Result of the 11th POV Ceremony: Daniele DID use the POV to save Dick; Jameka was put up in his place.
Result of the 11th Live Eviction: Jameka
Result of Part 1 of Final HOH Competition: Zach
10:00am (PST) - They're sleeping - not very soundly, but they're sleeping.
10:50am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Good morning, houseguests. It's time to get up for the day." It is so boring in the house, the cameraman that's supposed to cut the feed, either forgot or fell asleep.
11:40am (PST) - Big Brother calls for an HOH lockdown. Zach and Jameka sit around, while Dick and Daniele are trying to sleep.
12:30pm (PST) - They are still on HOH lockdown - Dick and Daniele are sleeping, while Zach and Jameka are quietly chatting.
1:30pm (PST) - The HOH lockdown is over. Dick and Daniele go back to their own beds, Jameka goes to the bathroom downstairs, and Zach starts packing up his stuff to take back downstairs.
2:00pm (PST) - Dick gets up and takes a shower. Zach finishes moving his stuff back downstairs. Daniele is trying to find something to wear.
3:00pm (PST) - Dick is having something to eat, Daniele is complaining nonstop, and Zach tries to find a friend but doesn't seem to have located one. Dick seems to be gearing himself up to go off on Zach - He keeps making comments and staring at him. Jameka is in the bathroom doing her hair. Zach comes in to join her and asks her if she's sad. Jameka responds, “Whatever. I'm just ready to go." Zach thanks her for her support and says it's going to be lonely when she's gone. Jameka tells him, "Just think back to the hotel and you'll be fine."
4:20pm (PST) - Jameka is in her room packing her stuff. Dick tells her if she needs any help, she only has to ask. Jameka tells him, "I got it. I'm okay." Dick leaves and when he sees Zach, he goes off in true Dick fashion. Dick calls Zach a "racist piece of shit" and says something about trying to get votes and "kissing ass." Zach goes to the Diary Room and Daniele tells Dick to calm down. When Zach comes back out, Dick goes off again telling Zach he's going to make him cry on the live show. (Even people who are not Zach fans would have a hard time watching this.)
7:35pm (PST) - When the feeds come back, Zach, Dick, and Daniele are still holding onto their keys.
8:30pm (PST) - Nothing has changed and there is very little conversation. Daniele sounds like she's in pain, maybe crying a little bit. Dick looks okay, and Zach seems to be in the best shape of the three. Daniele bounces up and down in between jumps. The camera gets a good close-up of her feet and she's barely jumping over the stick. She keeps shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. She seems to be really stressed out. Dick still seems to be doing really well. Zach is still keeping up with his strategy - he steps back to the edge then jumps forward. Daniele keeps biting her nails and skips over the stick, while Dick and Zack are actually hopping over it.
8:45pm (PST) - The scene is cut for a short time and when feeds come back it looks like they were sprayed with mud. Daniele mouths to Dick to rip into Zach. That's all Dick needed - it was like a high-voltage switch was thrown. Dick goes off on a tirade, calling Zach a panty muncher in a bunny suit. Dick says Zach is an inspiration to everyone who's a sex offender, panty munchers, and people who want to own midgets. He asks, "How are you going to explain that to America.. saying you'd like to own one of those?" Dick goes on, "What about those panties in your bed, baby.. Come on, Zach. Come on, motherfucker. You got something to say. I know you do. They saw the tapes, brother. They saw the tapes and everyone is talking about you.. from week two.. You've inspired thousands of panty muching bunnies around the world. What? Nothing to say about yourself? Remember when you told Jessica when you were in the bunny suit, 'Look I have a hard on. You want to see it?' Why would you say that to her? Why would you say 'Thanks Eric. That was white of you?' What did you say to Jameka? Sweets, this is dedicated to you.. How many times did you munch her panties?" [cut] Dick continues, "You rule, motherfucker. Come on! Say it! Who's panties did you get caught with in your bed? Was it Carol's? Come on, panty muncher. [Rain starts again] Come panty munchers unite.. Come on, Zach! Say something, motherfucker. Oowwwwwww.. Everybody and their dog.. Everyone in America can hear me. They have the tapes. Ain't no escaping what you said. Even your buddy Nick called you a panty muncher. Yes, he was. Why the racist comments, Zach? What was it you said about the music.. Jameka's music.. Come on, sweets.. This is your boy right here. See how obsessed he is with you right now, sweets."
9:20pm (PST) - Zach still has on his baseball cap, keeping the rain out of his face. He remains steadfast and calm, while Dick never lets up with his barrage of insults. When you see this on CBS, it will have to be silent - Dick's vocabulary will never make to prime-time. Daniele is starting to shake really really badly. The rain stopped for a second, but it's back on again, raining even harder and the bar is moving faster. Dick just keeps shouting and screaming at Zach, but Zach remains calm and doesn't seem the least bit rattled by Dick.
9:40pm (PST) - Daniele trips on the bar and fell off her pedestal. She's shivering and crying and Dick tells her not to worry. She bundles herself up with towels and runs inside for a hot shower, shivering and crying the whole way.
9:45pm (PST) - Dick still hasn't let up on Zach at all and Zach starts to respond to Dick by laughing at him. Dick asks what his girlfriend will say when she hears all the perverted things he's said while in the house. Zach laughs some more and calls Dick, "A worthless piece of shit."
9:55pm (PST) - Big Brother figures out there is a problem with the moving bar with the bunny on it. A producer's voice is heard, "Hey, Jonah. This is Mike. We have a problem." Dick asks one of the producers if they're going to warn them before they start the rabbit again. There was a voice in the background saying they were working on a problem.. [cut]
10:05pm (PST) - The feeds come back and Dick is still bashing Zach. Daniele goes out to the backyard and Dick yells to her, "Hey, Daniele. You killed the rabbit." A little while later a producer says, "Hey, Daniele. Could you go over..." [cut] She was asked to stand by the door, so they could use that shot for Showtime, while they make some repairs. A little later, Daniele goes to the Kitchen to make coffee.
