10:55am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, it's time to get up for the day." The morning music starts playing.
11:10am (PST) - Dick, Daniele, and Zach are in their usual spots in the backyard. Zach is happy he gets to take pictures with his HOH camera. Eric and Jessica are still in bed sleeping with the lights off.
11:15am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day."
11:30am (PST) - Daniele changes into her swimsuit. Zach asks, "So, do you think we're going to have a double eviction Thursday?" Daniele replies, "No. I told you. It's too late to do a double." Big Brother announces, "Jessica, please go to the Storage Room to change your batteries."
12:00pm (PST) - Jessica is doing some ironing. Zach and Daniele discuss the wording for a message to Nick from Daniele in Zach's HOH blog, "Daniele is looking forward to their trip to the Serengeti." Zach wants to know if the Serengeti is a real place or fictional and Daniele won't tell him. Then a half hour of silence begins...
12:30pm (PST) - Jessica goes to the Workout Room to get on the treadmill. Daniele goes to the Kitchen to look for a drink and a snack.
12:45pm (PST) - Jameka gets up and starts moving around. Jessica tries to get rid of her roots by spraying her hair and blowing it dry. Jessica tells Jameka she doesn't want to take a nap today, so she can try to fall asleep tonight. General chit chat follows.
1:20pm (PST) - Daniele joins Dick in his bedroom. They discuss different sayings Big Brother tells them and wonder if any of them will be questions, since Big Brother keeps repeating them. This includes how many batteries will be used the whole summer, how many days total in the house, how many laps in the pool equal a mile, and how many minutes total in the house. Daniele thinks most everyone brushes off what Big Brother says, but goes over the answers with Dick in case they're important. Daniele says Eric and Jessica were being loud last night and woke her up. Dick asks Daniele if Zach has done his blog yet and Daniele replies, "No." She says she's over that and the camera. Daniele says they have enough pictures with the people they like and she doesn't want to take pictures with people she doesn't like. Daniele tells Dick that Jessica was in the Workout Room today and thinks it's because they had discussed who's gained the most weight. Jessica had said she didn't want to be that girl. Daniele says she wants to go back to bed and Dick jokingly thanks her for waking him up. Daniele says, "Zach is following me around everywhere.. and Eric's still sleeping." She says Jameka's walking around with an ugly hat that looks like Jen's hat. Dick says he's happy Jen's gone and how she would always look at herself in the mirror. There's a lot of yawning from both.
1:30pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are still talking in the bedroom (with the round beds). Daniele says, "I keep thinking what the heck it's going to be tomorrow." Dick asks, "What are the laps in the backyard?" and Daniele responds, "Nineteen and a quarter," then, "I just want it to be tomorrow already. I hate this." Dick says, "It's just thinking nonstop." Daniele whispers, "Eric has to go next week." Dick replies, "I don't know why you're so worried," and Daniele says, "I'd rather compete against them two [referring to Jameka and Zach]. I don't want to have to depend on the Veto or Jameka. Zach keeps asking if I think it's a double eviction tomorrow." Dick says, "They would have done it already." Daniele continues, "He keeps asking stupid questions." Zach opens the door and tells them the Food Storage Room has just been restocked. Dick reprimands, "You could have knocked. I could've been having a private conversation with my daughter." Daniele adds, "Go check and then knock." Zach closes the door and knocks. Dick and Daniele laugh, then Daniele says, "He's so annoying." Daniele says, "Jessica has been really quiet to me lately. And I don't think it's in my head." Dick tells her, "Just give her reassurance." They continue to mock Zach. Daniele tells Dick that Eric told her, "Whatever happens, happens," and how he's here for the money. Daniele calls him a liar. She says Eric told her that he doesn't care if you're a multi-millionaire, if you have the best gameplay, he'll vote for you. Big Brother announces, "Jameka, please put on your microphone," then Dick and Daniele joke about how she should voluntarily exit. Daniele says, "It's going to be a long day." Daniele says she's nervous about the HOH Competition tomorrow and says they have a 75% chance of winning. Dick corrects her, saying they have a 66% chance. Daniele says, "Yeah, okay. Let's give ourselves some more."
Jessica and Jameka are outside talking about the same thing that Dick and Daniele are talking about.
2:00pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are still in Dick's bedroom bashing Jen. Dick is still pissed about the "How many gallons would the tea cup hold?" HOH question.
Jessica is in the shower, screaming that the water is cold. Jameka tells her she can do it. Eric wakes up and visits Dick and Daniele in the round bedroom. Eric tells them what everyone else is doing - Zach is in the HOH room writing his blog. They discuss how many more days they're going to have cold water and how messed up their sleeping habits are. Eric brings up how Jameka slammed the door last night and Daniele says she was annoyed. Dick says he'll do that to her tonight when she's sleeping and Daniele says "No," because she's in there. They say they should do that to her when she's napping. Eric says he was sleeping and there was a lack of consideration. Eric says it's like Jameka despises the three of them. Dick tells Eric how Zach was complaining earlier that he's no one's maid and he washed one dish. Dick and Eric talk about how many dishes they've done. Dick leaves to go outside to smoke and finds out that the door has been closed and they're on an indoor lockdown.
