11:00am (PST) - Big Brother announces, "Houseguests, it's time to get up for the day." Eric and Jessica are talking in the HOH room, Dick is sitting on the side of his bed, Zach is in the shower, and Amber is still in bed. Dick gets called to the Food Storage Room to get new batteries and then Amber does the same. Zach is out of the shower and getting ready for the day. Daniele, Jessica, and Eric are called to change their batteries, but Jessica and Eric are making no attempt to get out of bed. Zach makes cat noises at Amber. Eric and Jessica are called for a second time to change their batteries, but are still not moving.
12:00pm (PST) - Jameka and Amber are in the bedroom (with the tall beds) chit chatting. Jameka bashes the Big Brother voice, calling him Mr. Peanut, and saying they only get "Thank you's" with the nighttime crew. The Big Brother voice says, "Thank you very much."
Jessica leaves the HOH room and goes to the Diary Room.
Amber is whispering, almost inaudibly, to Jameka. Amber has the look of, "WTF is Jessica doing?" on her face, but what she said could not be heard. Jameka says they will call a lockdown to get people moving. Jameka says she needs to talk to Eric. Amber continues to mouth stuff no one can hear. She looks angry though. Amber says, "Jessica is Eric's puppet."
12:15pm (PST) - Amber and Jameka leave the room and go their separate ways. Amber goes to the bathroom and weighs herself [at around 165], then paces around the bathroom, and starts getting ready for the day. Then she goes outside to fold her clothes.
Jameka and Amber talk again and bash Jessica some more, saying Eric is running Jessica's HOH and how Dick did the same thing to Daniele. Jameka goes over her future conversation with Eric. Amber wishes she would have used her "master manipulating" skills in this house. Amber hopes Daniele doesn't tell Dick about their conversation last night and they hope it doesn't get to Eric because they think Eric is a threat. They say Eric, Dick, and Daniele are in the "Don't Care About Jury Votes Alliance." They speculate what would happen if they make it to the Final Two. Amber recounts last night where she heard Daniele and Eric in the kitchen talking for a couple of minutes. When she got up, Daniele was making cookies. Amber thought Daniele was telling him everything and she was wondering, "Why, God? Why?"
12:35pm (PST) - Amber rehashes the conversation she had with Jessica last night. She says Jessica isn't a talker and talks about how shy she is. The conversation turns to how they think Eric will get rid of Jessica before he wins HOH. Amber swears that no one will vote for Eric, saying that she would vote for Dick before she voted for Eric. They bash Eric again. Then they talk about how hot it is and go inside. They are excited about tonight's dinner, as it's something special from Big Brother. Jameka goes to the Kitchen to make something to eat. Amber talks about Jessica, but Jameka interrupts her saying, "Well, are you going to do anything about it?.. Well, then shut up until you do."
12:45pm (PST) - Jameka gets called to the Diary Room and she complains how it's always right before she's going to eat.
1:30pm (PST) - Amber and Jameka are talking. Amber says she's bored. They talk about how Amber offered to watch Daniele's dog after Big Brother because she has no place to live.
Daniele and Zach are in the Kitchen, trading idle chit-chat and eating breakfast. Daniele reads through the Big Brother rule book again.
1:45pm (PST) - Dick is awake and moving around the house. Zach gets called to the Diary Room. Amber is on the treadmill. Daniele gets on the other one. Jessica got the digital camera today and will write her blog at some point during the day.
2:50pm (PST) - Jessica announces, "It's picture time!" Not much going on around the house.
3:30pm (PST) - Jessica has been taking pictures the last forty-five minutes or so. She just got called to the Food Storage Room to turn in the camera. Everyone has been posing and Jessica even changed clothes for other pictures. Daniele stayed outside after pictures were taken there and complains about how hot it is to Amber, as she joins Daniele in the sun.
3:45pm (PST) - Jessica goes up to the HOH room to take a nap. She tells everyone to wake her up at 6pm. Amber is in the backyard tanning. Daniele goes inside because it's too hot. Jameka is cleaning the refrigerator and asks Eric to stick around to chat with her.
Zach goes to the Diary Room to see what time dinner is and to ask for more cups. When he comes out, he offers to help Jameka. She says that it's okay, but she could leave some for him. He talks about a roommate that would take meat out of the freezer, then let it sit in the fridge and bleed all over everything. Zach talks about not remembering what he requested for HOH. He doesn't know what candy or music he asked for. He talks about how Eric, Jameka, and himself haven't won anything, they know what he's talking about. Zach and Jameka talk about musical groups, while Jameka cleans.
