9:45am (PST) - Everyone is sleeping, except Dick. He's still in the backyard cleaning the grill. He's wearing red shorts, a white t-shirt, and yellow rubber gloves. He keeps getting mad at it and cursing, grunting, and moaning like he's wearing himself out. He says, "I need a drink. I need a fucking cocktail." Dick heads back into the house, while looking at the camera and telling it, "I have very sweaty balls right now." He goes to the Food Storage Room and comments that Big Brother is slow on the trigger today [opening the door]. He tells Big Brother he needs more Playtex gloves and paper towels "Pleeeeaaasssee."
10:15am (PST) - Dick is done cleaning the grill and it sounds like he's trying to light it. He says, "Alright, motherfucker. That's a clean grill, bitch." Dick takes all the supplies back into the Kitchen, then goes outside for a cigarette. He's been talking to himself through most of this.
Daniele gets up and goes to the bathroom. Dick rinses himself off in the shower in the backyard, yelping about how cold it is. Then he jumps into the pool and splashes and swims around. Everyone else is still sleeping.
10:20am (PST) - Dick is still in the pool and asks, "When are we going to have a swimming veto? Hahaha.. Hahaha.. Oh, Jen. You stupid bitch." Then he says, "Crazy bitch. This lap is dedicated to Jen," and swims a lap.
11:00am (PST) - Dick is alone in the backyard and still in the pool. He says, "What a strange fucking life to have for three months. Lying, scheming, fucking people over..."
11:25am (PST) - Dick gets in the hot tub a couple of times, but mostly has been swimming/sitting in the pool. He occasionally says something like, "My legs feel so much better now," or "Man, I have heartburn," but mostly has been making sounds and noises and laughing.
11:30am (PST) - Dick is still in the pool, laughing hysterically, and talking to himself. He says, "I'll bet Kail blames me for everyone not liking her, instead of herself," and, "Man. Still no one is up yet. Are you kidding me? How do they do that? Now Jessica, yeah. That's a twenty-hour day there."
11:40am (PST) - Zach gets up, goes to the bathroom, then back to bed.
11:50am (PST) - The houseguests are still sleeping, except for Dick. He's still in the pool talking to himself, "How is Zach still here? That's a mystery. Who's the biggest fish to fry? Zach. It's just like Chicken George. It is.. It's exactly like that. This is a repeat of that fucking season. We have to win HOH.. Great. This chlorine is going to bleach my hair and I just dyed it."
12:25pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele run into each other in the Food Storage Room. He tells her he's been up since 5:00am, "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." Daniele goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She has on her bikini and shaves her arm pits. Eric comes in and they exchange "good mornings." He uses the bathroom, rinses his hands, and heads back to bed. Daniele goes out to the backyard.
1:30pm (PST) - Zach gets out of bed, turns on the lights in the HOH room, and goes downstairs where he exchanges greetings with Daniele. She is eating at the Dining Room table. Big Brother announces, "Daniele, please put on your microphone." Zach goes outside, jumps into the pool, and says, "I'm awake."
