Result of the 11th Nomination Ceremony: Daniele and Dick
9:30am (PST) - The houseguests are still sleeping. The TV screen in the Living Room has "Nominations Today" on it.
9:45am (PST) - Dick is in the backyard smoking.
10:15am (PST) - Daniele and Jameka are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Dick is still outside and Zach joins him. He asks Zach not to put himself and Daniele on the block together. Zach says, "It doesn't really matter," but Dick thinks it does. Jameka joins them and the conversation stops.
10:40am (PST) - Total silence - Daniele is tanning and Jameka is on the hammock. No sign of Zach or Dick.
11:00am (PST) - Dick and Daniele have a discussion about who Zach will put on the block. Daniele tells Dick, "He can't put both of us up," then says she wants to talk to Zach, but doesn't want to interrupt his "meditating."
Daniele goes up to the HOH and says, "I want to know if you're going to put us up together because if you do, one of us will go home." Zach replies, "I know that," and a ten-minute debate begins. Zach stands his ground and, for once, Daniele can't railroad someone into a new position. When the discussion ends and Daniele leaves, Zach mutters, "Dani, you're an idiot." He mimics her, quoting, "Nobody can beat my dad?" then says, "Your dad's an idiot." After several minutes of silence he says, "Yep, you two are goin' up."
Daniele goes to the Kitchen and whispers to Dick about Zach, saying, "He has no chance of getting to the Final Two as long as we're still in the game.. I told him that you've had his back since week two," and explains that Zach had said, "I'd like to believe it, but I can't." They talk about how even if Zach makes it to the Final Two, he won't win, even against Dick because Dick played the better game. Dick says, "Yeah. But, you know, Zach is right. Neither of us would take him to Final Two. He's just looking out for himself the same way we are," then says he will go talk to him later.
Zach is still in the same spot on the HOH bed, with his letter from home in his hand. It appears he's also watching the Spy Screen, where Dick and Daniele are in the Kitchen doing close-up whispering.
12:35pm (PST) - Zach walks through the Living Room and Dining Room with a bag. Dick and Daniele are outside on the patio. Daniele says if Zach wins the POV, he can change one of his nominations. Dick says now he's not going to talk to him. Daniele doesn't seem to like that idea either.
12:55pm (PST) - Daniele and Jameka are talking in their bedroom. Daniele says, "I hate Zach." Jameka replies, "Don't say that about your brother." Daniele says, "No. You know what he said? He said he's played the best game in this house. Are you kidding me?! ?!" Then she says that today doesn't matter and Jameka responds, "Yes. It does!" Daniele says, "Nominations? No. Just POV," and Jameka agrees, "Yeah. POV." Daniele comments, "I just want to go to bed." Daniele continues to tear herself apart for the error she made in yesterday's competition. Dick is occasionally coming in and out of the room while they talk. Daniele says, "It's so easy to look back and say 'I just wish I would've done this and that.' It's so different." Jameka is not really talking much, just saying, "Umm Hmm," a lot.
Dick is in his usual spot on the patio, smoking, spitting, and hacking. He drops the F bomb between each phrase, "We win POV," then, "Go Final Three," and "Fuck him [Zach]," then "Fuck her [Jameka]," and finally, "One of us will win this fuckiing game. End of fucking story."
1:00pm (PST) - Dick and Zach are by the pool. Dick tells him, "Basically, we had a deal to go to the Final Three," and Zach responds, "Yup." Dick continues, "We held up our deal, but you're gonna do what you want. There's been a lot of shit since the beginning of this game." Zach points out, "At this point, in the Final Four, you have to do what you want for yourself." Dick gets angry, "I don't even want to have this conversation with you. We agreed to bring you to Final Three. Daniele has had your back, since Nick left, and you know it. You better hope you win POV." Zach replies, "It doesn't matter at this point. If you end up surviving, you're in the Final Three anyway."
