Result of the 9th POV Ceremony: Daniele DID NOT use the POV.
9:20am (PST) - We hear Dick doing his usual "Ah.. ha.. eh.." sounds, but everyone else is sleeping.
9:50am (PST) - Big Brother announces, “Good Morning, houseguests. It’s time to get up for the day.” No one moves. Daniele goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Zach comes in and asks how she slept and she responds, "Not very good." He offers her the right side of his HOH bed, if she wants it. She didn't say no, but didn't say yes either. Jessica gets up and goes into the bathroom. Daniele asks how she's doing and Jessica tells her she will probably take a nap after the POV Ceremony because she only slept about two hours. Daniele says she might do that, too. Dick walks in and says, "She's alive," and Jessica replies, "Barely." Jessica and Daniele continue to get ready in the bathroom. Jameka gets dressed in her bedroom, then goes to the bathroom. Jessica tells Jameka her outfit is cute and asks if she took a shower. Jameka says she did at 4am Saturday.
Dick is outside burping and talking to himself, complaining about his hair.
Eric is awake and sitting on his bed, putting on his microphone. Daniele comes in and says something about being tired. Eric says he's going to take a nap after the POV Ceremony. Daniele says, "Jessica said the same thing." Eric says sarcastically, “There would be soooo much to do after it.”
Jessica laughs about Jen wearing an outfit almost the same as what she's wearing today. She says she was mad, as it was “HER” outfit. Jessica is shaving her armpits and says she doubts she'll raise her arms during the ceremony, but there might be a "Booyah," who knows.
10:35am (PST) - Eric works on completing his America's Player tasks.
10:50am (PST) - Big Brother calls an outdoor lockdown. Dick says, “You're lucky I just finished my cereal, motherfucker.” Jessica goes outside and says something and Dick says, "You have plenty of time, as Jameka isn't out yet." Jessica laughs and says, “Yeah.” Big Brother once again calls for everyone to go outside and close the sliding glass door. Eric gets something to drink before joining Jessica, Dick, Zach, and Jameka outside. Daniele is in the Diary Room.
11:50am (PST) - Daniele did not use the POV.
Jessica and Jameka are in the small bedroom. They're talking about the votes that they have. Jessica said if it's 2-1, she's leaving because of Dick and Daniele. If it's 3-0, she's staying and Jameka is leaving. Jameka says she doesn't like fakeness. Daniele had said she wanted to respect the HOH nominations and Jameka didn't like that. Jameka tells Jessica she wouldn't say the same thing if her dad was up there. Jameka says if it is her time to go, she's ready. She says she won't be bitter leaving with Jessica staying. Jameka says she hopes Julie doesn't say one name, you are safe and to the other person, you are going home. Jessica says she would be mad at Julie for that. She asks Jameka to slap Julie for her.
12:30pm (PST) - Dick asks Jameka if she has a second and wants to talk to her outside. Jameka gets called to the Diary Room. Dick tells Jameka that he and Daniele are sending her to the Jury House this week, because of the relationships she has built in the house. He says it has nothing to do with Jury votes, but because it's the right thing to do to let her know. They finish their discussion and head back in the house. Jameka goes to the Diary Room and Dick explains to Eric and Jessica that he just told Jameka that she will be the one leaving on Thursday.
1:20pm (PST) - Jessica goes outside and does some laundry. She brings in a sweatshirt and Eric puts it on. Zach is there, too. While she was out, Eric told Zach thanks for keeping things the same, and it looks like Jameka is still the target. Now Eric and Zach are talking like Big Brother. "Jen, have you taken a shower today?" and "Mike, I am uncomfortable with your woody."
Dick tells Zach about telling Jameka she's going home. Zach says Daniele isn't 100% sold on the idea. Dick says they talked about it last night and she's good with it. They say they weren't going to take the risk of Jameka winning POV next week and staying, they needed to take her out this week. Zach says he and Daniele were laughing at them drinking last night. Dick says when they flip it, they'll blindside Eric and he'll be useless in the HOH Competition. Zach says he would rather lose against them, because they are cool. Zach says he couldn't give his vote to Jameka or Eric. Dick says that Eric will go home next week for sure. If Jameka wins the POV and takes herself off, then Zach will go up, but Eric will go home.
1:50pm (PST) - Jessica is in the pool.
2:25pm (PST) - Eric comes out to talk to Jessica. They talk about Dick telling Jameka that she's going home this week. Jessica says he does that to everyone who's staying, that he tries to make them think they're going home until the last minute. Eric says he feels pretty comfortable with Dick. Jessica says she did until she talked to Jameka. Eric asks what would be the purpose of lying to and upsetting the three of them [Jameka, Jessica, and Eric]. Eric and Jessica continue to talk about why Dick and Daniele would lie. They say Dick and Daniele have had plenty of chances to get rid of them or to go back on their word and they haven't. Jessica says, “It's going to suck packing.” Eric says to just shove it all in the bag and take it up to the HOH room. Jessica says, "This will be the first HOH Competition Daniele and I have competed in together, since the bat one." Eric says if Jameka is in the Final Two, they'll both vote for her and if Jessica is gone, Eric will just continue to support Jameka.