1:35pm (PST) - Zach gets out of the pool and goes back inside. Zach asks Daniele if she stayed asleep all night. She says she woke up at 2:30am and couldn't get back to sleep so she was up until 5am. Zach says she should have come up, because he was awake. She says, "How was I supposed to know?" Zach says she should just come up and check. Daniele says, "No, you could be up there naked, dancing with glow sticks, and I wouldn't want to see that." They take their conversation outside. Daniele wants to know Zach's plan regarding Jessica. Zach has thoughts and wants to hear what Daniele thinks. Zach thinks it would be ridiculous to use the POV. He thinks there are certain advantages to keeping Jameka in this game, "providing the three of us stay true to us." He mentions since she can't win HOH, it would almost make it a sure shot that a Donato will be HOH. Daniele thinks if they vote out Jessica, and Eric gets HOH, both Dick and Daniele will be on the block next week. If that were to happen, then Jameka would go up and they would have the votes to get Jameka out, if Zach wants to go along with that. Zach wants to go to the Final Three with Dick and Daniele. The way Zach's been thinking, Eric will be pissed off and distracted - his head won't be in the HOH Competition. He says Eric is an idiot. Daniele still wants to get rid of Jameka this week, otherwise, if they don't get HOH, they will go up. Daniele says Eric's been throwing competitions. Zach says Jameka would put him up in a heartbeat and he really wants her to go. Daniele says if she sends Jessica to the Jury House, she's giving up two votes automatically. Zach worries if both Jessica and Eric stay, then he's, for sure, going home. He thinks going up against one of them is way better than going up against two of them. Zach says cut and dry Daniele either values her own safety or the safety of all three of them. She gets mad and says it upsets her that he thinks that way. She says he's not being fair by saying that. She reminds him she's the only person, if both Jessica and Eric are left in the house, that would keep Zach in the house. She says again he's not being fair. He says, "You have to let me finish what I'm saying. You're so being like your dad. I mean, you just had a Dick moment." They both get upset and raisd their voices a little. He tries to tell her she has to think about the choice of her end game or the game right now. He says you have to get rid of one of them. She says, "You never know the right decision. You have to do a lot of thinking." Zach says, "I know. I question my HOH choice now. It seemed right at the time, but now I'm not sure. But I'm down with whatever you and Dick decide." Zach thinks the great choice would be to get rid of Jessica or Eric. He says he's here for Dick and Daniele either way. He says he didn't put Dick and Daniele up, so he could prove to them he was with them and had hoped he would make it to the Final Two. He says, "Don't worry about me. I just know that if Eric or Jessica wins HOH that I'm for sure going up and for sure going home." She says, "That's not true. If you win the Veto, either me or my dad are going home. He says that's why we have to get rid of one of them and then the risk is against one of them, verses two. He says the only way to avoid the situation is to get rid of one of them. Zach is really calm now and keeps repeating that he really wants her to think about what he said, that getting rid of either Jessica or Eric is the only way for the three of them to get to the end. Daniele goes into the house saying she can't take the heat anymore and she might be back. She goes to the bathroom, puts shaving cream on her left forearm, and starts to shave. When she's done, she does the same with her right hand and forearm. Zach gets in the pool, swims a little, then just sits in the pool.
3:00pm (PST) - Daniele is in the Workout Room on the treadmill. Zach is in the Kitchen. Dick, Jessica, and Eric are still sleeping. Big Brother announces, "Good morning, houseguests. It's time to get up for the day." Daniele says, "Oh, my. It's 3:00pm." Big Brother announces, "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day."
3:40pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica are in the backyard. Eric has been trying to figure out how to ensure that Jessica stays. Jessica's still second-guessing the decision to evict Amber. Dick comes out and warns the two of them, "You need to be very careful, because you're projecting confidence that Jessica will stay. And based on that, Zach thinks the four of us have a deal." Eric and Jessica protest that they're not confident at all. Dick says that Zach interpreted a conversation, where Jessica said she was looking forward to Chinese food dinner, as confidence that she's staying. Jessica says of course she has hopes and she isn't going to spend the rest of her time in the house moping. Zach comes out and interrupts them.
Jessica and Eric are alone again and Jessica is quite angry. Eric tells her he's desperately upset that she's in this position and he apologizes. He promises her he will do “anything, anything, anything” to get her to stay. She says, “Thank you.” She says she's upset that Dick and Daniele are concerned, because they have the POV and now she has to watch every comment. Eric resumes his monologue to Jessica, saying that he’s "inconsolable, meaning can not be consoled" [his exact words] about the chain of events over the past week. Jessica really isn’t paying much attention, as she wonders if Dick and Daniele are going to use Zach's worry as an excuse to evict her. Eric tells her not to worry about it, that they're just looking out for their own butts, but they won't use it to evict her. Eric says Dick's comment made no sense - they have the POV and the votes, so they have all the control and it shouldn't matter what Zach says. Jessica explains that she really thinks that she's Zach's target and she talks about Jameka not winning anything, even when she competes. She believes she's more of a threat than Jameka. Eric says thankfully the vote is not up to Zach. Then Zach comes back outside and breaks up the conversation.
