Result of Part 2 of Final HOH Competition: Dick
11:00am (PST) - All Houseguests are still sleeping.
11:30am (PST) - Dick gets up and starts moving around. He gets himself something to eat, then goes back to his bedroom to play cards.
12:40pm (PST) - Zach is up and taking a shower. Both he and Dick keep looking at their hand, that was holding the key during the competition. Their hands seem to be sore.
12:45pm (PST) - Dick plays cards alone in his bedroom and talks to Big Brother, complaining about the noise they're making.
1:00pm (PST) - Zach gets out of the shower and puts the same clothes, he was wearing before, back on. Zach goes to the Kitchen to get a drink. Daniele is still sleeping.
2:15pm (PST) - Daniele is up and moving around now. Zach is in the little bedroom getting dressed and organizing his things. Dick is sitting in the bathroom on the couch, while Daniele brushes her teeth and gets herself together. They rehash the season - nothing too major being discussed. Dick says, "My finger is so swollen. My eye is infected. My legs hurt really bad. My shoulders hurt. Oh, and by the way, my right shoulder is trashed." Daniele responds, "Well, you better see a doctor when you get out of here." Dick tells her, "I was trying to play solitaire about an hour ago." Daniele comments, "You are definitely ready for today." Dick agrees, "A handful of Excedrin, lather up with Ben-Gay, and yeah, I'm ready... You know what pisses me off? That magic blue ball. Why didn't they make the call at the time? There's so much that plays into that - change of fate. Oh, it would have went this way, because it builds his confidence." Daniele adds, "Also, you know his stupid comment, as much as I want to use it [the POV last Thursday], imagine if he did use it?" Dick responds, "I know." Daniele goes on, "I was thinking about that last night.. That would have really..." Dick interupts, "I seriously would be pissed and walking out right now." Big Brother announces, "Attention Houseguests, there are fresh batteries in the storage room." Dick asks, "Do you know how many deals have been made, especially by us?" Daniele agrees, "That's true." Dick asks, "Are you fuckin' kidding me? So, are you telling me if you had went up, there's no way in hell we wouldn't have made the last second deal with Eric.. You know what I mean?" Daniele answers, "Yeah, that's really true.. because we are last-minute dealers." Dick says, "That's the way it's all played out." Daniele goes to the Food Storage Room to get new batteries.
Dick says to himself, "You can't tell me what was going to happen.. That's bullshit.. Why the fuck do we even play the game?.. or bother to vote? Camera, why do we bother to vote, if they know everything?" Daniele comes back and asks, "Why don't you talk to Rich then?" Dick responds, "There's nothing they are going to do. The shows over." Daniele asks, "Should I bother taking a shower or no? Every time I take a shower before a competition, I get squirted with warm worms, a cup in the back, in the spine, that hurt sooo bad.. It really hurt me - it wasn't the worms - it was the plastic cup on my spine. It hit me in the back."
Zach comes in to use the bathroom. Daniele says to Zach, "Morning.. We were woken up by Saved by the Bell and Welcome Back Kotter." Dick says, "They are shows about school. And Glory Days was about a pitcher being back in school." Daniele responds, "Great. We've already had a school HOH." Dick asks, "Which one was that?" Daniele replies, "Getting Schooled, or something like that. It was just one of like.. Umm.. Whatever you call it.. Where we sat at the desks - the A or B block." Dick asks, "Was that the one I won?" Daniele answers, "Actually, I think it was.. Maybe it will be set up like a classroom, a puzzle or something." Zach says, "Maybe one of you will get to win a car today. That would be pretty cool," then he leaves the bathroom. Daniele tells Dick, "I was telling him about my pet rats.. I was really bored." Dick asks, "You had pet rats?" Daniele replies, "Well, I used to. They ate each other. Do you want to hear the story?" Dick says, "I don't know." Daniele goes on, "It's short. Their names were SL and Randy Rock Pete. SL is for Suburban Legend. Actually, your momma got them for me. They were both males. Then Randy Rock Pete started getting fat. Then you could see little faces swimming around in his stomach. It was so cute. So, she has about nine babies and then SL starts eating all the babies 'cause I guess that's what the fathers do because they get territorial.. and it stinks really bad, so I had to give SL back.. and had to wait until the babies were older. So, I had ten rats in a tiny little cage, stinking up my room and I had to give all the rats back. Isn't that sickening? It was absolutely sick and disturbing. I don't remember who cleaned that up. I know it wasn't me! Ugh!" Then, they start to talk about Part 2 of the HOH, both saying they aren't nervous since it's just the two of them. Dick says, "Play your hardest and fastest."