Zach goes back to the HOH room. He says to himself, "Fear is not gonna work, buddy. Oh, Big Brother. You're playing for a half million dollars. Do you honestly think your gonna give two shits about me?" He says if they win, their lives will be changed, and in six months, or three months, they won't give a shit about him. Then he says if he wins, he won't give a shit about them. Zach goes back downstairs and rummages through the refrigerator for something to eat. He makes a sandwich, gets something to drink, and goes outside to eat. He asks if they think they can get through the whole game without doing anything. He sits down to eat and think. He finishes his sandwich and goes inside to sit in the Living Room. After a while, Zach goes back to the HOH room to listen to some music with the headphones on.
Dick is in his bed and he turns over, gets another pillow, and says, "It's all about the POV." He gets up and mumbles about something not being a big deal, then gets something to drink and goes outside to spit, burp, smoke, etc. He says, "It aint't nothing I haven't been through before," and "All good, man." He continues to smoke, spit, and chew his fingers. Dick says, "He should have been gone week seven. He's living on borrowed time."
Zach is watching Dick on the Spy Screen saying, "Sorry, dude. I'm not in it to make friends," then says if Will and Boogie want to hang out sometime, he's all for it.
2:00pm (PST) - Zach is still in the HOH room mumbling about what he thinks his dad would do. Dick's still smoking, spitting, and hacking on the patio.
2:30pm (PST) - Zach is still in the HOH room bashing Dick and Dick is still on the patio bashing Zach. Dick is much more harsh with his words, saying, "You cocky motherfucker.. We did it nine times before, we can do it again, and you'll be out of here without a cent."
2:45pm (PST) - Dick gets called to the Diary Room.
3:00pm (PST) - Jameka goes up to visit with Zach in the HOH room. Jameka promises if she gets HOH, she'll take him to the Final Two and Zach promises to do the same. They agree if the nominations stick, Jameka will use her single vote to evict Daniele. Zach tells Jameka that Dick and Daniele are not talking to him and that Dick had told Zach that he better do the right thing, or else. Jameka asks, "Or else what?" Zach asks Jameka if it really matters who he puts up. She says, "YES! Because if you win the Veto and I'm on the block, I can't vote. And you might not be able to save me. Ask Big Brother if you can use the Veto to save someone else." He explains Big Brother isn't giving him any information and told him he should have watched the show. Jameka says, "Ouch!" Jameka goes on to say that she'll take out Daniele, because she is the bigger threat, and it will be a more level playing field with Zach, Dick, and herself. Zach tells Jameka that Daniele had told him that they [Dick and Daniele] carried him during the game and that's the only reason he's still here and says, "That's horse shit!" He says they never asked to align with him and they wouldn't let him because Dick had said he only does weekly alliances. Zach says, "I asked them a month ago to be in their group and they said no." He says either way, if he puts Jameka up, he has to play them in the end. He says he has a better chance of going to the Final Two with Jameka than with either Dick or Daniele because they're blood and won't take him anyway. Jameka tells Zach again that she'll take him to the Final Two. He talks about how weird it is that the two of them are teaming up now to take them out. He admits Daniele told him every week that Jameka hated him and Jameka says she did the same thing with her about him. Zach says, "I hold you in the highest regard." He says he's giving her a chance to fight and she says she will. They talk about how stupid Eric was for not using the POV when he had the chance. Zach admits, "I could have done that last night and we could have voted her out. But I took a big gamble and it paid off." Jameka asks when the first POV was - Day six or day nine? Zach goes over the numbers with her and tells her he has day five, then says he's not worried about that stuff because he's more worried about the threats in the next thirty minutes. Jameka says she's trying to get ready for tomorrow's POV Competition.