A little later, Jessica comes back from a shower and complains again about Jameka, "Why is Dick so afraid of what Zach thinks?" Eric says it's a ridiculous comment that Dick made because they have the votes. He doesn't understand what Dick's problem is. He says it's worth asking him and decides he's going to ask Dick why it matters what Zach thinks anyway. [Silence.] Jessica says she thinks if she wins HOH, she's going to put both Dick and Daniele up. Because if one of them wins POV, she has to put Eric up, and she would break the tie. Eric says he's ready for the whole thing to be over. He just wants it to happen with the two of them winning $500,000. [Silence again.]
4:00pm (PST) - Zach and Dick run into each other in the bathroom. Zach tells him Jameka is sitting on the couch, listening to everything being said. He makes a motion, by putting his hand up by his ear, and says, "Like this." They both come out of the bathroom and Jameka watches them.
Eric and Jessica are still sunbathing in the backyard. Eric keeps sniffing and acting uncomfortable. Jessica gets up, puts on a pair of shorts, and goes inside. Eric asks if she's too hot and Jessica says, "Yes." Zach asks Jessica how the "painting thing" went last night and she tells him, "It was fun."
6:00pm (PST) - Jessica, Jameka, Eric, and Daniele are outside talking about personal things - such as periods and how many sex partners Daniele has had. Eric tells a story about finding one of his brother's used condoms in the dog's mouth, in his mom's kitchen, and he took it from the dog and trashed it. He says he did it so his parents wouldn't see the dog with it and says, "I took one for the team."
6:30pm (PST) - Dick, Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are outside and it's very, very quiet. The subject of Carol comes up and Eric says he never liked her. Dick says, "That's not true. You used to say how hot she was in the beginning." Eric says, "That's not true. Don't believe him," and Jessica says, "I believe you, Dick." Dick laughs. They say neither Amber, nor Carol, handled being on the block very well. Eric says it was about the eighth day that Joe tried to kill him. Jessica says, "You were on slop then. You had a bad attitude." Dick says Jessica handled it better than Eric did. Jessica comments that Eric was only on slop for a week. She says she's not even gonna watch week one when she gets out. Dick says he's gonna watch it over and over. Jessica wonders if Carol had been upstairs [coming into the house], instead of her, if she [Jessica] would have been on the block. Dick and Eric say, "No." They talk about how Kail didn't do herself any favors by getting Carol out.
7:00pm (PST) - Everyone is bored with the options of dinner. Eric goes to the Food Storage Room and brings back a pizza, bacon, tacos, and quesadillas. He says he went shopping. Daniele goes outside to ask the others, "You guys want a buffet with pizza, tacos, and stuff?" Dick responds, "The pizza is disgusting." Daniele says, "That's why it's a buffet.. Alright sounds good.. We're starting."
While Daniele was out of the room, Eric tells Jessica they need to talk. He says it'll be a good talk because he can tell after having a talk with Dick that things are still as planned. Eric tells her he can tell when someone is bullshitting him and he can tell it was a serious, no bullshitting. Jessica asks, "Really?" and he begins to tell her how the conversation started and Daniele comes back in, so he tells her they'll talk later. Daniele and Eric cook dinner, while Jessica sits at the Breakfast Bar and talks to them. She says if she had the chance to vote someone back into the house, she would vote for Joe.
7:05pm (PST) - Zach says, "There's a hole in the Antarctica.. You can see it from space." Dick responds, "Ice cap melting.. They don't understand why an ice cap, the size of California, would break that fast. But now they are trying to understand it. When you have a glass of water with ice and it melts, it will overflow.. And countries will flood.. Countries." Zach says, "There's actually a way to pump out the ozone layer." Dick and Zach continue to break down the facts about global warming. Zach starts grilling hot dogs and says, "Man. Dude, this grills looks great." Dick responds, "I know." Zach jokes, "The oven cleaner must have work." Dick says, "Fuck you! Fuck you... Hey, we need to play Frisbee later." Zach replies, "Yeah, we should." Dick goes inside and Zach continues to grill the hot dogs.