4:00pm (PST) - Eric, Zach, and Jameka are still talking in the Kitchen - Jameka is still cleaning the refrigerator. The conversation about music leads to talk about show tunes. Eric talks about all the plays he's seen - Rent, Hairspray, Lion King, etc.. He's seen hundreds of Broadway shows and he goes once every six weeks. Eric adds he isn't that fond of other art, like dancing, museum art, and ballet. Eric mentions something about "doing Broadway" when he was a kid (he's talked about it a couple of times). Then they start talking about musical instruments.
5:10pm (PST) - Jameka is still cleaning the refrigerator. Daniele asks Jameka if she's bored or angry and she responds, "Angry." They talk about tomorrow's HOH Competition.
Zach goes out to the hot tub and talks to Eric about the votes. Jameka will vote to keep Amber, Eric is voting to keep Zach, Dick and Daniele are still up in the air. Zach says he has to convince Jessica to keep him if there's a tie and Eric replies he will work on this tonight. Eric's goal is to get to the Final Four - if he gets there and doesn't win HOH or POV, he knows he's going home. Zach knows he can't win against Jameka or Amber, but can against Dick. They continue to discuss upcoming HOH's and votes.
5:30pm (PST) - In the bedroom, Amber and Daniele are talking about who they know that has boob jobs. Dick, Eric,and Zach are talking, in the backyard, about what they think the Jury House will be like. Eric thinks he'd get kicked out of the Jury House if he had to live with Jen and Dustin.
5:55pm (PST) - Big Brother calls for an indoor lockdown. Amber and Daniele are comparing stories of witnessing.
Jameka goes up to the HOH room to wake Jessica. She asks, "Have you talked to Eric yet?" and Jessica says, "No, but I will later today." Jameka says if Eric won't change his mind and vote Zach out, then he has an agenda and the two of them will be on the block next week. Jessica only says, "Yeah.. Uh huh," but doesn't really respond.
6:00pm (PST) - Big Brother really comes through with the dinner tonight. This is the feast they were promised if they kept their mouth's shut about The Power of Ten. There's steak, lobster tails, huge salads, baked potatoes, peas, fried cheese, fries, lots of desserts - including cheesecake. The food came from the Rainbow Bar & Grill, one of Dick's [and Vincent's] favorite places.
6:45pm (PST) - Everyone is still sitting at the Dining Room table, but it seems like dinner is over. Dick tells everyone to "Thank Mario" and they all did. Dick imitates Jen by sticking out his belly, then asks everyone to guess who he is. Jameka is singing "Wake Me Up, Before You Go Go" by Wham. Amber goes to get into bed, while everyone else is cleaning up the Kitchen.
Zach joins Daniele in the Workout Room and she tries to get him to run and he says he's too stuffed. Zach talks about how he probably just ate 3,000 calories, then they talk about the food they had with dinner.Then Zach starts to talk about what's really on his mind - the votes.
Jameka and Jessica do the dishes in the Kitchen.
7:00pm (PST) - Dick is sleeping in the round room. Amber's in her bed. Everyone else is lounging in the Living Room. Jameka joins Amber and they're whispering about Jessica. Jameka tells Amber that she can't think negative things about Jessica because they need Jessica. Jameka says it's getting down to the wire and people are going to start playing for themselves and Jessica might break away from Eric. Jameka says to pray to God and hopefully He'll give Jessica the words to convince Eric to keep Amber. Jameka tells Amber she understands, but Amber says she doesn't. Amber says, "Last week was a lot easier than this week. I can't take much more of being on the block. I'm the only person, besides Dick, that has been on the block and had to worry." Jameka corrects her and says that Eric worried and Kail worried. Jameka says she told Jessica if Amber goes home this week, Jessica will go home next week, and then they'll get rid of Jameka. Amber thinks she has Daniele's vote and Jameka says that's even better. Jameka thinks it will come down to Daniele and Amber agrees. Jameka and Amber rehash the conversations they've had about deals with Eric and Jessica. They both think it will be a tie tomorrow. Amber says she saw Julie saying it's a tie and Jessica must break it and Jessica says, "Sorry, Zach..." Jameka says she doesn't see it being 3-1, but she sees it being a tie. Jameka thanks God. Amber tells Jameka that she knows that something good will come out of this for her, like modeling. She says she's good with her words - she just has a feeling something good will come out of this for her and Jameka agrees.