3:30pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are on the patio. Dick has the letter he got from Vincent the week he was HOH. He tells Daniele that he and Vincent had worked out a secret code that he had forgotten about until now and is trying to figure out the message Vincent was trying to get across. From what Dick remembers of the code, he's supposed to use the first and last letter of each sentence in the last paragraph. Dick says it's pointless now because no one knows what week the letter was written, so if he sees a "J," he wouldn't know if he's supposed to watch out for, Joe, Jessica, Jameka, or Jen. He laughs at the wording of the letter and says he should have remembered about the secret code from the start, because Vincent doesn't write like that. He says, "Oh, well. It doesn't matter now. Whoever he wanted me to know about has been evicted by now."
4:00pm (PST) - Zach gets called to the Diary Room. Everyone else goes outside for a lockdown.
5:45pm (PST) - The houseguests got a new Dining Room table for four people. It looks very tiny, even compared to the last one they had.
Daniele says, "Doesn't it get funnier and funnier each time we get nominated?" Dick responds, "It's true. It's true." They're laughing and in a good mood. Jameka's not feeling well and is laying down in the Living Room. Dick sits on the couch in the bathroom and tells Daniele they should do a Diary Room together. Dick is mad that part of Zach's speech was to thank Jameka for restoring his faith in God. He mocks Zach's speech, "The fourteen of us were hired to do a job.. My job was to attach my lips to the ass of every HOH." Daniele says, "We cannot let Zach win this," and Dick says he's going to give him the finger during the POV Ceremony. Daniele says he can give him the finger while she's giving her speech. Dick says Zach knows he's playing for second place no matter what. They talk about Jessica's reasons for putting them on the block and how Jen's was because they were negative and Daniele says, "Because you were a smoker," and they both laugh. Dick says, "We will win POV tomorrow. This game is ours. I will say that a hundred more times tonight," and Daniele tells him not to because it stresses her out. Dick says, "We madea mistake or two along the way. We should have kept Amber." Daniele replies, "Yeah, I know." Dick says he might put that in his speech and Daniele tells him this brings back a word from Joe... "Douchie, douchie."
6:00pm (PST) - Dick tells Daniele again that there's two of them, "One of them wins. Two stay..." He says again, "We win this, we win the game. Checkmate, motherfucker." Daniele says, "Not yet. Not yet." Dick reminds her, "This is what we wanted in the Final Four. One win and we got it." Dick says something about how stupid Zach is because he thinks he can win this game. He says if either one of them win the POV, Zach will come up to them and say "No hard feelings," but Daniele doesn't think so. Dick says he would be the most hated man in America if he got to the Final Three and didn't take Daniele. She jokes that she would commit suicide. She says she hopes one of the questions is who is the youngest in the house because everyone thinks she's twenty-two and she's only twenty-one. They talk about how Julie always asks them questions and how each of them have only had a couple of weeks they did not get asked a question. Dick mocks Zach again, "You two have dominated the game. You need to give someone else a chance," then he says, "Then win tomorrow." Daniele says, "It just sucks. Because if we don't, I'm going home." Dick tells her that he told Zach, "I guarantee we win tomorrow," and Zach had told him, "That was a bold statement." Daniele makes fun of Zach again, "Zach, you are America's favorite. We lied about the 35% saying you were a sexy bunny. It was actually 100%." Dick interupts, "No. 135%," and they both laugh.
6:20pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele go outside to the patio. When a plane flies overhead, Daniele yells, "Yeah! Ambers a liar! We know! We know!" Dick says, "No. It says Zach is a dildo." Dick says, "I'm enjoying this. It doesn't matter anyhow." Daniele points out, "The only thing that matters is we thought he would be fighting for POV to help us. Now he will be playing to keep us on the block." Dick responds, "We need to go all out on this game. We cannot let Jameka sneak up on us and win it." They make fun of Zach and how he made the comment in his speech about how he got himself there. Daniele says she's going to ask for scissors, so she can trim her split ends and cut her bangs. Dick points out that the spider is back and making a web. Daniele wants to trade spots, so Dick switches with her. Dick says, "What the hell was that all about the other day when he [Zach] said I was like his brother," then they make fun of Zach having bad teeth when his dad is a dentist. Daniele says when she sees the show, she'll just probably laugh at most of the things said about her, but thinks Zach will be really upset. Dick says he'll finally get the right perspective of what everyone really thinks of him. Dick says Zach should've just stated the truth - that it's strategy, that Dick and Daniele will take each other to the end - not the bull he said. Daniele says, "He's saying it for the show. Like the people watching don't know what's going on." Daniele talks about how they would say, "For only the second time in Big Brother history. 0-7, Zach you do not win Big Brother." Dick says, "I would be surprised if he got one vote."