7:35pm (PST) - Dinner is ready and everyone sits at the Dining Room table. The topics of conversation include what kind of perks they'll get with their Big Brother celebrity status. Eric says, "Do you think it's good for anything? I mean.. I know I'm not going to get rooms and airfare comp'ed to me, but do you think it's worth like a free year at the tanning salon?" Daniele responds, "No. I wasn't thinking I'd get anything. I doubt I'll even be recognized." Jameka says, "After we get out of here, we may not want to be recognized." They wonder who was hired to host The Price is Right. Dick says, "I'm telling you, it's Rosie O'Donnell and, instead of Barker's beauties, it'll be O'Donnell's Dykes." Jessica says she hates Rosie so much, she listed her as the celebrity she hates the most.
8:15pm (PST) - The conversation, while doing dishes, includes: The off-duty cop that beat up a barmaid, The Reginald Denny beating, The Rodney King beating, frivolous lawsuits like the McDonald's coffee case, and road rage. Dick tells a story about him throwing a burrito at a guy in a brand new BMW convertible. When the guy came after him, Dick threw a 32oz soda in the guy's car.
8:30pm (PST) - After the dishes are done, Dick and Zach go outside. Daniele follows, but doesn't like the seating arrangements, because she doesn't want to sit near the spider. Dick refuses to move. Daniele gets mad and goes back inside. Dick and Zach talk about various bands.
9:00pm (PST) - Daniele and Zach are in the Workout Room. Zach asks if either Jameka or Jessica are treating her any different and Daniele replies, "No." Zach says he feels a little tension when he's in the room with them. Daniele says no one has talked to her about the POV, saying, "I guess they are assuming I'm not gonna use it, so they figure what's the point?"
Zach and Dick sort out a whole bag of M&Ms by color and Eric starts to spell out his name with them. Zach explains a game called "Pente" to Dick. He says it's like Connect 4, but it's on a board that's 20 stones across - the M&Ms would be the "stones." Daniele and Jessica wonder if they have alcohol and Jessica brings up the fact that it's only 9:30pm. Jessica gets called to the Diary Room and asks Jameka to check the Food Storage Room for the booze. Eric, instead of creating "Eric" with the M&Ms, has created "Earl." Zach explains Pente again and Jessica joins in.
9:40pm (PST) - The Pente game officially begins and so does the silence. Dick loses after two minutes and they start a new game. Daniele drinks a vitamin water and watches the game, along with Jessica and Eric. Jessica and Jameka go outside. Jessica talks about how Eric over-exaggerated a story and how she told him that. Jameka talks about how boring her Diary Rooms must be... [cut] Jessica says she must be a good drunk. Jameka wonders what they show on Showtime. Jessica wonders if her folks bought Showtime to see her. Jessica says her parents bought the live feeds and they have a lot of computers. Jameka thinks her Diary Room was cut short because something might have happened in the house. Jessica and Jameka say they feel intimidated by Zach and Dick and that's why they're not campaigning. Jameka says, "This is the time when we need to pray to God for our safety."
10:30pm (PST) - Nothing's going on. The conversations are dull. No one's moving around much. It looks like waiting room, without magazines.
