7:00am (PST) - Dick's not happy about being up at 7am and is having breakfast. When he finishes, he goes out to the backyard to burp, fart, spit, and smoke.
7:25am (PST) - Dick goes back inside saying, "Boo fucking hoo," and makes a comment about how much he'd like Jameka to leave. He goes to the bathroom, washes his hands, flosses his teeth. He tries to get into the Food Storage Room again [to throw a trash bag away], but they don't open the door, so he goes into his bedroom, straightens his sheets and blanket, and gets back into bed.
7:45am (PST) - Daniele gets up and starts moving around and Dick soon follows. She makes herself something for breakfast and they go to the backyard. They talk about the last HOH Competition. She explains how hard it was for her and Eric because they have short legs. Dick says he really wants to win this HOH coming up and that if one of them don't, there's a good possibility one of them will be going home next. Lot’s of speculation on what the next competition will be. Everyone else is still sleeping.
8:55am (PST) - Dick and Daniele talk about still being in the house. Dick is surprised they've made it this far. They discuss what angle to approach Jameka with, if she doesn't want to be voted out this week. Then they talk about how there hasn’t been a double eviction and Daniele says, “Last week was the last week they could have done it.” They talk about Jameka being pissed and throwing stuff around in the bedroom. Talk moves to houseguests' Diary Room sessions and how others have been saying their Diary Room sessions have been nice toward other people. Dick laughs and says, "They're full of shit! I've been ripping into people."
9:05am (PST) - Daniele tells Dick about Jessica feeling so safe, even being on the block. She says the only time she felt safe, was when Dick or herself was HOH. Dick thinks Eric will be a mess on Thursday, but Daniele thinks he’ll be pissed. They continue to bash other houseguests.
9:40am (PST) - Daniele goes to the Workout Room, while Dick stays outside. The other houseguests are still sleeping.
10:50am (PST) - Daniele goes outside to tan. The other houseguests are still sleeping.
11:20am (PST) - Daniele and Zach are in the backyard, tanning. Jessica goes to the bathroom to pluck her eyebrows. Big Brother announces, "Houseguests.. Did you know that there are 116 camera windows in the house?" Daniele tells Zach she didn't know that. Jessica [still in the bathroom] says, "I didn't. But I bet Jen did." Everyone else is still sleeping.
11:50am (PST) - Zach decides to clean the grill. Jessica and Jameka are making their beds. Jessica starts to give a pair of pants back to Jameka [that she borrowed] and Jameka tells Jessica she can keep them. Jessica responds, "Okay. Won't say no to that!"
12:00pm (PST) - Big Brother calls for an indoor lockdown. Daniele yells, "ARE YOU KIDDING?" Once inside, Zach and Daniele go to the kitchen. Zach jokes, “There's a line in the sand..” Daniele jokes back, “And you're on the wrong side.” Daniele explains she was “that girl” in high school that everyone told all the gossip to. Daniele and Zach sit in silence. Jessica and Jameka are folding clothes.
1:00pm (PST) - The indoor lockdown is over and Daniele goes back outside to tan. Jessica goes to the Dining Room table and paints a rat with the body paint. Jameka is eating breakfast. She says to Jessica, "At this point, Thursday can't come quick enough. Come what may." Jessica answers, "Ain’t that the truth."
2:00pm (PST) - Eric, Dick, Jameka, and Jessica are chatting in the Living Room. Eric talks about what would happen in the game if someone accidentally died during the show. Would the competition still go on if they were in the middle of the competition? Would they still have an eviction that week? What if one of the other houseguests had accidentally contributed to the other's death.. would this be held against them? They don't think it would, if it was an accident. Eric discusses a situation in the Ultimate Fighting Champion, where they rigged the stairs, so that one of the candidates would fall and get eliminated. He cites that as one of the most appalling moments in reality TV, that he's ever seen. They're really bored and wonder what they could ask Big Brother for, that they'd actually give them. Dick mentions again that they've been given cards every year, "Please can we have a Poker night?" They start bashing Zach again because he was responsible for their wakeup music this morning. Eric complains he's only had two of his songs played the whole time - one was on the day of his impending eviction, and while he loves the song, he didn't find "Another One Bites the Dust" funny or comforting that day! Jessica and Eric start to whisper at an inaudible level. She looks kind of bummed and Eric leans in really intent looking.
2:35pm (PST) - Zach comes in, so the conversation changes. Eric complains about how bored he is and how they REALLY need something to do. Jessica goes to look for something to eat and finds Mac n' Cheese. They talk about how they want to take all the mattresses from all the bedrooms and put them below the HOH balcony, so they can jump off the balcony. Jessica pretends not to listen [she knows Big Brother will yell at them if they try]. Zach offers to play chess with Eric, but he says, "No," he's looking for the next big thing to sweep America. Eric leaves, so Zach sits at the Dining Room table, watching Jessica make food.
