sunday. Dick explains that they show the questions on Sunday. They talk about Zach's answer to Julie when she asked him how he handled Dick berating him. Dick says, “I have to give it to him. That was hard. I was told that was the hardest HOH game ever.” Dick says he heard fans outside cheering earlier, so he thinks there were some fans around. Daniele says, "No there wasn't," and dick asks, "Didn't you hear that? We haven't heard shit all this time, then all that." Dick says he's looking forward to seeing Vincent and Grandma, but this is an experience. Daniele says, “But it's over.. It's over.” Dick responds, “I know…” Dick wonders what the viewers think of the show compared to other seasons. Daniele says, "There are no fans," and Dick says, "Shut up! We heard the fans." Daniele tells him, “It's not all about you, Jen!” They continue to bicker about the whole thing. Daniele finally tells him, “Well, I disagree,” and Dick replies, “Of course, you do. You disagree with everything I say.” Daniele says, “I have my own opinion. You’re rude,” and Dick responds, “No, I'm not.” Then silence... (Awkward..)
9:30pm (PST) - Daniele gets called to the Diary Room and Daniele says, "Are you serious? I'm done with them."
Dick goes outside to smoke, spit, and yell to the cameras, "VINCENT.. WE DID IT, MAN!! Can't wait to see you! Tuesday! Fucking did it! WOW!... How many people in America threw their beer at their TV tonight?... The Raiders suck!... We fucking did it every single time we needed a win, we won... FUCKING YES!! FUCKING YES!! FUCKING YES!!... It's the win of my life... It's the win of your life... What? I can't enjoy it?..."
Daniele comes outside when she's done in the Diary Room. They talk about life outside and how it's going to be interesting. Daniele says, "These dimwits in the house all play personal.. I wonder what Dustin's gonna ask.. Blech." Dick tells her, "Who cares? Tell him to 'Sit down, Princess.'" Daniele responds, "I dare you," and Dick says, "You know what I'll tell him? 'SILENCE! You didn't raise your hand!' [referring to something Dustin did when he was HOH.]" Dick tells her, "Zach was shitting his pants all day long. He was kinda pale and couldn't sit still." Daniele asks for banners for the next five days, then sighs loudly, whining, "This isn't even day one of the five." Dick laughs, "Stop complaining," but she continues, "No. This is awful. Send some visitors.. A little man.. A pirate.. The bunnies.. Anything!" Dick adds, "The statue," but Daniele argues, "Not the statue. He was boring.. and a little frightening. I didn't know if it was a man or a woman. I could go for those bunnies, though." Dick tells her, "I know you could. You loved those bunnies," and Daniele adds, "Jessica was so mean to them. They were so scared. I felt so bad for them." Dick says, "Say hi to your grandmother," but Daniele says, "She doesn't watch this." Dick repeats himself, "Say hi," and she refuses, "No." Dick looks at the camera, "She's so mean. Hi mom." Daniele whines, "Could ya please stop saying that. I don't like it when you say that all the time." Dick responds, "Okay. I'm sorry. I won't say that anymore." Dick asks, "Those two champagne glasses.. I'm gonna take them, unless ya want your own to take," and Daniele replies, "No." Dick is shocked, "No?" and Daniele asks, "What for?" Dick says, "Because it's like.. Congrats! We won! The glasses are a symbol of that. If ya don't want them, I'll..." Daniele interupts, "Aww.. I'l take them when you die," and Dick laughs, "Okay, hehe."
10:00pm (PST) - Dick gets called to the Diary Room. Daniele continues to sit at the Dining Room table, playing around with the cards and giggling to herself. The camera does a close-up of the dented trash can in the Kitchen. It's practically buckled in half. Daniele goes into the Food Storage Room and sees it fully stocked and cheers, "Thanks, Big Brother! Yay!" and forgets what she came in for. She goes back to the Kitchen and starts to bake cookies. Daniele carries out an awkward armload of trash and comes back to put a new lining in the container. She continues to move around the Kitchen doing various things.
10:30pm (PST) - Dick comes out of the Diary Room and Daniele asks him if he wants to play cards. They laugh at Jen's remark about her being the strongest player in the house. Dick mocks her, "Then, why is she out?" Daniele asks, "So, what are we gonna wear to the Jury thing? Should we make our own shirts?" Dick laughs, "No," and Daniele says, "Like Jenital warts." Dick laughs hard. They discuss different outfits.