10:45pm (PST) - Big Brother gives the houseguests ten beers. Poor Zach, he got a Frisbee for being HOH, but no one wants to play with him, so he's playing by himself. Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are outside talking about whether they would agree to be on Season Nine if they were asked. Jessica says yes because she'd just be graduating, so it would be great. Eric says he wouldn't pass up the opportunity, but he doesn't think he would be too enthusiastic, but rather get straight to business. He says, for him, it's been the best thing that ever happened to him, but there have been some hard times He says he still takes it seriously and would come back. Jessica says even if she's on the block, she still enjoys being here. Eric says, "I will always have amazing memories and it's a great honor to be here. But the low moments, that I've had in the house, were lower than I've ever had.. And many times I just wanted to leave and let go of it all. But at the same time, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
11:15pm (PST) - In the HOH room, Daniele complains to Zach about the way Dick treats her. Daniele says Dick is driving her crazy again. She calls him rude and is annoyed when he says things like, "Get over yourself." Daniele says she doesn't really consider him family, but "a really annoying friend." Zach says their relationship is like the one he's had with his brother, saying its "weird" and he tries to offer her advice. Daniele says, "Some stuff can't be forgotten. The scars are way too deep." They talk about how Jessica said that when she gets out of the Big Brother house, she wants to go to bars. Daniele calls it "a bizarre answer." Daniele heard they get paid their stipend at the wrap party. All the houseguests think that all the rest of the POVs are going to be hosted by former houseguests and Daniele is looking forward to it, "I can't wait 'til next week. It better be somebody good. It better be Will." They laugh about the Quarters game and say how bad the resolution of the Spy Screen is. Daniele asks Zach, "Want to go down and play with them?" and they both go downstairs. Zach says to everyone, "I see this interesting game and I want in." Eric explains the rules.
11:25pm (PST) - The Quarters game is going strong and seems to be a free-for-all. The somber mood from earlier seems to have lifted. The group is actually smiling and laughing.
11:40pm (PST) - Nothing has changed. Everyone seems to be having a good time playing Eric's new Quarters game.
11:54pm (PST) - The game goes on, with a self-proclaimed, slightly drunk Jameka giving the Showtoo viewers a countdown until they're put out of their misery from the boredom. They are trying to get the quarter to land in the last drink.
12:05am (PST) - Jameka proclaims, "I may be legitimately drunk," as the game continues on. The beers are gone, but there's still some wine. Jessica says she's "Drunky McDrunkerson," and this is the most drunk she's been in the house. Jameka belts out, "Oh, what a feeling... Dancing on the ceiling..." [cut] Daniele cuts up some watermelon, while Jameka and Jessica toast, "To the block and all the bullshit."
12:15am (PST) - The conversation changes to actors, Oscars, Broadway, and scandals about "naked photos." Jameka announces, "I'm in a singing mood and I can't be stopped. Maybe I should go back to my room and sing into my pillow," and sings, "Don't make me close one more door..." [cut] They are still singing... [cut]
12:30am (PST) - The scene is constantly being cut because of singing. Jessica says she hates Broadway and yells, "Eric! I'm still talking!" as Eric's attention momentarily drifts away from her. Zach comes downstairs, eating his Twizzlers. The conversation shifts from Broadway choreographers to edible underwear. Jameka says "It's like eating a Fruit Roll up." Zach asks how she knows and Jameka says, "I've seen them." Jessica says she got a naughty gift from her dance team. It was a keychain "pocket vibrator." Jessica kept it in her pocket and people kept asking, "What is that?" Eric is doing shots of wine.
12:45am (PST) - There's no sign of Zach, Dick, or Daniele.
Jessica and Jameka are slurring their words. They talk about training dogs and what breeds they like. Eric says, "I want a Dalmatian," and Jessica says, "They shed." Jameka and Jessica say they miss Joe, so Eric suggests they name one of their dogs "Joe Barber." They talk about getting trashed when they leave the house. Jessica asks, "Why are we going to Disneyland, when we can go to a bar?" She says her brother went to Disneyland and hated it. Jessica complains that you can't get a direct fight from Kansas to Los Angeles. You have to fly to Chicago first. Eric asks them if they've been to New York. Jameka says she took a $60 bus ride to New York and Eric asks where she stayed... [cut] Jameka starts singing, "Viva Las Vegas..." [cut]
12:55am (PST) - In the bathroom, Daniele plucks her eyebrows. Jessica comes in and Zach warns her about going into the toilet room. Jessica, in a very bitchy tone, asks, "Why do you use the downstairs bathroom when you have your own?" and enters, while grimacing, "Yuck." Jessica finishes, washes her hands, and completely ignores Daniele. Eric comes in, saying Jameka suggested they go in the hot tub. In the background, Jameka's singing again... [cut]
1:00am (PST) - Jameka and Jessica are outside. Jameka says, "Zach wants me gone and it might very well be me going home." Jessica says, "If they put me and Eric up, Eric will go." Jameka points out, "We have no power." Jessica responds, "If that's the demise of me, for being nice and getting along with people, I'll punch 'em in the face. And I don't want a hug from them on the way out." Jessica's really mad at Zach, "I'm about to break that Frisbee or hide it." She hides it.
