12:15pm (PST) - All houseguests are still sleeping.
1:15pm (PST) - Everyone is still sleeping. Dick says in his sleep, "Oooh shhhit, eh ah."
2:00pm (PST) - Zach gets up and gets ready to go outside and sunbathe.
2:15pm (PST) - Zach is outside sunbathing. Dick comes outside to smoke. He tells Zach with Daniele winning the POV, they can send anybody they want home. Zach says he's aware of that and he has a lot of theories going on. Zach says if they get Jessica out this week, then it's a given everyone will want Jameka gone next. Dick says, “Not really.” Zach says, "I know that the three of us [Dick, Daniele, and himself] have to stick together," and Dick says, “Yeah.” They go over different reasons why each Eric, Jessica, and Jameka should go this week. Zach thinks the smart move is to get Jessica out this week. Dick agrees, but says he and Daniele will have to deal with Eric gunning for them, saying Eric did save him the week Dustin left and they will be the ones sending his ally out. Dick says that Jessica and Jameka are the biggest threats left if you really think about it and he would rather get rid of Eric next week. Dick says if Zach, Daniele, or himself can't beat Jameka in the Final Four, then they deserve to leave. Zach says he's down with voting with them next week and if they want Eric out, then he'll do it.
Jameka gets up and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She doesn't last long and heads back to bed.
2:40pm (PST) - Dick talks about Eric badmouthing Janelle and how he doesn't think Eric has good taste in women. Zack says he doesn't believe Jessica really likes Eric, that it's all for the show. Dick asks, "You think he's going to move to Kansas?" Zack says, "Yeah, he would." Dick says Jessica goes to frat parties and he thinks she's a cool chick. Dick says he'll be fucked if Jessica wins, since she slept through the entire season and he was awake the whole time. Zack says he's happy he won HOH when he did. It came at the right time. He says he's got Dick's number - Intimidation, fear - it's not his style, but it works for Dick. Dick says Jessica will vote personally. She'll take it very personal.
3:00pm (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Good Morning, Houseguests. It's time to get up for the day!" Then there is a second wakeup call and a warning about the lights remaining on during the day.
3:20pm (PST) - Eric goes outside, by the hot tub, with Zach and Dick and he talks about last night's competition and how funny it is that he fell. He says he knows everyone thought it was funny and he's not upset about that. He says if he saw it happening to someone else, he'd be laughing too. General chit chat follows, with Eric doing most of the talking.
4:00pm (PST) - Everyone is eating breakfast. Eric made waffles and bacon; he took Jessica and Jameka breakfast in bed.
4:40pm (PST) - Eric and Dick are in the hot tub. Eric comments that this week is going to be boring. Dick hopes they have an America's choice. Eric comments that Jameka seems comfortable, saying maybe she thinks she's safe because she can't compete for HOH. She has to know she doesn't have Eric's vote this time. Eric says Jameka was upset last night because all she wants to do is get out and compete in HOHs, as she's a fierce competitor, and last night she was disappointed in her performance. Dick says Jessica thought she would have done well in this week's HOH and Dick disagrees. Eric asks Dick if Zach feels comfortable with his choices and leaving things the way they are. Dick says it's out of his hands. Eric imagines the looks on the faces of the Jury when Jameka walks in. He mentions they all wanted to pit them [Dick, Danielle, Eric, and Jessica] against each other, so they could coast to the end. Eric and Dick discuss how Jameka went all the way with some things on that POV, where she lost the HOHs, but didn't on others like the bunny suit. It bothers Eric that Jameka has done nothing strategic in the game, but she would kill all of them in the final vote. She has the guarantee, over all the other people still in the house, of getting all the votes on the Jury.
5:00pm (PST) - Eric is in the hot tub. Dick is on the patio talking about how nothing is happening this week. They talk about the lack of America's choice. Eric says they might have had one and they only got five votes so they canceled it.
5:40pm (PST) - Eric, Jameka, and Daniele are in the Kitchen, chit chatting. Jameka and Eric keep singing so the feed keeps getting cut. Big Brother gets mean and says, "Stop That!!" They all crack up laughing.
Zach is in the Workout Room on the treadmill. Daniele joins him. Zach tells Daniele she can go up to the HOH and listen to his CD. She says okay and she gets on the Elliptical. They talk about the pains in their bodies from working out. Zach asks her if anyone has talked to her about the POV. She says, "No. No one." Zach says he has some interesting theories.