7:40pm (PST) - Zach and Eric are arguing over two MMA fighters. First it was whether or not the spelling is "Sylvia" or "Silva." Then they argue over if Ken Shamrock and Frank Shamrock ever fought each other. Amber agrees with Zach that it is "Silva." She says she saw the fight. Eric is slaying Zach. Not only is Zach wrong about Tim Sylvia, but he's wrong about Shamrock vs. Shamrock. Eric laughs and openly tells Zach he's wrong about all of this, even saying that this is what Dick hates about talking to Zach, that he thinks he knows things he doesn't know anything about. Zach is obviously out of his league on the subject, but he's trying to argue with Eric to mess up his game with Jessica. Meanwhile, Eric is making him look stupid, all the while flirting with Jessica and stroking her leg, spelling out little words like her name.
8:00pm (PST) - In the Living Room, Eric asks Jessica what she wants to do, "take a nap, be anti-social..." Jessica starts quizzing Eric on the trivia like stuff in the Living Room and Eric boasts all he knows about his bed room - facts include white border, nineteen picture frames and eight have ribbons on them, seven mirrors with three on the side wall, white checked little chair, Nicks thing to Daniele, etc.. Zach comes back and Eric goes to the Food Storage Room and looks for clippers, and cups, but comes out with a banana. They talk about the mini-Mad Hatter various sayings, from a couple of weeks ago.
8:10pm (PST) - Zach wonders if you can play beer/water pong with three people - the consensus is that you can. Eric wants them to play a "cinema movie" on the screen in the Living Room, like "Mean Girls" or something. Zach, Eric, and Jessica talk about various movies in their collection.
8:20pm (PST) - Eric gets called to the Food Storage Room to get the clippers and then Dick was called to the Food Storage Room to get a new microphone.
8:25pm (PST) - Zach, Jessica, and Eric go up to the HOH bathroom so Eric can get his hair cut. He decides on the 3/8" because it is one less than 1/2".
8:35pm (PST) - They switch to 1/4" because it doesn't look like it's short at all, but the quarter inch isn't doing much, until Zach starts pushing down on it.
8:40pm (PST) - Eric's hair cut is done. They talk about Season Five and how if one of the twins were to have a showmance, the other had to go along with it.
9:00pm (PST) - Eric is in the HOH bathroom with Jessica. She brushes her teeth and he climbs into her bed, then she joins him. They kiss and Eric says, "You're mint fresh."
Dick and Daniele have another altercation. It was about her attitude. Dick walks off and mimics Daniele, "Oh my Gooood! I knoooooow!.. I’m sick of your fucking attitude." He goes to his bedroom and is alone.
Eric and Jessica are watching [the spy screen] Daniele at the Dining Room table. Jessica wonders why Daniele is working out all of a sudden.
9:15pm (PST) - Amber cries, saying she misses her daughter, "It kills me being here and away from her." Jameka flashes her bra and starts to giggle, as she pulls her top back on and says, "Excuse me, America!" They both start to giggle. They talk about what will happen after this week. Amber says, "My personality doesn’t change when I am on the block," and "God will not let Zach stay in the house." Amber thinks she will be the one still there tomorrow. Amber tells Jameka again about all her merits and why she believes that she will remain in the house and how horrible Zach is.
Daniele and Zach are talking in the Kitchen. Daniele says this is the first time she's made peanut butter cookies, so they might not be that good.
Dick is still alone in his room humming, burping, folding clothes, and talking to himself. "I'm very sick of her bullshit. That girl pisses me off. I don't need this shit." He talks about a shirt he brought and doesn't like or wear.
Zach and Daniele talk about school. Daniele had Spanish only and Zach had Spanish and Latin. Zach asks if she had Home Economics and Daniele says no, she took Graphic Arts. Zach asks if they did t-shirts and Daniele says, "No. We never did silk screening."
9:45pm (PST) - The houseguests are still on an indoor lockdown. Zach says, "No beer and golf clubs." Dick replies, "Same thing as drinking and driving.. not a good idea." Zach asks if the skeleton design on Dick's shirt is from an album cover and Dick tells him it's not. They talk about the $4,000 microphone Dick fell into the pool with last night. Zach says they modified the microphones. Dick asks how he knows that. Zach responds, "I just know." Dick insists, "How do you know? You don't just know something like that." Zach says again, "Well I do." Dick says, "When we get out of here you will either be a genius or totally full of shit on the message boards. People are Googling what you are saying right now and will post whether you are full of shit or not."