Dick comes outside and talks about Janelle not liking Eric. It's because Eric called her, "ugly, fat, and Miss Piggy." Dick says, "She's not fat or ugly." They wonder if James from BB6 and BB7 is still with Sarah and Dick says, "Who cares. He should be with Dustin or Joe."
1:15am (PST) - Eric gets called to the Diary Room. Jameka, Jessica, and Dick talk about Daniele being "played up" for Tuesday's show. Jessica says, "For sure Daniele because she won and Eric for calling Janelle fat and Miss Piggy." Jessica asks, "What do you think they are doing in the Sequester House?" Dick responds, "Bitching and moaning." Jameka responds, "Drinking and swimming."
1:30am (PST) - Jessica says, "I'm done with today." Eric comes out of the Diary Room.
1:40am (PST) - Eric joins the group and the conversation turns from Season Five to masturbation. Jameka says, "I don't want to hear about it." Eric starts smoking and mimicking Dick. Dick laughs about it. Jessica says, "I don't get it," and Dick says, "Neither do I." Jameka says, "I'm confused."
1:45am (PST) - Jameka says, "How long is this going to go on? Eric, light the cigarette if you're going to do it. Eric finishes for now saying, "That's the first of a couple of times." Dick goes in and tells Jessica, "Eric's going to mimic and mock me. He's annoying someone, who annoys everyone else."
2:15am (PST) - Jessica and Eric talk in the hot tub. Jameka, Daniele, and Dick are on the couches, talking in the backyard. Jameka leaves. Dick and Daniele go to round room to chat. Daniele says she doesn't want to hear Eric talk to Jessica about his sex experiences with other girls. Dick says that's a weird situation. Daniele goes to the bathroom, while Dick mutters about Jameka eavesdropping. Daniele returns and explains her new tactic with Skittles. She says if they vote Jessica out, they need to get Jameka's word that she'll vote [and use POV] next week as they say. Dick wants to add if she gets HOH the following week, that they won't go up and then they will keep her this week. And he gets her black nail polish. Daniele reviews the season and knows that each person has lied or backstabbed to get further in the game and they can use that to get Jury votes. They talk about the upcoming HOH Competition, saying if Eric goes out of the game first, Daniele plans to throw it to Dick. They don't want to reveal anything to Jameka until right before the vote, so they can blindside Eric. Dick thinks it will make him a wreck for the HOH. Daniele is concerned that it will make him more determined. Daniele says they'll both be furious. Dick says Jessica will be gone and he'll explain it to Eric after. Daniele says Eric has to go next, if he doesn't get HOH or POV. Dick says he has explained to Zach that Zach will be a pawn, since Jameka has to vote the way they tell her to. It seems like Daniele is okay with voting Jessica out now. Daniele wants to keep Zach in the dark, so he can't tip off Jessica. Dick says they have to make Zach feel he needs them both to get further in the game. Daniele feels Eric hasn't been throwing competitions, he's as horrible as Jameka at physical competitions. They plan on taking Jameka to Final Three with them if everything falls into line. Dick says they are America's sweethearts. They can't sleep because they're so stressed from figuring out the options. Dick feels Jameka has to make a deal with the devil, make her swear to their agreement on the Bible and in front of a camera twenty minutes before the vote. Dick means this literally - he wants Jameka to swear on her Bible. Daniele says they have to make Jessica continue to feel safe.