Jameka and Eric are still talking in the Kitchen - almost whispering. Jameka tells Eric they need to come up with some master plan to get Zach to put Dick up. Eric says okay, he'll try. Eric says they could lie and Jameka laughs. Jameka asks if Dick and Daniele are voting to please Zach. Eric thinks if Daniele uses the POV, she'll take Jameka down and Eric will go up against Jessica. They discuss seeing everyone's Diary Room Sessions when they get out. They imitate Mike, talking like Tarzan, and making fun of his game play. They say they might be surprised with Kail or Jen's Diary Rooms. Daniele comes back and they tell her what they're talking about and make fun of Mike again, "Me no wanna go home. Me make stupid booboo. Me go home." Daniele asks if they are going to have a family dinner. Eric says they should and he will help, as they have nothing else to do. Daniele says they are one happy, dysfunctional family. Dick walks by and says, "Just like real life." Daniele says, "This house is just like my house, except without the hitting [this is something Nick said early in the game]." Jameka says, "Oh dear." They talk about Nick's monkey being on guard, with a rifle, protecting the estate. Eric's chocolate didn't melt in the microwave, but the container did. He goes to the Food Storage Room to get more chocolate bars [non-frozen ones] and says he'll use a mug next time. They start singing and making comments... [cut] They are still doing it and Big Brother is angry, "Hey! I said stop that!" Daniele says, "This day went by so fast." Zach replies, "That's because everyone slept until three!" Daniele says, "That's ridiculous. I didn't go to sleep until after eight."
5:50pm (PST) - Jameka asks Eric if it says anything in the rulebook about beating the HOH. Eric says it bothers him that Zach thinks he's a hero in his own mind. He says Zach hasn't brought anything to the game and he hasn't done anything but kiss people's asses. Eric says he's waiting for the Nick's revenge story to come his way from either Zach or Daniele. Jameka agrees. Eric asks Jameka if she thinks Nick and Daniele will have a legitimate relationship outside of the house and she says yes. She says what pisses her off is the letter Daniele got from Nick. She thinks it's unfair that someone got a letter from another houseguest. They try to figure out what 1-5-3 means. Jameka figures it out, saying it's I adore you. She says 1-4-3 is I love you. Jameka thinks Big Brother went to Nick, after going to Daniele's boyfriend first, and he declined. Eric says Zach feels safer with Dick and Daniele than them. He feels they need to change that. Eric says if they vote Jessica out, then they'll still have to deal with the two of them. He says it might be himself going up. They say they still have some time to come up with a master plan. Eric goes on about Zach thinking he has been calling the shots, when he hasn't done anything. He has been horrible in the competitions and didn't make any relationships in the house. Everyone hates him, so they aren't threatened by him. Eric and Jameka think Eric will get HOH this week and Jameka will get it the following week. Eric talks about possible scenarios. Jameka wants something to shake down this week, so that all three of them can stay. Eric says he would be disgusted if Zach was in the Final Two and he would vote against him no matter who he was sitting next to in the Final Two. Jameka agrees. Whispering again, Eric says he's been getting the nomination treatment. No one will talk to him, or look at him, they are in a hurry to go somewhere else. He says with only six people in the house, there isn't much they can do. Jameka says her whole approach is.. are you sure that's what you want to do? You have two more weeks, or else you can go home next. They talk about ways to approach Zach.
Zach and Daniele come in and talk about their workout and how Zach was stretching out his legs. Daniele asks if they are sore in their armpits. Eric says he's sore in his armpits, his calves, his thighs up close to his wiener. Daniele says when he fell yesterday, she thought he was attacking Jameka, then realized he had fallen. Daniele says Janelle was really laughing and thought they were funny.