2:45pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica sit at the Dining Room table. Eric ponders the purpose and function of the uncircumcised penis. This is a matter he's explored on the internet, but a concept he's been unable to grasp.
3:30pm (PST) - Eric kneels at Jessica's bedside. As the houseguests are called to the Diary Room to record their goodbye messages, Jessica gets nervous that she might be hearing their messages on Thursday. Eric says his message includes, "And you better not be hearing this." They whisper very quietly, then Eric says he's going to brush his teeth.
3:50pm (PST) - Eric goes to Daniele and asks if Jessica's leaving. He says there's nothing he can do about it if she is going, he's not asking on a game level, just a personal level, "Is she going home this week?" Daniele assures him Jessica's staying and there's no need to worry. Eric says, "Oh, good. 'Cause if she was going, I'd just like to enjoy the time we have left in the house together." Eric asks that she not mention this conversation to Jessica, as she'd be mad that he talked to her about this. Daniele tells Eric about Jameka coming up to her last night right when Daniele was getting ready to go bed. She says Jameka asked Daniele if she had anything to say to her. Daniele says, "It was really strange. A weird situation. It was very uncomfortable." Eric asks if she tried to campaign against Jessica and Daniele responds, "No. Not really." Eric says he feels he's taking the brunt from Jameka about Amber leaving and that Jameka has pretty much figured out that he has an alliance with Dick and Daniele. Daniele tells him some of the things that Jameka said last night, like she thinks she's more deserving than anybody else. Daniele says she was just thinking like "Whaaaaaaaaaat? Are you kidding me? Why would she be MORE deserving than anybody else?"
4:45pm (PST) - Daniele and Zach are in the Kitchen, eating. Jessica is sleeping. Daniele gets called to the Diary Room and Zach goes up to the HOH room. Eric joins Jameka in the Kitchen and asks if she talked to anyone about their vote. She says, "No." Eric says, "At this point, probably everyone has their thoughts of what they want and they won't be changing them."
5:00pm (PST) - Daniele goes to wake Dick up and tell him about the conversation she had with Eric earlier. She feels really bad that she had to lie, but she hopes they understand strategically it had to happen this way. Dick tells her not to feel bad. Daniele says Eric was shaking with nervousness. She wants Dick to agree and tell him it was a last minute decision.
5:55pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica are in bed, talking about the conversation Eric had with Daniele earlier about wanting to make sure Jessica wasn't going home, so the next few days would be enjoyable for them.
6:10pm (PST) - Jessica and Eric are still playing around. Daniele gets herself some ice cream. Dick is having another heart to heart with Jameka about how sorry he is that she's leaving. Dick goes inside and Jameka spends some time alone outside deep in thought. Zach and Dick are watching a huge spider in the backyard and commenting on it's web-making skills.
7:10pm (PST) - Daniele talks about her Diary Room session. Who is the biggest complainer? Daniele says, "Eric is," and Dick disagrees, saying its Daniele because she whines about being so bored. Big Brother reprimands Daniele for continuing to talk about her Diary Room session.
7:15pm (PST) - Dick, Daniele, and Zach are in the backyard playing Frisbee. Zach asks Daniele if there is anyone she wants him to say hi to [on his HOH blog], "Kris or Nick?" She gets offended and Dick tells Zach, "Write this in your blog - Janelle, 1-5-3 from Dick." Daniele says, "You're stupid.. I'm done," and goes inside. Dick asks Zach where Daniele went. He says, "She went inside. She was mad." Dick can't believe she's mad about him saying that.
7:20pm (PST) - Eric, Zach, and Daniele are sitting at the Breakfast Bar. Dick goes back outside. Jessica is in the Diary Room. Daniele asks where Jameka is and Eric says, "Maybe FSA [Fake Sleeping Alliance]." [The scene cuts for ten minutes.]
Zach and Dick are in the hot tub, with Daniele sitting by them. Daniele asks Dick if he really thinks she complains more than anyone in the house. He feels that since they have a relationship, she's more likely to give him all of her complaints [more than to the other houseguests]. She interrupts by saying she disagrees and he says, "You asked me a question and you don't like the answer. So, we should stop talking about it, because you're not happy." She says she's not mad, she just thinks that there are others in the house that complain more than her. Dick and Zach talk about how humid it is and how the weather is much better tonight. Dick says, "I can tell there's a hurricane close by," then says something about Mexico getting some of it right now. (He's pretty good with his predictions of weather - There is a tropical/hurricane storm on the West Coast right now.)
Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are sitting at the Dining Room table, playing Quarters [without alcohol].
8:30pm (PST) - Dick gets out of the hot tub and goes to sit [in his spot] on the patio to smoke. Daniele pretends to cough and choke, making him go back to the hot tub to smoke, because she's in his spot and she was there first.