2:35pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica are still in the backyard. Eric thinks that he'll win the next HOH. Jessica says she's getting good at the questions. Eric say's he'll practice with her and says, "I'm kind of gay for you." Jessica says, "I'm kind of gay for you, too." Jessica says she's mad about Zach nominating her. Apparently Daniele paraphrased Eric's POV speech about respecting the HOH's wishes. Eric and Jessica take a nap. Jessica gets called to the Diary Room.
5:00pm (PST) - The house is quiet. No one is talking. Dick gets called to the Diary Room. Daniele's making cookies in the Kitchen and everyone else is sleeping.
5:30pm (PST) - Zach joins Daniele in the Kitchen. Zach wants Big Brother to give them a recipe for brownies. They talk about playgrounds and lunchrooms in elementary school, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Seinfeld," "The X-Files," and Monopoly™. Daniele says she's always the "dog" when they play Monopoly and Zach says he's always either the "dog" or the "iron." Zach likes the "orange" properties and Daniele likes the "green" properties.
Then, they go to the Workout Room and get on the treadmills. Jameka wakes up and brushes her teeth, before going outside to nap in the hammock.
6:30pm (PST) - Jameka doesn't stay outside very long. She goes to the Kitchen to fix something to eat. Daniele and Zach are sitting at the Dining Room table, talking about Disney trivia. Daniele considers herself an expert on all things Disney. Her dream is to spend a night in Cinderella's Castle Royal Suite.
7:00pm (PST) - Jameka and Daniele can't believe it's 7pm and people are still sleeping. Dick is snoring.
7:30pm (PST) - After Zach leaves the room, Jameka and Daniele talk about Big Brother and other shows, including Tyra Banks.
7:40pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica wake up.
7:45pm (PST) - Jameka, Eric, Daniele, and Zach are sitting at the Dining Room table, chit chatting. Dick and Jessica are still sleeping.
8:00pm (PST) - Dick wakes up and gets out of bed. Eric goes to wake Jessica up. He whispers something to her and she gets up. Everyone gets ready for dinner. Dick and Zach talk about New York City and the Statue of Liberty.
8:10pm (PST) - Everyone is at the Dining Room table, eating dinner. Dick, Eric, and Jessica look like hell; Jameka looks like she's pissed off, Daniele looks like she could care less, and Zach acts like nothing's wrong at all - he's just happy to be there. They talk about the visiting spiders on last season.
9:00pm (PST) - Everyone has separated into two separate groups - Dick, Daniele, and Zach - Eric, Jessica, and Jameka.
Dick's group is talking about Jameka looking like she's been crying. Dick says everyone wants to see Jameka go this week. Daniele hopes she [Daniele] gets a fan question this week and that she'll probably get a Janelle question. They talk about how much they slept today. Daniele says Jameka came into the room, throwing things around, saying, "That was sooo rude." Daniele says she asked Jessica and Eric what's going on with Jameka and they told her Dick had told Jameka she was going home this week.
Eric, Jessica, and Jameka are sitting at the Dining Room table, talking about TV shows and wondering about Luxury Competitions.
Dick and Zach play Frisbee in the backyard.
Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, please check the Storage Room." Dick and Zach come inside and ask Jessica if she heard. She says, "Eric's in there." They got twelve beers.
9:15pm (PST) - Everybody, except Daniele [who's in the HOH room], is looking for a quarter to play a game. Dick thinks Eric lost it. Jameka thinks Big Brother took it. Zach can't believe they lost it. Zach says they should pray to Saint Anthony. Jessica says, "Oh yeah, the patron of lost things.." Eric, Jessica, and Jameka give up looking and sit at the Dining Room table again. Dick and Zach are still searching and Daniele joins the hunt. Dick asks her if she made the request [for the quarter] and Daniele says, "Yes and they told me they'll see what they can do." All remaining houseguests are sitting at the Dining Room table, drinking and being bored together. They get a quarter from Big Brother and the game has begun. Not much talking, just "game noises" and some chit chat.
9:50pm (PST) - The Quarters game is still going strong.
10:05pm (PST) - The game's over - they're snacking and chit chatting, still at the table. Jessica talks about turkey dinners and how much she enjoys Thanksgiving dinner. Jessica asks Jameka what her favorite season is and she tells her, "It's Spring." Eric's favorite is Fall. A new game of Quarters begins.