6:10pm (PST) - Everyone discusses when to cook dinner.. Maybe around 8:00pm. Jameka is still full, but Eric says that's still two hours away. Eric says he'll help, but he'll probably be next in the Diary Room. Daniele asks if they can imagine what it would be like if Jen was still in the house. Eric says it was a big change for him when she left. Daniele talks about Nick telling her no one likes her, to get out. She laughs about it. Eric says he might not take a shower for the next six days. Zach says the shower outside is not bad. Eric says when it's sunny he might try it. He asks if you can shave with cold water. Daniele says she's worried about that, too. Eric says Jessica's just not going to shave for the rest of the time and wear a skirt for the live show, with hair flowing. Eric starts whistling the theme from Mario Brothers... [cut]
6:15pm (PST) - Jameka is in bed, talking to Jessica. Jameka asks Jessica if anything came to her in her dreams and Jessica says not yet, but she's working on it. Jameka just says, "Mmmm hmmm." Jessica says she's white and needs to lay out. Jameka says she thought she was done with that. They comment on how hot it is and that they hate to be out long. Jameka says two weeks ago the nights were cool, now it's so hot. Jameka says she wants them both off the block. She says Zach thinks he's safe for the next few weeks and they need to tell him he's now the target. Eric comes in and flirts with Jessica. She says she had a dream about him and she was mad at him. He asks why and she says he was butt bumping with Jen. He says he isn't much of a dancer and she responds he was in her dream. Jessica asks about Eric's day. He goes into detail about getting up, going to the hot tub, talking to Jameka, making fun of Mike, melting the chocolate in the cup and melting the cup, Jameka singing and then he sang, and Big Brother getting mad at them. Then he says he's going to go take a cold shower. Eric explains how people will have more trouble shaving with cold water. He says the hot water opens up the pours and he'll get more nicks and cuts now. He's thinking of shaving in the Kitchen sink. Jessica says she'll shave her legs in there. He says the hair can't be any worse than the ants. Eric says, "I only saw ten ants today. That isn't too bad. Maybe they're taking the day off."
6:45pm (PST) - Jessica goes to take a shower and complains that it's cold. Eric tries to shave with cold water.
7:30pm (PST) - Eric gets called into the Diary Room. Dick is outside on the patio. Daniele and Zach are talking in the Kitchen, while making dinner. Everyone else is sleeping. Daniele is giving Zach a hard time about his cooking and disagrees with Zach about how things are done. Daniele says, "You always fight!" Jessica gets up and comes into the Kitchen. Zach and Daniele talk about different movies. Dick comes inside and goes into the Kitchen. Daniele and Zach wait for Eric, so they can eat. Zach asks Jessica how her shower with Eric went. She says she saw Eric's butt three times because of Dick opening the door. Zach replies, "Better him than Dick."
7:50pm (PST) - Jameka comes in and sits at the Dining Room table and Daniele says, "What's wrong, Jameka? You look pissed!" Jameka responds, "Nothing. I just had a bad dream. Where's Eric?" They tell her that he's in the Diary Room. Everyone is sitting and eating the dinner that Zach and Eric made. Dick says, "Thank you for the meal." Eric joins them at the Dining Room table and Jessica gets called to the Diary Room. She sighs heavily. It's a pleasant meal with casual chit-chat. Dick and Jameka talk about blood diamonds and the movies about them. They talk about how "Doogie Howser" [Neil Patrick Harris] visited last season and that they didn't know he's gay.
8:30pm (PST) - After dinner Dick, Daniele, and Zach go outside and talk about the POV Competition and former houseguests. They say Mike Boogie's ringtone was the most downloaded of the all the All-Stars. They wonder who's popular this year. Daniele's says, "Amber's. With her going, 'So sad. Your phone's ringing and no one's answering it. How sad is that.'"
8:45pm (PST) - Daniele and Zach go to the Workout Room. Dick is still in the backyard. Eric, Jessica, and Jameka are still at the Dining Room table, trying to figure out how to get Daniele to use the POV and then get Zach to put Dick up.
9:00pm (PST) - Eric goes to the Food Storage Room to find Big Brother provided them with ten beers, two bottles of wine, and Liquid Latex sensual body art. Eric shows everyone the kinky surprise and Dick suggests there's going to be some wild rules at tonight's game of Quarters.
9:30pm (PST) - The game of Quarters and Spin the Bottle has begun. Daniele sits this game out, as it's only fun if you're drinking and she's not drinking tonight. Dick tries to come up with new rules, so Eric will have to paint certain parts of his body. Jessica complains she has some razor burn on her legs. They discuss the instructions on the body paint containers. Eric suggests Jessica paints herself naked, since she said she felt like a new woman when they had the Luxury Competition and had to take her clothes off. Dick burps very loudly and Jameka says, "Nice." Jameka doesn't want to use the latex body paint because it smells like fish and ammonia and there are no hot showers. Eric wants to dive in and paint himself. They talk about people who are allergic to latex and can't use certain condoms. Eric tells them about condoms that are for men with premature ejaculation - "extended pleasure condoms" - they contain a lubricant that numbs your gear so it prolongs things. Eric tells about his friend who used them by accident and had no feeling in his penis and didn't know why.