2:50pm (PST) - The lockdown is over.
3:00pm (PST) - It's picture taking time. Zach has the camera and he's as excited as if it was the first week in the house. It's getting tougher to think up original clever poses after nine weeks and with fewer people. Daniele gets mad at Zach for being irritating and she opts out of the picture taking. Jessica is very cheerful as she packs for tomorrow. Eric had a nose bleed, but it stopped. Jameka is outside tanning because she said her tan was uneven.
4:00pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica are talking in the bedroom. Eric reassures Jessica again about his feelings for her and his determination to get them to the Final Two. He asks her if there's anything she wants him to do or say for her. She asks, "Like what?" and he says any conversations or anything she wants him to say or promise to Dick and Daniele. She says, "No. I'm fine." She says he's scaring her and he tells her he didn't mean to. His focus is scattered over a trillion things and all he meant was that if there's anything she wants to happen, then just let him know.
Dick and Zach are in the backyard. Zach asks if Big Brother edits the HOH blog or deletes part of the pictures. Dick says they told him no cursing, but they let most go through. He says they put all of the pictures on the website. They talk about last week's HOH Competition [filling the round bowls with the tiny teacups]. Dick and Zach agree they don't want to do one like that again. Dick says his legs just got better yesterday. Dick says he had spaghetti legs and could barely walk afterward.
Eric and Jessica are talking about their nominations for next week and putting Zach up. They also talk about the Final Two and who they would be against. They talk with confidence about their presence in the house. Eric tells Jessica he thinks she and Daniele are going to the end together. He feels the guys are "in a bad way," but Jessica isn't sure. She asks him if he feels like she's staying this week. He says he's pretty sure of it and she agrees. They review days, past competitions, minutes, hours, etc.
Dick sneezes several times and Zach says, "Bless you," each time. Dick says something about waiting until the third sneeze, then he sneezes a fourth time, and says he fooled them all.
Eric says it isn't who you're sitting against in the end, but what you win to get you there, like POV or HOH. They bash Zach a little. They say he thinks he's been pulling the strings and masterminding the game, but he's just been under the radar. Jessica asks how he's even still there. Jessica has all of her clothes laid out and ready to pack. Jessica says she's trying not to take a nap today, so she can sleep better tonight.
4:30pm (PST) - Zach and Daniele are in the Workout Room. Zach is watching Daniele. Daniele says she can't wait to go home because there's all this great music she's had in her head this summer. She's now running on the treadmill at warp speed.
Eric is watching Jessica pack. They talk about all the stuff Jessica has accumulated and that she'll have to sit on her suitcase to try to get it zipped up. He offers to help her pack and she says, "No, thanks," and he keeps asking her why. They compare how they pack - Eric rolls and Jessica folds. He wont let up on her packing style and she finally says, "Eric, have a little faith in me!" He says, "Okay," and he'll be there to help her repack when she needs him.
Zach goes to grill some fish and Dick tells him to cook the steaks, too, and he [Dick] will make burritos or something tonight. Dick goes into the round room and shuts the door, so he can take a nap. Daniele slows down her running.
Eric gives Jessica shoe advice for tomorrow, as he tells her to wear the black shoes. He keeps pestering her about the packing and she snaps, "Eric, I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm kind of busy... Stop talking!" He finally stops. Jessica continues to pack and says when she came, her mother had to zip it for her while she sat on it. Eric reminds her that she has about fifty more items now. She says, "No," then remembers the Luxury Competition, and the rat, and the woobie, etc. Eric offers to help her roll her clothes and she says she'll be fine because there's an extender. Eric says he'll help her in a couple of hours. She realizes she hasn't packed her shoes yet and takes everything out to start over. Eric asks if her shoes could go into the Big Brother bag and she tells him that's for the new stuff. Eric giggles at her inability to pack. Eric says to remember to leave out pajamas for tonight and she says she already did. Then she says she isn't going to wear any. Eric says he'll be there, but he'll have clothes on. She asks, "Why? Don't you like to feel free?" He asks if she wants to shake on it and she tells him again, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm quite busy. Stop talking to me."
5:00pm (PST) - Big Brother calls for an indoor lockdown.
5:30pm (PST) - Jessica and Eric are still in their bedroom. Jessica is laying on her bed and Eric is kneeling next to the bed, hugging her and whispering.
6:30pm (PST) - Everyone gathers at the Dining Room table for dinner. After dinner, Jessica and Jameka go to their beds to take a nap.
8:25pm (PST) - Daniele, Zach, and Dick are in the Kitchen, chit chatting. Eric is in the Diary Room.
8:30pm (PST) - Dick is outside smoking. Zack is in the HOH room packing up his stuff to take downstairs.