10:00pm (PST) - Daniele, Jameka, and Amber are all dying to know what they're doing in the backyard. Daniele goes back to the Kitchen to check her cookies. Dick spinning his drinking cup like a top for entertainment. Zach comments, "Wow. It's come to this." Dick responds, "Yes. The entertainment of the evening is spinning glasses."
10:45pm (PST) - Eric, Zach, and Dick are in the bathroom. Zach asks, "Is Jessica sleeping?" Eric replies, "She's out for the night.. I'm pretty fuckin tired in my own right." Eric talks about his 1/4" haircut, saying it was done out of "sheer boredom." Jameka waves her hand as Dick tells her, "Your coming into a fog of farts." Jameka tells Eric, "Your haircut really looks better." Dick's laying on the floor, waiting for midnight, when the lockdown is over. He really wants a cigarette.
In the Workout Room, Amber calls her stomach "jelly belly," as she lifts her shirt.
In the bedroom Daniele and Eric wonder what's going to be in the backyard after the lockdown. Daniele wonders if it will be something special, while Eric is skeptical. He thinks maybe it's double eviction, since there's no time for editing. Eric talks about the good colleges in NY - NYU and Columbia. Zach says he could move to Los Angeles and stay on his couch and the subject of rent in Wichita, being only $400 a month, while Jessica would stay at her parents. Eric says he would live near the Wichita bar scene. This leads to a discussion of the bar scene.
11:00pm (PST) - Daniele says they still haven't gotten there suitcases, "double eviction, double eviction." Eric says they would need their bags earlier, laughing about having to throw all their belongings in bags or go to the Jury House with no luggage. Zach talks about losing luggage at LAX and how he had to go through a lot of bags and got a $25 voucher for his trouble. Daniele tells Zach he should have taken a better bag. They talk about airports. Zach wonders if Eric was serious about moving out here and Eric says he doesn't know, saying he has no job and may or may not have a lease. Jameka says they're on lockdown so Big Brother can set up an America's Choice event. Eric says America's Choice is "no more." Daniele says maybe next week, but that's the last week.
11:10pm (PST) - Amber is working out with weights. Jameka, Eric, Daniele, and Zach are talking in the bedroom. Eric says it's unlikely that Jessica will come out tonight. Eric wants to wear something ridiculous for tomorrows show. Zach heads back to his room to pack.
11:25pm (PST) - Jameka asks the camera, "You don't want Amber to go?" then tells the camera, "Stay still if you want Amber to stay. Hmmmmm, thank you." Amber says she wants to talk to her, saying she has things to tell her "just in case." Jameka says, "Stop," but Amber continues to pack, saying it sucks [like she did in week one]. Amber says she has to wear jeans since all she brought were "flip flops, no shoes. $4.99 at Rite-Aid"
11:45pm (PST) - The houseguests are still on an indoor lockdown and Dick looks like he's having nicotine withdraws, since he can't smoke.
12:00am (PST) - After six hours, Big Brother annouces the lockdown is over. Daniele goes outside and there's something with a tarp over it. Daniele exclaims, "Six hours for that! It looks like a stage with a tarp over it." Daniele, Zach, and Eric try to figure out what the HOH Competition will be and Eric dares them to rip off the tarp "to see what it is." Zach says there's "something behind the trees" as it is probably camouflage for something. Daniele opens a container of "Private Select" ice cream, while Zach sings songs from Alice in Wonderland. Zach says he can have a small scoop of chocolate. Daniele says, "I hope it's endurance tomorrow," and Zach hopes he's still there, saying he doesn't want to be stuck with Jen and Dustin for a week. They talk about Big Brother After Dark on Shotoo and Daniele says, "I heard its doing really well." Zach thinks it was canned and asks, "How did you hear that?" and she says, "From my trip outside the house." Daniele's thoughts go back to what's under the tarp. Zach wants to talk, but is tired and Daniele says, "We'll chat in the morning."
12:20am (PST) - Jameka and Amber are almost finished packing Amber's clothes, as Jameka shoves in the last few things. Jameka tries to keep Amber positive. Zach comes in and asks if it would be okay to turn the lights off in a hour and they says it's fine with them. Zach tells them he "packed in five minutes." Amber laments about all "the fucking mistakes in this game." Jameka is silent, then talks about getting her stuff out of the bathroom. Amber is leaving her "New Balance" shoes behind as they are "too rough," saying "I like soft shoes." Amber hauls all her stuff to the Food Storage Room, where Zach's bag is.