10:20pm (PST) - Everyone is at the Dining Room, still playing. Jessica must be doing good because Zach told her she's "on fire." The houseguests start singing "Beat it"... [cut]
10:45pm (PST) - Everyone is still playing Quarters and they keep getting warnings to "Please stop singing." They wonder about whether or not there singing gets blocked out on Showtime. They run out of beer and the game ends. Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are chit chatting and acting silly in the bathroom. Zach goes up to the HOH room, then comes back down to the Kitchen. Daniele is sitting at the Breakfast Bar playing with her hair, then goes outside and sits on the couch with Dick. Zach comes out to join them. Dick hopes they have "America's Choice" tomorrow because, "We have to have one. This is ridiculous."
10:50pm (PST) - Zach asks, "What is there to eat?" Dick takes a drink and lets out his signature belch. Daniele has a sore leg and wants to "run it off." Zach says, "You're kidding me. Are you really going to work out?" and she decides she's going to bed instead. Zach prepares some food and Daniele asks, "What are you having, fatty?" Jameka and Jessica talk in the bathroom. Eric says he was trying to pee and the "door kept opening" and asks if they had anything to do with it. The girls and Eric are having their little giggle-fest on the couch in the bathroom. Eric says, "They have to give us more beer. What in hell are we suppose to do for the rest of the night? It's only 10:30pm."
Outside Dick and Daniele talk about Jameka saying, "She plays up to Jessica." Daniele says, "When Jessica drinks, she gets really annoying." Daniele mimics their giggle fest. Zach calls Del Taco "disgusting," while Daniele says, "I love the quesadillas." Dick is leery of a place that serves tacos and French fries. Daniele says, "It's hot out here.. I hate it." Dick says, "It could be worse.. if we were in Florida.. and the palmettos." They talk about Jameka singing into her microphone and Dick says, "It pisses me off that we have to keep her here." Daniele says, "So, send her home," and Zach says, "That's not the way to go." Daniele laments, "It's only Monday."
11:05pm (PST) - Zach, Dick, and Daniele are talking about Jameka packing. Dick says she wasn't happy and Daniele says, "Hello. She came in and started throwing shoes and started packing.. and it's only Monday." They talk about Jameka feeling "entitled" to the money. Dick says, "Hers is a better reason? Well, fuck you!" Daniele says, "Who cares?" Dick goes on, "No one else has had that entitlement," and Daniele says, "Amber. Tell Zach." [She's referring to the story about Amber's mom having a "vision" of her winning.] Dick says, "I think there was too much LSD when she [Amber's mom] was pregnant." Daniele shows Zach her bruises and Dick says, "Girls bruise easy." Dick says if he wins HOH, he wants his CD to be "Motley Crue" or "Guns-N-Roses."
11:15pm (PST) - Dick, Daniele, and Zach are still talking in the backyard. Daniele says, "Enough of the body paint. We need a trampoline." Zach says he asked for "bocce ball." They talk about things they can do after they get out of the house. Daniele says, "I can't wait to drive. Watch us all get tickets." Dick mentions his "series of tickets" and Zach asks if they're paid. Dick talks about driving in Santa Barbara and getting pulled over and his friend's permit was expired so they confiscated the bike.
In the bathroom, Jameka and Jessica are telling high school stories. Jameka demonstrates a "smooch" and Eric says, "I thought it was a kiss." She did that to a guy in her school and he punched her for it, then he got suspended for three days. Jessica talks about her first fight at the "ripe age of 21." It took place at a house, after they left a bar that closed, saying, "I opened my mouth and called the girl 'a fat bitch' and the girl took a swing at me. I hit her with my beer and she had a bloody mouth. She fell on the floor and was pulled to another room to get out of the situation."
Dick and Daniele are alone in the backyard. Daniele says the only problem that could happen is if Eric wins HOH and puts them [Dick and Daniele] up. Then, if one of them gets POV, only one is taken off the block and Zach goes up. Then, each nominee will get one vote [a tie], which Eric will end up breaking. Dick says, "That won't happen," and Daniele says, "I'm just telling you." Zach comes out, so the conversation changes. Eric gets called to the Diary Room. Dick says, "I was very convincing with my performance with Jameka." Daniele responds, "Whatever." Dick gets mad and Daniele denies it, saying, "I was talking to myself."
11:30pm (PST) - Daniele complains that the Big Brother house is ruining her, because she can't sleep. Zach says, "I'll sleep on the floor," and offers her the HOH bed. She says, "Shut up," it's just this week she can't sleep. Daniele has a headache. Dick complains about the ants and Zach says, "This heat wave has got to go." Dick agrees saying it will make HOH endurances hard.
Eric is still in the Diary Room; Jessica and Jameka are still giggling in the bathroom.
11:40pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele talk about what they use the Big Brother house for [after Big Brother is over]. Daniele says it would be hard because of all the mirrors and Dick says the basic layout of the house hasn't changed. [The Big Brother house is disassembled and put in storage so that Stage 18 can be used for other productions.]