8:40pm (PST) - Jameka goes outside to sit. Dick tells Daniele he was going to tell her that she wasn't allowed to go out and Daniele tells him not to say anything, but to let Big Brother yell at her again this week... [cut] Jameka goes back in the house. [Apparently, no one is allowed to go outside to look at what is set up. The only exception is Dick, so he can smoke.] Eric and Daniele are looking out the sliding glass door at the backyard. It seems they have set up something for tomorrows HOH Competition and covered it with a tarp. They start talking about it... [cut] Dick thinks Big Brother will put them on lockdown again, because they're talking about the tarp. Dick tells Daniele he has an idea what it is and will talk to her about it later.
Later, Dick and Daniele go into the bathroom to talk about what he thinks the competition is for tomorrow. He thinks it’s for a POV Competition because of the letters he can see.
10:00pm (PST) - Eric tells Jameka he will be voting for Jessica to stay. Jameka responds, "If it's 3-0, I know I'm going home. If its 2-1, I know I'm staying."
10:35am (PST) - Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are talking about Eric and Jessica's wedding. Eric goes to the Kitchen to get sweets that may appeal to Jessica and Jameka. He tells Daniele and she says, "God." [More like "Gooooddd" - drawn out.] Daniele works on her nails and Eric says he thought she'd be upstairs with Zach. Daniele replies, "Nope. He's driving me nuts." He tells Daniele he wears his pants "too high," like an old man, and that he’s hungry and bored. Dick is still in the Diary Room and has been for about an hour or so. Eric looks out at the backyard and comments, “I don't like the looks of that at all."
Jessica and Jameka are still in the bedroom, talking about Karma.
11:10pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are talking in the Kitchen. Dick thinks tomorrow's competition will be an eliminator like last year and whispers how it worked.
12:00am (PST) - Dick, Daniele, and Eric are in the Kitchen. Eric is doing his dishes and talking about being restricted from going outside. He whispers to Dick something about Big Brother After Dark and the Jury with Amber and Dustin. Eric tells them that Jameka thinks it's all his fault Amber was evicted and says, “Jessica feels bad about Jameka going home." He also says Jessica is trying to enjoy the last day with Jameka. Eric goes on to say that Jameka is having a "bitch fit" and told him "about the choices you made" and had he kept Amber in here none of this would have happened [referring to Zach winning HOH and one of them going home]. Eric and Daniele laugh at Dick's obsession with Janelle. Eric mentions that Amber looked "not as disgusting," as she normally does, on The Power of 10. Daniele explains that Amber never wears makeup and the makeup girl put "a lot of makeup on her," so that's why she looked better.
12:30am (PST) - Eric rejoins Jameka and Jessica in the bedroom. They mess around, joking and laughing.
Dick comes back inside from having a cigarette and sits at the Dining Room table with Daniele. They talk about Eric's brother being a lawyer. Dick whispers to Daniele inaudibly.
1:45am (PST) - Eric and Jessica get in bed. They discuss tomorrow's live show, their relationship, Dustin, the Jury House, etc.
Dick and Daniele talk about the upcoming competitions and talk about their strategy. Dick goes outside to smoke and Daniele goes to bed.
2:45am (PST) - Dick comes back inside and goes to bed.
Jessica and Eric are still talking and making out in bed. This goes on for a couple hours.
5:30am (PST) - Dick wakes up, asks what time it is, and if it's still a lockdown outside. Eric goes to use the bathroom, but waits since Dick is using it first. Dick goes outside to smoke. Eric and Jessica are in bed whispering. They're going over the Big Brother sayings, thinking they might be useful. Eric thinks that information is useless, but Jessica thinks it might be a tiebreaker question.
5:40am (PST) - Dick comes back inside and goes back to his bedroom. On the way, he says to Eric and Jessica, "Goodnight, gigglers." They laugh and say goodnight. Eric and Jessica go back to cuddling and making out.
6:00am (PST) - Things getting steamy with Eric and Jessica. He kisses her neck and they whisper inaudibly. Then there is more intense petting - a lot of movement under the covers. Jessica seems to be into it.
6:20am (PST) - Eric asks, "Want me to stop?" and Jessica responds, "Mmm hmmm... Sorry." Eric says he needs to get up to compose himself. He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom into the stall. The camera does a closeup on the "occupied" sign. After several minutes, he comes out and the camera does a closeup on his "half-mast." He washes his hands and goes back to his bedroom, where he takes off his shorts [giving the camera a butt shot], cleans himself in front, throws his shorts in the dirty clothes bag, and puts on a pair of clean boxers. Then he goes back to get in bed with Jessica. They kiss and cuddle a little more, then they both fall asleep.
6:40am (PST) - Dick wakes up, puts on his robe, grabs his microphone, quietly opens the door, and goes to the Kitchen for some apple juice. Then he goes into the bathroom and sits on the couch. He lays there for a while, yawning and cracking his knuckles. After several minutes, he gets up to go use the bathroom, washes his hands, scratches his ass, then goes back to the bedroom. He quietly slides the door closed, takes off mic and robe, then gets back into bed and starts coughing.
7:00am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
September 5, 2007
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