2:40am (PST) - Dick and Daniele realize they have to get HOH next week for the plan to work perfectly. They know Jessica will be furious. Daniele feels horrible about breaking the deal. Dick says he feels bad about it, too. They are uncertain if Jessica and Eric would have broken the deal first. They feel Jameka and Eric will try to align, but they will tell Jameka she has to keep it quiet. Dick and Daniele talk about how Big Brother copied so many competitions from last year - they are very similar so far. They try to figure out what the remaining competitions will be. Maybe questions concerning past houseguests. Both are nervous and feel it's unlikely Eric would get HOH or POV. Daniele feels they're at the part of the game where they have to do whatever they have to do to get to the end. They feel confident they can beat Zach, if he makes it to the Final Three. They go over options, just to make sure Jameka knows, it's a two week deal. If she gets HOH on her first available time, they want to make sure she doesn't put both of them up together. They also feel Zach won't put them up together at that point. Daniele thinks Jameka may get more strategic. Dick says Jameka is stupid though. They discuss Will being the best strategically and Janelle being the best competitively. Dick thinks if they both make it to Final Two, the producers should combine the prize because he can't tell the Jury why he deserves the money more than Daniele. Daniele doesn't agree. She says they came in separate and played separate games. She would be happy with second place. Dick feels if he wins, people will be saying, "What happened here??" Dick can't stop thinking about after game, getting out, and meeting Janelle. He's been daydreaming about her.
3:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica talk about their comfort with each other's bodily functions: underarm hair, burping, farting, and puking. Eric tells her his first impressions of her.
Dick and Daniele are in the bathroom. Daniele says Zach told her she has to decide if she is playing for "the three of us," which she found annoying.
Dick returns to the backyard. He asks Eric and Jessica where Jameka is and wonders if she is back upstairs eavesdropping. Eric says his feet smell like something. Dick guesses poop and Eric says boogers. Eric goes for a drink. Dick says Eric would drink Jessica's urine because he is so “pussy whipped.” Jessica goes to bathroom.
Daniele comes out to the backyard and complains to Dick that she wants it to be Thursday already. Eric returns and Dick asks if the imitation thing is still happening. Eric continues to mimic Dick. Daniele enjoys it, because it annoys Dick. Dick spits with Eric imitating him. Daniele gets grossed out by them blowing snot on the carpet.
Jessica returns. Eric asks Daniele why she's awake again and says she's becoming an insomniac. She says she hates this house. General chit chat follows, then they bash previous houseguests.
3:40am (PST) - Dick, Daniele, Jessica, and Eric are still on the patio. Conversation is light at the moment. Eric goes in to get his pajamas on. Jessica teases about what her "don't-evict-me speech" is going to be like, "Please don't make me go live with those suckers," is one example. Daniele asks what Jameka thinks and says that she [Jameka] thinks Jessica might go home, since she can't compete for HOH. Dick and Daniele say that Jameka shouldn't be that confident. They rank the houseguests in terms of popularity - most of it in a joking fashion. Eric notes many houseguests [past included] are known for one major [or silly] thing, such as Nakomis for the "Six-finger plan" or Zach for streaking. Daniele tosses in the bunny suit. They determine that each houseguest has about three hours worth of time in the Diary Room each week, of which the show uses maybe four minutes. They mutter about having good songs tomorrow, or a good game to play, such as Pictionary or Monopoly. Eric says he would choose the thimble for Monopoly.
4:00am (PST) - Daniele wants to double-check the time, as she goes in for juice. The conversation shifts to lighters and Jen-bashing. Daniele goes to the bathroom and then slips into bed. Jessica announces she's going to go to bed, but first returns to show Eric just where [how low] he should wear his pants. As she adjusts them, Dick comes up from behind, pulls Eric's shorts down, and says, "That's for imitating me, bitch!" Jessica gets a quickie close-up peek. She goes inside and Eric goes to the Food Storage Room. As Eric pours Jessica some Coke, they share a quick giggle about her seeing his penis again. They smack each other's butts and walk to the bedroom, holding hands so they can't smack each other again. They whisper about Jameka's suggestion to Dick and Daniele. They joke about her seeing Eric's privates again.