11:50pm (PST) - Dick talks about his friends who are watching, "Even the boys from 'Linkin Park' are watching." Dick starts to name-drop so much that Zach decides to go "attempt to crash."
12:00am (PST) - Dick is alone on the patio, smoking and talking to himself. Zach went up to the HOH room to bed. Daniele went to her room to sleep.
Eric and Jessica are cuddling and cooing on the the bathroom couch. Eric says he had "the worst nap ever" for three hours and says he woke up all disoriented.
Dick plays Frisbee by himself for a little while, then goes inside. When Dick sees that Zach has left the dishes out, he complains, "Zach, I want to kill you," and proceeds to put dishes away.
12:10am (PST) - Jameka comes from the Workout Room and goes to the Kitchen for some water. Dick tells her about the mess Zach left in the Kitchen and he continues his cleanup. Jameka goes into the bathroom and interrupts Eric and Jessica asking, "How was the chair date?" They both say it was nice, saying they can appreciate she gave them "quiet time." Eric and Jessica compare their petite hands. Eric comments on her toes, while Jameka shaves her legs in the sink. Jessica and Eric continue to whisper.
12:20am (PST) - Dick asks what Eric and Jessica are doing. Eric thought everyone was outside talking and Dick tells him that Daniele and Zach went to bed. Eric and Jessica decide to go out to the hot tub and they try to convince Jameka to join them, but she refuses as the cold water showers are too much to take afterwards. Jameka starts to shave her armpits and Eric tells her, "Don't forget to get in between the boobs." Dick starts to do some laundry.
12:30am (PST) - Outside in the hot tub, Eric and Jessica are soaking. Jameka is taking a shower. Dick asks Eric how Jameka took the news. Eric asks how Jessica managed to "choked down" Jameka's lasagna, saying he was grossed out by the "cottage cheese" and used the "allergy card" to get out of eating it. Dick is laying on the hammock and spitting. Eric and Jessica chat about Jen in a bathing suit and talk about when the Big Brother season will end. Eric teases Dick, saying the reason he wanted to be on season six was to be with Maggie or April. They talk about the wrap party and who will be there. Eric says, "They'll know us, but we don't know them." Dick asks, "Why the feet thing? I don't understand." [Eric keeps his feet out of hot tub while goes under water.] Jessica responds, "I don't know," and when Eric comes up for air, Dick asks, "Why the feet thing? I don't understand," and Eric says, "It's to keep stationary. There is a method to my madness." Eric says, "The nights are kinda fun, but the days are hot and boring with nothing to do..." He thinks it may be worth it to sleep all day and stay up at night, since he's having more fun at night. Eric wants to make cupcakes or brownies and Dick says go to the Diary Room and request it. Eric says he wants cards and Pictionary. Dick says every season has had a deck of cards.
12:55am (PST) - Dick convinces Eric and Jessica that he really hates Jameka and wants her out. He goes on about Jameka saying she's entitled to win. Eric seems to believe it, while Jessica has stayed very quiet throughout the conversation. Dick bashes Amber and Eric joins in.
1:00am (PST) - They continue to bash Jameka's lasagna dinner [made with lots of cottage cheese]. Eric wonders what Jameka's doing. He says, "Do you think she's going to try to get a deal?" Dick says, "I don't think so..." Dick says he was straight forward with her and told her, "This is the week you're being evicted," and Eric seems to buy it, while Jessica is quiet again. Dick wants a "cintanella" candle and Eric corrects him, "Citronella." They complain again about the heat. Jessica says, "I'm going in," and Eric says he's going in and Dick says he might try to sleep. Jessica says Jameka "avoided eye contact" with "us" when she came out of the Diary Room and was throwing things around and was fine. Dick responds, "Boo fucking hoo."
1:10am (PST) - Jessica and Eric are in bed. Eric asks if she wants to talk and she says, "No. Do you?" Jessica says she's hungry and tired.
1:50am (PST) - There's been some kissing, cuddling, whispering and mushy talk in Jessica's bed with Eric. At times, Jessica seems distracted. She says she's tired, but she's also suspicious of Dick. Eric says he "Rocks in this game," and that they're this season's Will and Janelle. Jessica says, "Yeah. They didn't make it to the end either." She thinks it's all too possible they're going to pull a Dustin on her, "What if I get evicted? I'm just going to stand up and slap Dick. No. Zach."
2:15am (PST) - Jessica asks Eric if he likes Christmas carols. He says he does and he has all his favorites on two CDs. Jessica asks if there's such a thing as Chanukah carols.
3:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica are whispering so low, they cannot be heard. Dick's still doing household chores.
4:40am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
5:00am (PST) - Jessica and Eric are awake again. Eric gets Jessica a glass of water. Jessica takes off her ear rings. They stop talking and go back to sleep.
5:15am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
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