Result of the 8th POV Ceremony: Eric DID NOT use the POV.
9:25am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
9:30am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, it's time to get up for the day." Everyone is up and getting ready for the day. Jameka is playing maid in the HOH room with Jessica. While Jessica takes a shower, Jameka uses this as an opportunity to talk to her about Eric not wanting to win an HOH because he will get pictures of his girlfriend. She says Amber wants four good people in the end. Jessica tells Jameka that she doesn't think Eric is using the POV.
10:25am (PST) - Eric joins Jessica in the HOH room and Jessica explains what Jameka said to her about Eric. He gets upset with Amber and thinks that Jameka and Amber are trying to make him look bad to Jessica. Jessica tells Eric that she told Jameka that it’s coming down to the end of the game and they all have to start playing for themselves. She says she also told Jameka, "You and Amber think Eric isn’t with you as a group anymore and that's why she's [Amber] saying things about Eric." Eric tells Jessica that he will protect the people that have always had his back and he'll always be there for her. They talk about what he will say in the POV Ceremony. He wants to say something along the lines of respecting the HOH's decision and how much he dislikes backdooring. Eric considers making some comments, but Jessica says he may screw up jury votes, even if it’s funny. They kiss [a small peck, but a kiss]. Jessica tells Eric she's glad they talked about what went on with his ex-girlfriend. Because if they didn’t she would be upset about what Jameka said to her and would be saying, “What the hell is going on?” He explains that if anything was going on outside of the house, he wouldn’t have spent the time with her that he has in the HOH room.
Amber and Jameka are in the bedroom (with the tall beds). Amber is praying for both of them.
10:45am (PST) - Jameka and Eric have a quick conversation in the Food Storage Room, but they both just talk in circles. She cornered him before he went to the Diary Room. She tells him she just wanted to tell him that she would definately have his back and she just wants him to know that. She also tells him she hopes the group is still Jameka, Amber, Jessica, and Eric. Eric explains to her [same thing he told Zach and Amber] that the POV and the voting are two separate things and there will be ample time to discuss everything before voting. He tells her not to worry and say he talked to the others already.
11:45am (PST) - Amber and Jameka are in the bedroom (with the tall beds). Amber says, "I was right. He never intended to use the POV."
A little later, Eric comes into the HOH room, where Jessica and Jameka are chatting. They both tell him he did a good job on his speech. Eric thinks he may have went over the top. Jameka says, "It's interesting they call it the 'Power of Veto' because even when you don't use it, you exercise your power." They joke about the rambling speech Zach made.
12:30pm (PST) - In the HOH room, the subject is farts and.. No, pretty much just farts. Danielle comes in the room and they start talking about Zach campaigning and talking about the POV Ceremony. He had been talking about what he's going to ask for if he wins HOH. Zach also said if Dick wins it, the house will be turned upside-down. Danielle says that he was just going on and on.
1:00pm (PST) - Eric and Jessica are quizzing each other with dates and events in the house. Jessica gets called to the Diary Room. Dick and Zach are taking naps. Daniele is preparing something to eat in the kitchen.
1:30pm (PST) - Amber is preparing something to eat.
1:40pm (PST) - Zach joins Amber and they chat about the POV. Amber says she knew he wasn't going to use it. She tells him, "Because I'm not really close with Eric.. and you're not that close to him.. and he's okay with Dick and Daniele. So, why would he put someone up that could cause a lot of trouble..." Zach says, "Well, whether I'm here next week or not, things are going to get nasty." Zach asks Amber if she thinks her daughter will be out there if she's evicted and Amber says, "No." Zach asks, "So, then I guess my brother wouldn't be there?" Amber replies, "I don't think so." Zach takes his drink and snack outside and lays in the sun. Daniele comes out and sit with him on the chaise. Their relaxation is short-lived, when the newly repaired washing machine starts beeping.
2:00pm (PST) - Daniele and Zach talk about people who they have dated. Daniele says the tallest guy she ever dated was 6'7". She met him at the mall and she gave him her number. Danielle tells him again that every guy she ever dated, she pursued - she's never been pursued, "Oh, my God. How depressing is that? I've never been pursued." Zach says she must have been pursued by someone at work and Daniele clarifies she was never pursued by someone she'd date. Daniele likes a guy that's "freakishly tall," and she also likes big man hands, pretty eyes, and a pretty smile.