12:45am (PST) - Dick tells Eric and Zach, "She has a worried look on her face." Dick talks about what a mistake it was for Jameka to give up her right to compete in the next two HOHs. Daniele comes out of the Diary Room saying, "I have an announcement.. Just kidding." Dick talks about how Nakomis was listed as Jennifer on everything, then she gets in the house and tells everyone she's called "Nakomis." This is followed by more talk about previous seasons. Daniele starts guessing what the houseguest's nicknames are on the message boards. For Zach, Daniele says we're calling him, "Angry inch," or "Eyebrow tweezer," or "Porn star."
2:00am (PST) - Zach pretends to be asleep. Jessica really is sleeping. Eric and Dick talk some game in the bathroom. Dick tells Eric it's essential that they win HOH. They say if the HOH Competition is elimination, they take Zach out first. Eric confirms the plan is still to vote out Amber tomorrow. There's a lot of giggling about Zach's crazy ideas and how poorly Amber's played the game.
2:30am (PST) - Dick and Eric are still in the bathroom whispering and giggling.
3:30am (PST) - Dick and Daniele are still up.
4:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica are in the HOH room discussing what questions Julie will ask on the live show. Jessica tells Eric that for some reason, Amber thinks she's keeping her, if there's a tie. Eric says if there's a tie, then something is fishy because then either Dick or Daniele didn't vote for Amber. Jessica aske Eric if he might vote to keep Amber and he says no, he's voting her out. Jessica calls him "PV" [Phantom Vote]. Eric says if for any reason there's a tie, Jessica should kick Amber out and he starts to campaign for Amber to leave - Amber leaving will break up Jameka and Amber. Jessica asks Eric if he's going to tell Amber. He says he's going to avoid her.
Dick puts rubber gloves on the grass bunny by the front door. He does something in the Kitchen, then goes to the Food Storage Room. He continues to add props to the grass bunny - looks like an orange peel around both eyes.
Eric and Jessica are eating in bed, as Eric tells Jessica that Jameka loves his hair and said he looks like Justin Timberlake and is Bringing Sexy Back. Jessica repeats that Amber didn't talk to anyone tonight. They talk about what to say to Jameka about voting Amber out. Jessica gets called to the Diary Room. Eric is alone in the HOH bed, as Dick joins him. Eric tells Dick that Jessica was asked to go to the Diary Room by a voice that was only in the HOH room. They talk about Janelle and all her winnings and how she didn't win the game. Then about how Dr. Will never won any challenges, but won BB1 and almost won BB7.
4:15am (PST) - Dick and Eric are talking about what Amber's reaction will be when she's evicted. They watch Jessica come out of the Diary Room and come back upstairs. Eric rehashes to Dick what happened last night when Daniele was making cookies and how Amber probably heard Eric and Daniele talking and how she came running out after Eric had gone back to the HOH room. Eric says that Daniele told him that, for the tenth time, Amber told Daniele about her pooping in her pants around her boyfriend.
4:30am (PST) - Dick talks about how Zach's master plan is to nominate Jameka and Jessica and backdoor Eric, because he's the biggest threat. Eric says that there's no more backdooring, as everyone has an equal opportunity in the POV Competition. They're also talking about their odds of winning all the following competitions. Eric says they are responsible for everyone in the Jury House and they have had a hand in everyone, except Carol, leaving the house. Dick asks if a group has ever steamed rolled so many people. Eric says he has a feeling James will be here tomorrow. He feels like past houseguests will return. There's more talk about if they should try to scare Zach tomorrow by telling him that he's basically leaving and then saving him. They talk about all the stuff Zach packed from the house. Dick says he kept a snake from the POV Competition he won.
4:45am (PST) - Dick is outside smoking. Eric and Jessica are in the HOH bed, talking.
5:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica are discussing the colors in the little room and things to remember from the house.
6:00am (PST0 - Lots of noise behind the walls in Dick's Room and it wakes him up and he's not happy. Jessica and Eric are still awake and talking about the game and general chitchat. Jessica asks Eric if he will do stupid things, like jump in the pool with his microphone on.
6:40am (PST) - Dick keeps moving around in his bed. Jessica and Eric still talking in the HOH bed, with the lights off. Eric kisses Jessica and says, "Goodnight," but they’re still face to face talking.
7:00am (PST) - Lots of under-the-cover smooching between Jessica and Eric. They came out from under the covers for air and she's rubbing his head. He asks, "How do you like it?" and she replies, "I like it a lot. I'm afraid Jameka might like it more than me." They cuddle and kiss more.
7:45am (PST) - All houseguests are sleeping.
August 29, 2007
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