11:30pm (PST) - Dick says, "Zach looked like 'The Joker' from Batman when he was laughing at me in the rain during the first round of the Final HOH Competition." They talk about Part 1 more and how the rules changed after the bunny died. They say Zach was loosing it and would have continued to loose.. [cut] They continue to talk about what they say they should not have - about how the rules changed.. [cut] Daniele says the people on the internet are "over this" because it's just the two of them now. Dick jokes, "I'm not her real father. I just play her father on TV," then says, "Jameka was a real bitch on the first day."
12:00am (PST) - They both say that neither one of them threw any competitions this season and Dick jokes, "Except for yesterday,” and Daniele says “Shut up! You’re so mean.”
12:15am (PST) - Daniele says, "Bring back Joe for Storytime. He can put me to sleep. I need a nap."
12:30am (PST) - Dick is talking again about how there was no car this year, "What a gyp!"
12:45am (PST) - Dick says to himself, "Folding fucking towels. Half of my time in this God damn place is spent folding motherfucking towels."
1:00am (PST) - Dick and Daniele are on the Living Room couch and he talks about getting into the pool because the water competition helped his body. He asks if she wants him to stay and entertain her. She says, "The next few days should be boring." Dick responds, "Day after tomorrow - with the questions - will be interesting. The rest of the time after that should go by quickly because we'll make fun of the questions that we're asked and we can make up some answers." Dick says, "In seven days, we had four Houseguests evicted. They really sped up the time.. Wham bam. Unbelievable." He goes to his bedroom to get ready to change into his swimsuit, while Daniele continues to play with her hair.
1:15am (PST) - Daniele says, "I'm gonna try to go to bed, but I don't fall asleep on my first try in this house." Dick asks, "Why can't you sleep? Everyone is gone," and Daniele responds, "Because of life!" Dick agrees, "I understand what you mean." Daniele continues, "I just can't wait to get out of here," Dick sighs, "I know! God, my feet are all swollen. God, I'm a disaster. [outside now] And, once again, I smile when I see the chess board [referring to Zach being gone]."
Daniele continues to play with her hair in the Living Room staring silently into space.
Dick gets into the hot tub, "Oh, my leg! There's my leg. [he's relieved] Oh, my back. Oh, my shoulder. Oh, my whiny achy fucking ass! I can't fucking believe it! I fucking did it! Ahhhhhhh..."
Daniele gets her toothbrush out of her bag and gets ready for bed.
Dick continues to talk to himself, "What a day. What a motherfucking day!.. There's a lot of people on the Jury I fucking hate.. Dustin.. Jen.. [mumbles to himself] How is it that I was the most real motherfucker in this place? How does that work?"
Daniele is taking off her make-up in the bathroom, while Dick smokes and spits in the hot tub. He says, "I hoped it was by one question. That way, he [Zach] could agonize over it for years.. Ahhhh, I'm still sore. Ayayayayayayay!"
Daniele takes a bedsheet from Dick's bedroom and puts it on her bed.
1:30am (PST) - Daniele is in bed, but not asleep yet. Dick is still in the hot tub, "Alice in fuckin' Wonderland. Unfuckin'-believable. Perfect team. Perfect team." He laughs, then continues, "Ants. I'm not gonna miss the fuckin' ants around here, that's for sure." He puts his feet up on the side of the hot tub, "Ahhhh, this one hits just the spot. Too bad, baby."
2:15am (PST) - Dick sets the Dining Room table very nicely for tomorrow, saying, "It will make her smile," then goes back outside. He growls and curses at the washing machine, while it beeps back at him. He laughs and goes over, puts the cover on the hot tub, and has a cigarette.
2:30am (PST) - Dick goes back to his bedroom and, on the way back out, sees Daniele sleeping in Amber's old bed. On the way to the bathroom, he says, "She'll sleep really good tonight. I think I'll sleep really good tonight, too. I hope there's no motherfucking wake up call tomorrow, if you're hearing me," then says, "One by one, they walked out the motherfucking door." He takes a shower, standing in the middle of both stalls, with both showerheads pointing at him, "What a year, man.. Pirates.. and Big Brother.. We fucking did it. It's so weird. I can't even believe it. We fucking won! We fucking won!"