2:30pm (PST) - Zach gets called to the Diary Room and Daniele says she hopes he isn't hosting the competition because she doesn't want him to be allowed to watch. Daniele says she heard the wrap party is being held at the Big Brother house, but she doesn't know if they were lying to her or not. She doesn't want it to be there because she wants to go somewhere else after spending so much time in the house. Dick would prefer it to be in the house with lots of security and Daniele questions, "Really?" and he responds, "Yes." Daniele says Zach has been kissing butt all day and she doesn't know why. Dick says, "That's how he's played the whole time." She says, "Like one of us is going to pick him or something," and laughs. Dick adds, "He's lobbying for votes." Daniele is now in a hurry to put on her make-up, as she thinks the competition will be sooner than she thought, since Zach is in the Diary Room.
2:40pm (PST) - Daniele is in the bathroom braiding her hair and Dick is sitting at the Breakfast Bar eating a sandwich. Daniele finishes the one side and starts braiding the other side.
2:55pm (PST) - Dick finishes eating and goes to the bathroom to talk to Daniele as she continues braiding. He asks why she's doing that and she says she didn't want to wash it and this will keep it out of her way. Daniele complains about the camera following her and she makes a face at it. Dick compares her to Carol, who complained the whole time she was on the block. Daniele didn't remember that, then jokingly asks, "Who's Carol?" Daniele is done with her hair and starts to shave her arm pits. She says, "Today could be short or long, depending on what happens, but the Finale still won't be tomorrow, 'cause I was told." They talk about James and Arthur and she says she'll ask James tonight.. [cut] Daniele says she doesn't know what to wear and goes to her bedroom. Dick stays on the couch in the bathroom - he's really hurting. Daniele goes to the Kitchen to get something to eat.
3:00pm (PST) - Dick comes out of the bathroom and goes to talk to Daniele as she eats at the Dining Room table. He says they don't want to call him to the Diary Room, unless they want to talk about the blue ball. She says he looks pretty bad, like he has had a rough summer. They talk about Daniele falling off the pedestal and how Dick almost tripled her time. She says, "I just sat there. I couldn't do anything. It sucked. It just sucked. I felt so useless." They think there will be a car in this competition since they did last year during All-Stars. She says she'll be mad if they don't have one and they laugh that it will be a bicycle. Dick says, "Maybe a smart car," then they discuss the small cars in the Amazing Race. Daniele offers Dick Zach's food. She says, "He's in the Diary Room, so go ahead." Dick defiantly says, "I have my own food. I don't need to eat Zach's." Daniele talks about places she wants to visit, like Paris and Hong Kong. They are playing War with the cards at the Dining Room table. Daniele talks about Disney World and how they went somewhere in Magic Kingdom, near Aladdin's Castle. She says it was $7 for an egg roll on a stick. Dick thought the place was somewhere else in Disney World, then when she goes into detail he remembers. Daniele hiccups and Dick imitates her. Daniele says she told James [from the Diary Room] he has to quit smoking, so he can afford their relationship. Daniele says that Big Brother ought to pay for massage therapy after all of this. They continue to play cards and Dick makes remarks when it doesn't go his way. They seem to be having a good time.
4:50pm (PST) - Zach is sitting on his bed, doing nothing in particular.
5:20pm (PST) - Daniele is sitting on the couch and Zach is still sitting on his bed. There is no sign of Dick. Daniele starts to walk around and runs into Zach. He asks her if she's getting pumped up for the competition and she tells him she isn't. Zack points out, “You may win a car!” She explains it isn’t about the car and that it's too stressful and heads back to the couch.
8:30pm (PST) - Dick wins Part 2 of the HOH Competition. Daniele is disappointed in herself. Dick tells her that he'll win the next one for her and they'll be the Final Two and that's it always been about them making it to the Final Two.
8:40pm (PST) - Dick is still comforting Daniele in her room. He says he can beat Zach with questions. Daniele says the questions will be about the people in the Jury. He says he's spent a lot of time with everyone on the the Jury, more so than Zach. He keeps telling her to have faith in him. Daniele asks if the questions are personal stuff and he answers, "Sometimes." She asks if he knows personal things about them and he says, "Yes." He doesn't think Zach knows more personal stuff than he does. Dick says Zach's going to be guessing at most of those questions. He says he should get more than he does. As Dick leaves to get something for his headache, he tells Daniele he should have taken some Excedrin before the competition. Zach comes in to the little bedroom, as Dick is leaving. Zach gets a change of clothes and takes off his socks and shoes. Daniele and Zach don't speak to each other. Big Brother calls Dick to the Diary Room. Zach leaves to go take a shower and Daniele goes to the bathroom to get something. Zach asks Daniele about the competition and she tells him that it was like a tract with three pieces and the faces were on the wall.. [cut]
8:50pm (PST) - Daniele is using the nail polish remover and doing her nails. Zach is still in the shower and Dick is still in the Diary Room.
9:00pm (PST) - Zach finishes in the shower and goes back to lay on his bed. Daniele is in the Kitchen.
9:10pm (PST) - Daniele is still sitting in the Kitchen alone. Zach is still on his bed alone. Dick is still in the Diary Room.
10:10pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are packing and chatting. Zach is still on his bed.