8:40pm (PST) - After their brief tiff, Dick and Daniele are talking again. Dick tells her what a great team they've been in the house and how this has been a wonderful experience for him and it's even better since she's there with him. He continues to compliment her on how great she's done in the competitions and talks about how he's worked people. Daniele changes the subject and they talk about who they would bring back in the house. She would bring back Nick and Dick says that wouldn't be a good thing because they would be back in the bedroom and wouldn't talk to anyone else in the house. She gets a bit defensive, then jokes about how she would bring back Kail for Dick, since she heard Kail divorced her husband to be with Dick. Dick says, "Forget that. Bring back Janelle for me." They talk about how much longer they have to go and how many people they have to get out of their way to win the money.
8:45pm (PST) - Dick plays around in the pool. He sings underwater and comes up coughing and choking. He says, "That wasn't a good idea." Jessica goes outside to get her laundry and Dick asks if they have any beer yet.
9:00pm (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, please go to the Storage Room." They got white wine and Heineken beer.
9:30pm (PST) - Daniele, Dick, and Zach are in the Kitchen chatting, while Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are outside chatting.
9:50pm (PST) - Zach and Daniele talk about Zach's blog that he has to do tomorrow. Zach tries to calculate today's date.
Jessica, Dick, and Jameka are outside talking about some of the competitions they've had this season. Eric is changing his clothes.
10:00pm (PST) - Everyone is sitting outside now, chatting about various things. Daniele gets up and goes to the Kitchen. Dick follows and Daniele tells him about what happens when she walks into a room where Jameka is - Jamake stops talking and there's just silence, then Jameka gets a pouty look on her face. Daniele has come to the conclusion that Jameka cannot stand Daniele and asks, "What did I do?" Zach comes in and Daniele says to him, "They hate us, don't they?" She says Jameka makes her uncomfortable. They talk about Jen and Dick asks them to change the subject.
11:00pm (PST) - Jessica and Jameka are outside talking about "if Jameka is evicted." Jameka tells Jessica that Dick and Daniele will lie and they won't know until the last few minutes. Jessica is annoyed by the way Dick acts, like it’s all up to him who stays and who goes. Jameka tells Jessica she'll pull for Jessica in the Jury House, if she makes it to the Final Two. She thinks the deciding vote will go to Jen. Jessica thinks Jameka could still be in the house on Thursday night. Jameka hopes Eric wins the next HOH or, if Jessica's still in the house, she must win. Jameka also tells Jessica she can’t and won’t make any deals with Dick.
Daniele and Eric talk about past houseguests. Daniele thinks they evicted all the "smart" houseguests. Eric insults Dustin saying, "He's an asshole.” Daniele tells him, "Jameka gets so upset when anyone makes fun of Amber in front of her." They talk about how they dread the Jury House and spending time with those people. Daniele talks about Dustin, "I really despised him," and Eric says he's certain Dustin was the "biggest bitch asshole" in his Diary Room sessions.
11:50pm (PST) - Dick and Jessica have a quick talk. Dick asks how Jameka is doing and says, “I can't believe she asked where Eric's vote was going.” [Jameka had asked Jessica earlier if Eric was voting to keep Jameka.] Jessica tells Dick that Jameka doesn’t want to go home.
12:10am (PST) - Dick and Daniele are talking in the bathroom. He talks to her about going to bed, but says he'll probably stay up for a while. They talk about Zach being depressed because he'll have to give up the HOH room. They agree it's going to make him crazy because he won't be able to sleep late anymore.
Eric and Jameka are in the backyard folding Eric's clothes. Jameka can't believe he's so petite because he wears a "boy's small." They continue to fold clothes.
12:20am (PST) - Dick and Daniele are still in the bathroom talking. They are threatening Big Brother to call them to the Diary Room now, before they go to sleep. Daniele tells Dick that Big Brother told her there will be Diary Room sessions tonight, but she ends up going to bed anyway.
In the backyard, Eric and Jameka are still folding clothes. Jameka bashes Dick about being high throughout the birth of both of his children.
12:30am (PST) - Zach, Dick, and Daniele have gone to bed. Eric, Jessica, and Jameka are in the backyard. They reminisce about past evictions and competitions.
12:40am (PST) - Jameka talks about Erika getting played and Eric gets called to the Diary Room. Jessica answers her, “How would you react to that? What can you say in that situation?" and Jameka says, "I felt horrible for her.” Jessica comments, "That would suck!" Jameka can't wait to get out of the Big Brother house and all the circumstances surrounding it. Jessica wonders if she'll ever be able to live a normal life after living in the Big Brother house. They talk about how many competitions Daniele has won. They both agree that Jessica is right up there too, but Jessica says, "I need to win some damn POVs." Jameka hopes if Jessica stays, she goes on a winning spree of HOHs and POVs.