2:25pm (PST) - Dick gets called to the Diary Room. When he gets out, he says,"I'm going to smoke a cigarette and make myself a sandwich."
Daniele and Zach are still talking in the backyard about how each of them left their jobs when they came to the show.
3:30pm (PST) - While Zach, Jameka, and Daniele lounge in the sun, Dick goes inside and finds dishes that need to be washed. He grumbles as he cleans things up.
4:15pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are sitting at the Dining Room table. Daniele doesn't look happy, so Dick asks her if she's mad and she whines, "Nooooooo." Dick tells her he isn't going to be talked to like this all the time and says he's leaving. While he walks away, she says, "Thank you." Dick goes out to the patio.
Zach is taking a shower. Jameka is quietly laying in the hammock. Amber is sleeping in her bed.
Danielle goes outside to get an armload of clothes and Dick yells, "Want some help?" Daniele ignores him and goes back inside and Dick says, "Lovely."
4:45pm (PST) - Daniele changes her clothes and goes to the Workout Room and exercises. She keeps saying she's gonna die and making choo-choo noises as she works out. Daniele laughs and says the people on the internet are thinking, "It has been fifty-nine days in the Big Brother house, why the heck is she doing this now?" After ten minutes of exercise, she takes a break.
5:00pm (PST) - Eric is sitting in the Living Room with his arms crossed.
Amber goes outside and joins Jameka in the hammock. Amber tells Jameka it doesn't matter if she wins the game because when she gets out of the house, she's going to become a model or motivational speaker. Jameka tells Amber about Dick and Daniele's latest fight. Amber tells Jameka that she was a psycho when she was on drugs and that her sister took over raising her daughter for a while. Amber tells Jameka she tried to hit her boyfriend with her car. Now God has made her a better person.
6:00pm (PST) - Dick tries to get caught up on some of the laundry and tells Amber now they have towels that don't smell like "ass." The cameras follow Dick around. Zach has joined Daniele in the Workout Room. There is very little conversation. Amber goes to the Workout Room and Zach lets her use the treadmill. Amber tells Daniele she needs to talk to her later. Jessica gets called to the Diary Room.
6:10pm (PST) - Dick goes and gets into the hot tub. [cut]
7:10pm (PST) - Eric, Jessica, and Daniele are in the Living Room talking about "if Eric moves to Kansas, will Marie (Jessica's mom) do his laundry?" Eric and Jessica are laying on the sofa, planning their life together. Eric asks about the cost of living in Kansas. Jessica says a decent one bedroom apartment costs around $450 and cable and internet costs $30 a month. When everyone freaks out saying what they pay, Jessica says, "I might be wrong." Eric mentions they will retire and move to Boca Raton, Florida. Eric says he'll keep his dentist in New York, because he'll go back and visit. She says, "Really? That much?" and he says, "Yes. Well, at least to shop." She agrees and says that he will love Kansas.
7:20pm (PST) - Daniele is in the bathroom fixing her hair. Eric and Jessica continue to talk. He tells her about all the great pizza places within a block of where he lives. Jessica talks about being able to order Pizza Hut. Dick goes to the Food Storage Room to look for something to eat.
7:30pm (PST) - Daniele is sitting at the Dining Room table eating something and talking to Zach. Dick returns from the Food Storage Room and makes stuffed chicken with mozzarella and spinach. He asks Daniele if that sounds okay to her and she whines, "I don't want anything." Dick replies, "Well, it will be there for you if you want it later."
8:15pm (PST) - Zach and Daniele are in the Workout Room again. Daniele says, "I like the pictures on the machine. We don't get to see a lot of pictures in the Big Brother house, except Julie Chen's head.. although it's a lovely head." Zach keeps mentioning how many calories he's working off. Daniele speeds up her running. Zach says it looked too easy for her and she says she was cramping. He says, "Don't overdo it," but she keeps going. Zach announces this is Daniele's third time in the Workout Room today. Daniele says, "It went from boredom to pure depression." Zach asks her, "How much time are you gonna do?" and she says, "I don't know. I'm at eighty-eight calories." Then she says, "I've gone five miles and I'm still going." Zach questions, "Five miles?" and she responds, "Today." Zach announces he has just worked off one of the seven hot dogs. Then Daniele announces she's burned ninety-nine calories and she just wants to finish her lap.