10:00pm (PST) - Using Q-Tips, Jameka paints "I ♥ Eric" on Jessica's cleavage. Jessica designs something on Jameka's arm and foot. Jessica says she won't paint her boobies, but Dick tries to convince her to do it because "it will look just like you're wearing rubber." Eric wants to try a little paint on his arm to see if he's allergic. Dick asks Jessica to put some paint on Eric to see what will happen. No one's playing now. Zach and Eric are sitting at the Dining Room table. Zach puts a sock on his hand and eats from a cup, holding the spoon with the covered hand. Daniele goes to the Food Storage Room to get grapes. They discuss random things. Zach isn't happy he didn't get to practice the Quarters game.
10:20pm (PST) - Eric's rule is to have Dick and Daniele, when they lose, walk around the table at the same time and, when they meet in the middle, say "There's a line in the sand. Don't trust the Donatos [making fun of Dustin]." Eric asks Big Brother for about fourteen more beers. Jameka says she's tired. Eric paints on Jessica's arm "I ♥ Dick," while the others wait. Daniele says she's tired and wants to go to bed. Zack offers her the HOH room, to listen to music, and she passes on the offer and goes to the little room to bed. Eric says that he's sexually attracted to himself and Jessica replies, "Who wouldn't be?" One of Jameka's rules is to paint a line on Dick's neck and lick it off. She does it and Dick says, "That's the most action I've had in two months." Eric asks how it felt and Dick says, "Very nice." Big Brother hasn't supplied the house with anymore Raid, so Zach is spraying the ants with Formula 409. Dick tells him to use Windex, "Windex kills them. 409 just leaves them clean." They figure out the ants are coming from the grass planter [at the Kitchen sink] and they throw it out, spray the whole area with Windex, and hope that Big Brother won't be mad at them. Everyone is pretty tipsy. Dick burps. Jessica reads a label out loud, having problems pronouncing the words, but no one is listening to her. Jameka and Dick are making each other laugh. Eric is shirtless. Jameka is eating. Dick is going to the backyard to smoke. Jessica calls for everyone to hurry up.
11:45pm (PST) - Zach and Dick are in the hot tub. Dick has a message for Robin [from Middletown, Delaware], "Why are you inside watching me spit? Why don't you go out, get yourself a boyfriend, and get fucked?" He gives another shout out, this time to the Oakland Raiders, "You suck my dick." Dick would like CBS to hook him up with some New York Jets tickets, both him and Eric are fans. Dick complains (AGAIN) about the tea cup question in the HOH Competition in July [about how many gallons the tea cup holds].
In the Kitchen, Eric, Jessica, and Jameka are sitting around looking bored. The girls comment that Eric is really skinny. He says he needs to gain five pounds and that's why he's eating - he's making a bagel with cream cheese. He says he's also very pale and the new haircut isn't working with his paleness. Jessica and Jameka say he doesn't look that pale. Jessica remarks she likes skinny boys, so Eric says then he won't gain the weight and she tells him it's okay if he gains five pounds. Jameka says she likes her men to be husky and Jessica asks her if she's "missing the touch of a man." [It's a Carol joke.]
12:00am (PST) - Zach and Dick have just finished ironing out their new strategy. When Dick and Zach go inside, they find Eric on the floor and the girls painting a bra on him using the liquid latex. Dick asks, "Why are you always in drag?" then asks if they are going to give him bikini bottoms, too. Jameka complains, "Eric, why can't I make purple?" Eric says she needs to mix blue and red. Jameka says, "Blue and red? Ohhhhhhh.... I was using green." Dick returns to the Kitchen and says he's probably going to bed soon. Dick jokingly says he thinks he found a new Amazing Race partner - Janelle. Jameka is painting yellow dots on Eric's pink bikini top and starts singing, "She wore an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini..." Dick talks about how a lot of the former male houseguests shaved their bodies, adding, "and I guarantee those guys shave their balls as well." Jameka asks, "Do guys really want a girl with a bald vajayjay?" Dick replies, "Of course," and Jameka says, "Really? Why?" Dick responds, "You don't get those icky hairballs in the back of the throat." Eric comments, "I'm accustomed to them." Jameka insists, "But don't you prefer some?" Dick says, "You mean a landing strip? A pointer? Hell no! I don't need directions. I know where it is." Dick suggests that Eric dips his penis in the liquid latex and paints Jameka and Jessica with it. Then he compliments Jessica on her underwear - apparently she is wearing a thong. Dick asks if she likes them and she says she does. This prompts Dick to say, "I tried them. I didn't like them. They kinda cut between my nuts," then asks, "So, are nipple rings legal in Kansas?" Jessica replies, "Yes, but I don't see them very often so I'm kind of intrigued. My friend has one, but they're not very common." Jameka has turned the polka dots into flowers. The bikini removal begins - Jessica rips off sections of the latex, while Eric tells her not to because she'll rip his nipple off. She doesn't listen and his nipple starts bleeding. Jameka goes to get the vegetable oil to remove the latex more comfortably. Eric is in pain, so Jessica grabs his penis to distract him. Jameka comments that he's taking this well, considering the circumstances. Jessica wonders if Eric's brothers are watching him right now "crying like a little baby." [He's not really...] Dick comes back in from smoking. He walks by and remarks that it looks like they are performing surgery on Eric, then says he's heading to bed. They exaggerate saying Eric's nipple is really bleeding and that it's detached. Jameka says, "Jessica will donate her nipple to you." Jessica comes back with, "No, I won't." They think he's allergic to the latex paint because he's all red where it was, but he thinks that's just from pulling it off. Jessica says, "I'm pretty sure you're not going to grab my vagina." Eric replies, "Well, you just grabbed my penis three times." Jameka adds, "But the vagina is an internal organ." Eric says, "You ripped my nipple off and grabbed my penis.. This is very helpful." He gets up to wash himself off in the kitchen sink and says the people in the walls are cackling.