2:50am (PST) - Dick gets out of the shower, still laughing to himself, and puts on deodorant, saying, "I need a haircut really bad." He goes back to his bedroom, "Home sweet motherfucking home, bitches."
3:00am (PST) - Dick gets dressed and goes outside to smoke, "Six people.. Six questions.. [laughs] The magic ping pong ball. The Double D alliance! Not gonna miss the cameras... I wonder what kind of firestorm I'm walking into outside of here.. But, who gives a fuck." He laughs at the cameras zooming in and out. [There is a crashing noise that sounds as if someone fell.] Dick keeps asking if they are okay and laughs. He goes to sit at the Dining Room table and shuffles the cards - burps, just being typical Dick - and starts to play Solitaire.
3:30am (PST) - Dick is still playing Solitaire, saying, "I should be exhausted and sleeping," and laughs, "but, I'm not tired. I'll be up for a little while." Big Brother dims the lights and Dick responds, "But thanks for the mood lighting. I do appreciate it." He laughs at some of the camera noises and says, "I suck at Solitaire, but I'm playing anyway.. My body hurts.. I'm not going to miss talking in the walls.. Strange noises in the night.. There are noises everywhere.." The cameras continue to buzz and zoom. Dick laughs and says, "Leave me alone. You don't like that move? [referring to his game] You're very distracting." He laughs again and tells the camera, "Knock it off. You guys are really bored now. You're stuck with me." The cameras nods as if to say yes. Dick says, "Oh, my God. My body is so stiff." The camera buzzes to him and he says, "Yeah. Tell me about it." He laughs again and says, "What am I missing something here? What am I missing?" The camera keeps making whirring noises, apparently trying to help him with his game of Solitaire, telling him yes or no on which cards to play. He realizes what the camera is doing and starts playing with their suggestions. He continues to talk with the guy behind the wall and asks if they'll meet him in the Diary Room - answer was negative. He asks how mad his mom is at him and the camera signals, "Yes." Dick says, "She's going to be mad about that last question about Jameka." He laughs to himself, "And when Daniele has kids and she tells them their grandfather was an asshole, she has proof." He laughs even harder.
3:40am (PST) - Dick continues to talk to himself, "Unbelievable." He cracks his knuckles and chuckles, yawns, and sits quietly. He says, "Daniele wants it to be over so bad. I think we're different that way. We're different in a lot of ways. God, I love my daughter. Always have, always will. If she's talking to me, or if she isn't."
4:00am (PST) - Dick is still talking to himself, "$550,000! We won it all. We won everything. Not just part.. First and second! It doesn't even seem real. Not at all. Seems like another day just with less people here. $550,000. $550,000. Oh, my God!" He goes inside to the bathroom and says, "Don't have to knock on the bathroom door anymore. $550,000, motherfucker. Oh, my God. I fucking need to go to my hair dresser ASAP and stay out of swimming pools." He goes back to his bedroom, laughs to himself, "Ahh man, how am I supposed to sleep? I'm making a sandwich. Oh, my God! $550,000! Who cares who wins.. Like, I'm going to cry if Daniele wins." He laughs, "Okay, I'm making a sandwich." He goes to gather all different types of food from the Food Storage Room. He says he'll make pancakes for breakfast and fish for dinner. He goes to the Kitchen and says, "Ahh, I love you, Daniele... You rule, baby girl." He goes outside and sings, "All your life, you were just waiting for this moment to arrive."
4:15am (PST) - Dick goes back to the Kitchen and says, "My mom is going to be mad!" He laughs, "Oh, my God," and proceeds with making his sandwich and chuckles softly to himself, "How badass was it tonight, when you were inside and you could actually hear people cheering and yelling outside? What a summer! Wow!"
4:20am (PST) - Dick says, "Burn 'em if ya got 'em," as he continues to eat his sandwich and finish his drink.
4:30am (PST) - Dick says, "God, Zach's picture looks so much better black and white.. I wanna picture of that chess board.. I mean it, you guys better hook me up."
4:45am (PST) - Dick goes to the bathroom, blows his nose, and stops to ask the mirror what happened to his hair. He goes outside with the trash from the bathroom, finishes some laundry and says, "Dare I say it's cold out there?.. Not tonight. I'd just as soon forget.. I lost my drink.. [he searches the house] Fuck it.." He turns on the lights in his bedroom, then back off again, and tries to go back to bed.
5:15am (PST) - Both (!!) Houseguests are sleeping.
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