8:30pm (PST) - Dick and Jameka are cooking dinner. Zach is in bed. Eric is doing his laundry. Jessica and Daniele are hanging out in the Kitchen. Amber is alone in her room tracing [with her finger] the tattoo on her right front hip. She stops, then traces the one on her right ankle. Jameka continues to cook with Eric, Jessica, and Daniele chatting with her, while Dick goes out to the patio to smoke a cigarette. He sits on the couch and says, "This whole thing with Nick is fucking ridiculous. Figure it all out when you get out of here. Stop letting it sidetrack you."
8:40pm (PST) - Eric, Jessica, Daniele, and Jameka are still talking in the Kitchen. Eric says he should ask Big Brother for an HOH Competition that asks about past seasons. Daniele says, "That was for All-Stars only." Jessica says, "Yeah. We just get questions about past houseguests." They talk about how Kail, Jen, and Joe were the biggest liars. Daniele tells them she heard Joe tell Jen, "Don't worry. I'll throw it and vote her out." Daniele laughs and says then he came to her and told her the opposite.
Amber is in her room talking to God, telling Him what she did throughout the day. She says anytime he wants to go into her heart, he doesn't have to knock, just come in. She loves Him and trusts Him and blesses Him, "I love you, God. Amen." Amber kisses her necklace. She says, "God, I hope something comes out of this for me. I want to go to school. I want to be a motivational speaker so bad. I want to be a model. I want to be so many things. Being in this house makes me realize all I want to do."
8:50pm (PST) - Dick comes back in and joins Jameka, Eric, and Daniele in the Kitchen. Dick is helping Jameka cook again. Daniele gives Dick a look that could kill.
9:00pm (PST) - Amber is still in her bedroom.
Eric, Jessica, Dick, and Daniele are still in the Kitchen. Eric says he doesn't have a MySpace account. He feels it's ridiculous how people get into fights over it, getting upset over who is in top eight and the friends lists, etc.. Jessica says she has a Facebook and her mom has a MySpace. Eric jokingly says maybe he'll need one for his fan base. Daniele laughs, "Doubt it!" Then Daniele says, "You're a wreck, Jameka. You're not yourself today." Jameka replies, "I know." Dick teases, "She was mad she came in third in that contest 'cause she wanted that million dollars." Jameka asks, "In which one?" Daniele adds, "What are you talking about?" Dick responds, "Uh, nothing. Ooops." Eric gives them funny looks from the Dining Room table. Daniele says, "I have no idea what he's talking about, personally."
9:20pm (PST) - Everyone's getting ready for dinner. Amber comes in from laying in the hammock and they tease her about how she missed dinner. She goes back out to the patio and Jessica joins her. Amber says she's so nervous. Jessica tells her, "You know you have Jameka's vote and Eric.." Amber tells her she talked to Eric and she's not so sure, "He said some things. Like, he wouldn't vote for me."
9:40pm (PST) - Dinner is served. Everyone is gathered at the table, eating and talking about how there was only one viewer question [about Dustin's gray shirt]. They think there hasn't been one since, because they're awful with how they answer Julie's questions.
10:00pm (PST) - Dinner is over and they are starting to clean up the table. Eric and Zach do dishes while Jameka, Jessica, and Amber clear the table. Dick goes outside to smoke a cigarette. Daniele is nowhere in sight.
10:15pm (PST) - In the HOH room, Jessica, Dick, and Eric almost mention "The Power of 10" again. Dick says he thinks Daniele is depressed and Jessica says "Why? Because she didn't get to...[mumbles] see Nick," while Eric clears his throat to warn her. Dick quickly says, "Yeah." [cut] They talk about chores and making the nominees do the dishes.