10:30am (PST) - In the backyard, Dick complains that he needs to pee and he's not getting down. He tells the producers, "This would be a good time to turn the rain back on," and Big Brother obliges him. Dick does some jogging on the pedestal while the rain pours down on him and he thanks the producers. [He obviously peed in his pants.] Dick continues to taunt Zach and now Zach is yelling back. Big Brother says, "Hey guys.." [cut]
11:05pm (PST) - Dick and Zach are still in the backyard and neither one has moved. For the moment, it's quiet except for the rain and the sound of Dick's feet splashing away on the pedestal as he marches in place. Zach is also doing a little hop-step on his pedestal. The mechanical bunny still isn't running.
11:15pm (PST) - Dick is hanging on to his key, shivering. Zach is still walking in place and seems to be doing better than Dick. Daniele tells Dick he's doing a good job. Dick looks like he's ready to quit - there's no more taunting - all is quiet. Daniele says, "You're doing great. Remember, when one of us can't come through, the other one does. You're doing great." Zach actually has a look of confidence as he walks in place. It looks like the hours Zach spent on the treadmill didn't go to waste.
11:40pm (PST) - The rain has stopped and it's very quiet. Dick keeps looking over at Zach and Zach keeps looking over at Dick. It's so oblivious that they're wondering how much more the other can take. After just a five minute break, the rain starts again.
12:05am (PST) - Daniele tells Dick he's been up there for over five hours.
12:40am (PST) - Daniele tells them they've been there six hours.
1:00am (PST) - Daniele is wrapped in a blanket and comes outside to ask Dick if he's okay. Dick says, "Yeah." Both Dick and Zach are quiet and focused.
1:45am (PST) - Dick flexes his fingers and tries relieve the strain. The breaks in the rain seem to last five minutes or less. As the rain starts coming down again, Dick's arm begins to shake a bit. Zach looks over at Dick from his pedestal and it almost looks like Zach's grinning.
2:15am (PST) - Dick is mouthing some kind of message to Daniele. Dick is saying that he doesn't want to hang there anymore. Daniele asks if he's quitting and Dick shakes her off, "No." She says, "Good. Hang on. Stay there. You're doing so good." Dick responds, "Thank you," and Daniele tells him about Zach, "I've seen him almost slip. He's in pain too, but he doesn't have anyone there for him and nobody cares."
2:20am (PST) - Dick is looking ready to quit now. Daniele tells him, "Whatever happens, happens." With that, Dick let's go of the key and Zach wins Part 1 of the Final HOH Competition. Zach, gracious in victory, goes over and tells Dick he was incredible. Daniele brings Dick and Zach a stack of towels. She helps Dick get wrapped in the towels and Zach goes inside.
2:30am (PST) - Dick lights a cigarette and his hands are shaking. Daniele comes out with a mug of hot coffee, "Put that out and come inside and get warm. I'm not even kidding." Dick asks the producer, "Hey Mike, I know you're anxious to break this down, but would it be alright if I go inside and get warm, then come back out for a smoke?" Big Brother [Mike] responds, "Take all the time you need, buddy." Inside, Daniele tries to comfort her despondent father. She assures him that they'll take him in Part 3. Daniele is in the Kitchen making chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for all of them. Dick says they keep telling him to drink water to help warm up. Daniele serves Zach his soup and sandwich on the couch in the Living Room and tells Dick to sit down at the Dining Room table and serves him his. When Dick is done, he goes outside to smoke and for a few Zach is just sitting on the floor in front of his empty dishes kind of just zoning out looking everywhere at nothing. Then, he finally gets up, taking his dishes to the sink to wash, and Daniele says, "Zach, just leave them. I will get it." Zach tells Daniele that Dick surprised him by doing so well for eight hours at his age, "I kept looking at him to see how he was staying warm 'cause I was having a hard time. He deserves a star. He's a trooper and should be up against four star generals. What Dick said in the beginning, though, really hurt me." Daniele kind of shakes her head, gets up, and goes out side to put their shoes in the dryer and talk to Dick. They mention that today's Part 2 of the HOH Competition has the car to win and if neither of them win it, it will go to Zach automatically. Neither of them are too worried about that, knowing they can beat Zach in Part 3 with the questions and answers. Dick mentions, "I hope can do this next competition in a wheel chair." Zach goes intot he Diary Room. Dick and Daniele go inside and sit on the Dining Room floor and talk.
3:20am (PST) - Out on the patio, Daniele tells Dick that Zach was acting all and Dick says, "He could barely stand up." Daniele says, "I'm sorry, but that was not my type of competition, but tomorrow is. You did soooo good. I'm serious. Soooo good." Dick says, "We should have kept Amber."
4:00am (PST) - Daniele is washing dishes in the Kitchen. Zach is trying to sleep and Dick is in the Diary Room. Daniele hears a mysterious knocking sound.
4:25am (PST) - Dick comes out of the Diary Room and talks to Daniele about the rain in the competition and how torturous it was. They both say the water was freezing cold. A few minutes later, Daniele goes to bed and leaves Dick sitting alone with his feet propped up on the table. With great effort, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. He comes out, washes his hands, goes to his bedroom, takes off his robe, makes his bed, takes off his microphone, turns off the light, and crashes. Except for the occasional moan from Dick, the house is quiet.
4:45am (PST) - All Houseguests are sleeping.
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