12:50am (PST) - Jameka and Jessica talk about whether or not Janelle has gained weight, but say they couldn't tell from the dress she had on. Then they talk about whether or not Janelle was a little drunk or had been drinking. Jameka says she noticed the ring Janelle was wearing.
1:00am (PST) - Eric comes out of the Diary Room and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth, where he runs into Jameka. Jessica is alone on the patio.
1:15am (PST) - Eric joins Jessica outside. He talks about Jameka being mad at him because he's voting to keep Jessica and calls her "demented” to think otherwise. He says he left a nice message "if" she goes. Jessica says she doesn't want to give a speech on Thursday and Eric says he can write a crazy one for her. Eric talks about how he’ll go crazy, cursing everyone out, if she's the one that goes. They laugh about Jameka saying, "Your mama's a bitch.”
1:45am (PST) - Jameka joins Eric and Jessica in the backyard. Jameka argues that you have to get a masters degree before you go to medical school. Eric and Jessica try to prove her wrong. Then they discuss playing the flute. Eric says one of his key assets is that it seems like he's not paying attention, when he really is. Jameka says Jessica is smarter than him. They talk about Jameka telling Dick, "Your mama's a bitch." They talk about the order of events on Dustin’s eviction day. Jameka says, "The house is full of characters." Jessica talks about how you have to get an 85 to get a B at private school and a 93 for an A. Then they talk about "Your mama's a bitch" again.
2:15am (PST) - Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are still talking in the backyard. Eric says they've all bit their tongues in the house, but probably wouldn't have in real life. Eric says Daniele said today that she never knew about Jen claiming to have kissed Nick in the first few days. Nick had told her that he tried to kiss her hand in a silly way with a bunch of people around. Jameka says they were actually under the covers. Eric says Nick and Jen were together for three days and then all of a sudden never again. Eric thought it was a common known fact, but Daniele said she didn't know. Jessica and Eric both think the kiss did occur because Nick had a smirk on his face the whole time he made his "production" in front of Jen about it. Eric's glad he wasn't part of that situation at all.
2:30am (PST) - The three of them are still talking in the backyard. Eric talks about how intriguing it must have been after Jessica won HOH [the first time], when Jameka yelled at Dick. Eric thinks he had the most spastic reaction in Big Brother history when Jessica won that HOH, because it was the ultimate "fuck you." Eric says one of his bigger mistakes in the game was how he reacted when they were going after him that week. He says it was strategic, but he wishes he would of just said, "Go fuck yourself." Eric says he's going to study the house tomorrow, but he doesn't want other people to copy him. They say Zach's been hiding from the three of them and Eric says Zach is afraid of them and calls him "this season's Chicken George."
3:00am (PST) - Dick gets up and joins Jameka, Jessica, and Eric in the backyard. They talk about "how to wipe your ass after you poop." Eric admits to wiping "back to front" and they make fun of him because he's getting “shit on his balls.” Eric says, "There is no way. I'm clean as a whistle," but they all insist no one wipes the same way that he does. Dick says the whole discussion is uncalled for and still believes Eric has “shitty balls.”
3:20am (PST) - Eric complains about the 10:30am wake up calls because they don't even do anything. Jameka thinks they just have to get up for Diary Room sessions. They start talking about the weather and are happy that it's not as hot, then they talk about the Jury House being evacuated last year and think maybe it happened again this year. They all go in to go to bed and Dick complains about whoever did the dishes, did it wrong.
3:35am (PST) - Eric and Jessica get in bed and talk quietly.
4:45am (PST) - Dick is in the backyard again. Eric and Jessica are still in bed talking about the kind of dogs they each like. Jessica doesn't like dogs with big ears. Eric says a schnauzer wouldn't be his first choice of dog. Jessica already has one.
5:15am (PST) - Eric and Jessica are still talking in bed about what will happen when they watch the show. Eric gets up to go to the bathroom and briefly talks to Dick about Dick and Daniele's sleeping habits.
5:20am (PST) - Dick turns off the lights in his bedroom and gets into bed. Eric is in the Kitchen getting a big glass of ice water and takes it back to Jessica, who is waiting in their bedroom. He gets back into bed with Jessica. She drinks the water and crunches the ice.
6:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica talk about a possible double eviction this week. Eric says they would've already done it. Then they talk about going home and previous competitions. They tease each other about beating the other in Big Brother. Eric starts to whisper inaudibly. All other houseguests are sleeping.
7:30am (PST) - Dick wakes up and lays on his side, then goes to the backyard to smoke.
7:40am (PST) - Dick goes back to his bedroom, turns off the lights, and lays back down in bed.
8:35am (PST) - Dick wakes up again, goes out to the backyard for another cigarette, and talks to himself. All other houseguests are sleeping.
9:20am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
September 4, 2007
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