10:30pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele stop packing for a while. They play a game that they call "Which former Houseguest," while Dick cooks dinner. Daniele asks Dick, "Which former Houseguest, other than Jen and Jessica, wore tanning lotion?" Dick guesses incorrectly and Daniele tells him that the correct answer was Mike. Daniele asks, "Which Houseguest has the smallest wiener?" and Dick says, "Zach." Daniele asks, "Which former Houseguest walked like a duck, besides Amber?" The answer is Carol. Daniele asks, "Which former Houseguest tanned with his pubic hair hanging out?" The answer is Joe. Daniele asks, "Which former Houseguest hated wearing costumes?" The answer is Kail. Daniele asks, "Which former Houseguest could be found in Zach’s bed?" The answer is Carol.
10:40pm (PST) - Daniele asks Dick more questions. "What former Houseguest made hamburgers with egg and BBQ sauce in the meat?" The answer is Jameka. Daniele tells Dick when he answers these questions, he needs to go with his instincts and his first answer. Of course, Dick has missed two in a row going with his instincts. He laughs and says, "Go with your instincts."
10:45pm (PST) - Dick talks about Dustin, saying, "He's like no gay guy I ever met.. because of his bad fashion and hygiene. He wouldn't take a shower for a week and would work out and lay on the furniture with his sweaty body." Daniele and Dick are kind of reviewing the season in form of questions. Dick says they took awhile to clean the HOH set and says to Daniele, "I can't believe they didn't let you have one string of pearls!" Big Brother told them, "All props had to be accounted for," and Daniele tells him, "That treasure chest looked really heavy."
11:05pm (PST) - Daniele goes to the bedroom and says, "This house.. These people.. This game.." Zach gets up and goes to the Kitchen, where Dick and Daniele are, and gets something to eat. They start asking "Which Houseguest" questions again and Zach joins in.
11:25pm (PST) - Zach goes to bed, while Dick and Daniele continue to chat and cook in the Kitchen. Daniele talks about people in the Diary Room, so the scene keeps cutting out.
12:00am (PST) - Zach is still in his bed sleeping. Daniele helps Dick with Houseguest facts because they think that’s what the competition will be about. Later, Dick wonders if the competition really will be about all the information they have been studying. They play cards, do laundry, fold clothes, and pack their stuff. They talk about the summer. Dick wonders why there weren’t as many prizes this year, like a car. Dick tells Daniele, "If there's a cash prize, you will probably win it, because you're America’s sweetheart." Daniele disagrees, saying, “No way!” She doesn’t think winning competitions means she will be viewed that way.
1:15am (PST) - Dick tells Daniele, "Zach sat alone.. eating dinner all alone for a month. He doesn't know anything about anyone." They talk about the reason Amber chose Kail to be handcuffed to. It was Kail's Anniversary and Jameka told her to. Dick thinks it was Kail that told her to do it. Amber didn't handcuff herself to Dustin because of using the bathroom. They talk about all the POV Competitions, "Who in the Jury did not win any Vetos?" It was Dustin and Jessica. They talk about what Eric is deathly allergic to - clams and peanuts. Dick says they'll never get to any of these things they're talking about. He says tomorrow is going to be a blowout and that he's not being over-confident. He says he's going to take his time.
2:00am (PST) - The washing machine beeps and they go inside to fold clothes. Daniele tells Dick for the hundreth time that she doesn't feel good. Dick goes back outside and curses at the washing machine. Daniele continues to fold clothes in the bedroom (with the tall beds) in the dark. Dick starts to sing to himself outside, "I'mmmmmmm gonna kick your ass! [then talking] This competition.. Zach has no fucking chance! I'm gonna do it this time. I'm gonna do it. You're going home, motherfucker. Just because you kiss people's asses doesn't mean that you fucking know them or anything about them."
2:10am (PST) - Dick is back inside talking to Daniele again. They rehash competitions again. They also joke about how Kail referred to the house as "Animal House" and more talk about the wrap party. Dick thinks that even the viewers who hate him are probably rooting for him because they like Daniele.
3:00am (PST) - Dick goes back outside to smoke again, then to the Kitchen for a bowl of ice cream. Daniele joins him and they discuss how hard the underwater competition was.
5:00am (PST) - Dick and Daniele are still playing cards. The conversation is small talk and bashing past Houseguests.
5:30am (PST) - Dick goes outside to smoke, while Daniele goes to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
5:45am (PST) - Dick says, "Have a good night," and Daniele reciprocates, "You, too." They hug and kiss each other and go to their rooms. Daniele says, "Don't stress about tomorrow," and Dick replies, "I won't. Goodnight, honey." Daniele goes to bed and Dick folds clothes.
6:00am (PST) - Daniele gets out of bed and goes into Dick's room to ask him several more questions about past Houseguests and some more small talk, then returns to bed.
6:30am (PST) - All Houseguests are sleeping.
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