4:20am (PST) - Eric says he'll keep Jessica company for a while and gets into bed with her. She asks what she should wear tomorrow, mentioning that her hand still hurts from slapping him. They go on to discuss how Jessica would look and feel doing jumping jacks and how much they get asked about each other in the Diary Room. They hear Dick in the Kitchen and Eric shifts to a very low whisper. Jessica apologizes for being so bitchy. He tells her how hard he's trying to make sure she stays. They talk about how she should campaign to Daniele, to appear to be not so confident. The conversation gets louder, as they start to joke around again. Eric mentions she pulls away from him a lot.
4:45am (PST) - Dick is still outside, talking to himself.
Eric tells Jessica that respect is a big issue for him. He goes to kiss her and makes another comment about her pulling away. They have more of their trivial baby talk about his 'bad kisses'. They hear Dick go into the bathroom, which breaks up the kissing talk. He says she reminds him of a lunch-line lady he had in school. This does not go over very well. He jokes with, "And when I went to kiss her, she'd pull away."
Dick brushes his teeth, returns to the Kitchen, and then to the backyard to file his nails.
Eric and Jessica are quieting down.
5:00am (PST) - Dick gets excited because he can actually see a star - a rarity, given the bright lights in the area.
Jessica has returned to a semi-sitting position. Eric says, "You're not being very nice." She teases back with, "I'm not here to be nice." Eric continues to cuddle into Jessica, keeping her restless. He hovers and gets some kissing in there.
Dick says, "Wichita, Kansas is gonna be bummin' on Thursday."
5:20am (PST) - Dick switches to the hammock, saying it "needs a tuning." After a few minutes, Dick mutters, "Gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it." Dick continues on with how much re really wanted Jameka to go this week, "Damn it! But, as I told Kail in Week Two, I'm not here to make friends."
Eric goes to get more to drink, comes back, and stands next to Jessica's bed. They experiment with open mouth to open mouth noises. After more joking and discussion about how low Eric should wear his pants, Jessica says she can't wait until he's HOH, so he'll get the questions about them as a couple. They continue to tease, then Eric goes to the bathroom.
5:30am (PST) - Jessica asks who Eric thinks would win in an argument between the two of them. He says there are no winners, only losers. She says she'd win because he'd just keep on talking and she would keep on saying, "I'm right." They joke about the phrase, "I'm so gay for you right now." Jessica says she'll use that when Eric wins HOH. They return to the subject of arguments and hanging up on each other. Jessica asks, "Who do you think would hold out the longest after a blow-up?" Eric says she would since he's not like that. They hear Dick come inside to go to the bathroom and they quiet down again. Dick eventually walks past them - they have the sheet over their heads - and goes into his room and closes the door.
5:45am (PST) - Out of the silence, Jessica asks, "Do you think he masturbates in there?" Eric says, "Yeah." Jessica begins to ask questions about it, saying guys really don't have to do that. Eric says, "Yes, they do. It gets uncomfortable and they have to unload." Jessica asks, "Then, why don't you just do it [have sex]?" Eric explains, "There's not always the opportunity.. Most of the time, as a matter of fact." He goes on to say it's not a sensual thing in any way - it's just a means to an end. Jessica asks, "Where do you do it?.. In the shower?.. No. Never mind. I don't want to know." She asks how often and he jokes with "every day." She goes back to saying he can't need it that often. He infers that it just becomes part of a routine.
6:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica continue on a variety of subjects, including how often she'll see him naked in the next twenty-four days, her phone call with her brother, and whether or not they are 'hair-pullers' during sex. Jessica mentions, "Oh, God. What if Chicken George is the next POV host?" They talk about her speech tomorrow. Jessica asks what she should say and they make up funny stuff, "There I was, at the ripe young age of twenty-one in the Big Brother house..." and then break into a Jameka cheer. After a few more kisses and jokes about being "so gay for you right now" these two begin to settle down again.
6:30am (PST) - Every time it seems like they might fall asleep, Eric whispers something in Jessica's ear that prompts a two or three sentence conversation of no consequence, "Have we ever kissed standing up?"
7:30am (PST) - Eric and Jessica are still flirting, giggling, making out, and chatting.
8:30am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
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