1:45am (PST) - Jameka wants to go work out and tells Jessica and Eric the two of them need to go have a hammock date and she'll join them after her workout. Jameka decides the Kitchen needs to be cleaned up first. She works at cleaning up the Kitchen, while Jessica and Eric go to the backyard. They get in the hammock and talk about the game. They discus what moves they think Dick and Daniele are going to make. Eric thinks they will keep the nominations the same and will honor their deal and send Jameka home, even though he says they are thinking about all the options right now, just as Eric and Jessica did last week. Eric tells Jessica not to worry, every time they've trusted the Donato's, they kept their word and he sees no reason to stop trusting them now. Eric says when he talked to Daniele this afternoon, she was all bubbly and happy that things are right on track. Eric doesn't want to tape a goodbye message for Jessica, because it will make him really sad. Jessica says taping his a couple weeks ago was really hard. The conversation gets cut short when a bat starts flying around them. Jessica asks if the bat will try to bite them and he says no, it'll just try to hang onto her hair. The bat makes a couple more circles around them, they scream like little girls, and go back inside where Jameka is cleaning. They tell Jameka about the bat's erratic flying. Jameka says she doesn't like bats, "They can have rabies, can't they? And they don't have any eyes.. or is it ears? There's something bats don't have." Eric and Jessica go back outside and lounge on the patio couches. They talk about the game a little more. Eric coaches Jessica on how she should campaign to Dick and Daniele, "There's no need to campaign. Just keep enforcing the idea that you hate Zach and he's got to go next week." Then he says, "You're breathing really heavy." Jessica responds, "I'm looking for that bat!" Eric asks, "Then, why don't we go inside, instead of staying out here in bat land?" Jessica says, "But what about Jameka?" Eric replies, "I don't know.. She keeps abandoning us." Jessica is kind of depressed and Eric snuggles up to her, trying to comfort her. She thinks she's going to be evicted and sighs, "If I go, I go." He strokes her arms and gives her a little peck on her forehead. He says he'll tell her if he thinks she's going home. He wants to spend as much time with her as he can. She says she feels confident right now and thinks if the vote were tomorrow, she would stay, but there are still four days and she thinks that by then they will decide to vote her out.
2:30am (PST) - Jameka is inside reading her Bible.
Jessica and Eric are still on the patio, flirting. Eric finally convinces Jessica to go inside to go to bed. They stop by the Living Room to visit with Jameka. Then Jessica gets into bed. Daniele gets up and goes to the bathroom, then goes back to bed. Jameka and Eric are still on the couches in the Living Room. Eric comments, "It's safe to assume Janelle hates me, since I insulted her to her face." Eric wonders what the viewers at home think of him.
3:15am (PST) - Jameka and Eric are still in the Living Room, giggling about the events of the day. They decide they are hungry and fix themselves a snack. Jameka has some cereal and Eric eats an apple.
3:35am (PST) - Daniele wakes up again and joins Eric and Jameka in the Kitchen. Eric and Jameka fill her in on the events she missed tonight, after she went to bed. They discover more ants in the Kitchen.
4:15am (PST) - Jameka takes a quick cold shower and complains that it's tough to get warmed up again after. Eric and Jameka go to bed. Daniele is alone in the Kitchen.
4:30am (PST) - Daniele straightens up the bathroom area.
4:50am (PST) - All houseguests are in bed, sleeping.
September 1, 2007
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