Jameka finishes her shower, while Amber talks to her from bathroom couch. Daniele and Zach have gone to bed. Eric tells Dick that both Amber and Zach came to them [Jessica and Eric] with the same advice - to backdoor Dick or Daniele. Eric says he has a necklace from Abercrombie that he always wears, but he was told by Big Brother that his necklace looked gay and he shouldn't wear it. As he says that, Big Brother announces, "Eric, stop that."
10:30pm (PST) - Dick, Jessica, and Eric are still talking in the HOH room. Zach bashing turned into Dustin bashing, which turned into Carol bashing, them some Amber bashing. They talk about Amber's obsession with her necklace. They say last week [on picture day], after spending the whole time not wanting her picture taken, she comes running out [as Daniele is about to turn the camera in] and demands to have all sorts of pictures of her necklace taken. Daniele took a few and then went into the Food Storage Room [to turn in the camera] and deleted them. Jessica says, "And it's just a stupid flip flop." Eric comments, "I'm sure I'm a major topic of conversation at the jury house." Jessica replies, "No. Jen is," and Dick adds, "Talking about herself." Dick wants the four of them to go into the Diary Room to do a goodbye message to Amber together and cry fake tears.
Zach comes out of the Diary Room and tells everyone that Big Brother told him to give everyone a heads-up that they're all going to be called to the Diary Room. Big Brother announces, "Daniele, please come to the Diary Room." They page her again and give up trying to wake her. Big Brother announces, "Jameka, please come to the Diary Room." Jameka groans, "They're gonna ask us the same stuff!" She says she's glad it happened, it's over, let's move on [referring to "The Power of 10"]. Jameka wants them all to go in there collectively and get it all out of the way.
11:30pm (PST) - Dick speaks very proudly of his school suspensions and Jessica says, "Wow," like she doesn't care. Dick says they worked in little learning cubicles and he got suspended for sticking the label, "Sex Wax," from his surfboard wax, on his cubicle. Dick remembers a book called The Satan Seller [from school] and how "very, very graphic" it was for a Christian school.
12:00am (PST) - Eric goes to take a shower. As Jessica passes by, he asks her if she completed her assignment of thinking of something fun to do tonight so they won't be bored.
Dick, Jameka, Jessica, and Zach are on the patio talking about math. Zach says, "On the subject of numbers, I ate seven hotdogs today."
Earlier tonight, the houseguests got to see footage of Amber and Daniele going to New York. They were told if they didn't talk about it, they'd get to see the show Tuesday night and get a special dinner.
12:45am (PST) - Zach is sleeping. Jessica goes up to the HOH room to sleep.
Eric, Dick, and Daniele discuss Season 6 and various other topics.
3:30am (PST) - Everyone is in bed sleeping, except Dick. He goes outside and tends to the laundry and mutters about nobody cleaning the lint filter. He takes a load of towels in for the bathroom. Dick goes back outside, spins the teacup, and grumbles, "Yeah. Nine gallons in the teacup. Fuck you. That's right. I said it. Nine fucking gallons in the teacup. Fuck you!" and sits down on the couch.
3:45am (PST) - Dick talks to himself, saying, "Funniest thing about this show. It doesn't seem like you're on a show. Wonder if Survivor feels this long. I'd fucking die on Survivor. Literally. Bet it is the same. They don't get to see shit either." He laughs to himself and says, "Really weird." He checks the washer and thinks he put too much soap in. He says, "I don't know and I don't care. I'm gonna try to go to bed." He goes inside and sees Zach's socks on the floor and says, "I'd rather stick a poker in my eye, than touch those," then says to the camera, "Don't touch Zach's socks." He goes to his room and, while he makes the bed, he mumbles to himself, "Dustin's a fucking idiot. Jen's a fucking bitch. Glad they're both gone. [Heavy sigh] It's kind of like when diarreah stops.. you're so glad it's over!" He puts on his robe [to change into his sleeping shorts] and hears the camera moving, so he flips off the camera., blows his nose in his t-shirt, throws it on the ground, and turns out the lights.
4:00am (PST) - Dick is in his bed, apparently thinking of something funny and he laughs out loud. All other houseguests are sleeping.
4:15am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping. Jessica is sleeping in the HOH room with the lights on.
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