6:50pm (PST) - Dick continues to mock Zach's speech and his renewed faith in God. Zach is standing behind Dick and says, "Stick's and stones..." Dick replies, "All I'm saying, dude, is it would have been better to just tell the truth and say, 'hey, from a strategic point, I thought it would be better to take Jameka to the end.' That's all." Zach responds, "I did tell the truth. You just don't get it. That's your problem." A few more words are exchanged and Zach leaves. [It wasn't a heated argument, just the usual disagreement.]
7:00pm (PST) - Zach goes back up to the HOH room and picks at his fingers. Jameka is laying in her bed, not feeling well. Dick and Daniele are making dinner. Dick continues to be optimistic about the POV Competition.
7:05pm (PST) - Zach gets called back into the Diary Room.
7:15pm (PST) - Dick and Daniele are getting along really well. They even laugh about how being nominated together has done wonders for their relationship. Dick suggests when they get out of the house and have problems, they should call Zach up and put them on the block.
7:20pm (PST) - Daniele tells Jameka, "Dinner will be ready in five minutes. It's baked ziti." They finish making dinner and all four eat together. Afterwards, Dick does the dishes.
8:10pm (PST) - Jameka goes outside to join Dick and Daniele. Daniele tells her they wouldn't let her and Dick in the Diary Room together, and says, "What's up with that?" Then Daniele comments that Jameka didn't look very happy when she left the Diary Room earlier. Jameka responds, "It was not fun." Big Brother calls Daniele to the Diary Room and she asks Dick if he'd like to join her in there. On their way in, he says, "Sure. Do you think they'll kick me out of there?" Jameka stays outside mending her shoe.
8:30pm (PST) - Zach and Jameka are talking in the Workout Room, while they exercise. Zach says he hopes they get slingshots for the POV tomorrow and get to shoot at plates with pictures of themselves on them, like on Survivor. Zach says people are going to freak when they see we are together. They talk about Jessica and Jameka says she doesn't understand why he put her up. They talk about Eric and Jessica kissing; Zach thinks their relationship was all fake. He says, "I think that Jessica was rambunctious and missed the touch of a man." Zach tells her he's impressed with how she uses the elliptical and that he doesn't know how to use the hand controls. He says his Nomination speech was legit to him because he was honest and doesn't have to prove anything to himself. Jameka responds, "Oh.." He says he likes Jameka's Bible and he talks about getting a Bible when he gets out so he can add it to his collection of books. He says he loves learning, "The more you know, the further you go." He tells Jameka he has a minor in Theology and the school he went to has a church on the campus. They talk about how hard it is to find a good church. Zach says he hasn't found one yet, not that he's really been searching. Jameka tells Zach about her churches and how she's going to donate to them. Zach asks her what of churches they are and she tells him about them. There is the African Methodist Church, a Baptist church, and a non-denominational church that she goes to. Zach asks what that means and she tells him they are Christian churches. He says he's been to a Christian church and he had fun and thought it was cool. Jameka says she'll give 10% of the winnings to the churches. She says, "That's $50,000," then she tries to figure out exactly how much she will get. Zach tells her they will take 48% for taxes and Jameka says, "That sucks." Zach says that his tax guy told him if he leaves it in the bank until the end of the year that he can earn interest on it. So you can make a little on it before you have to pay the taxes. He thinks it's funny that Jameka thought they would only take 8%.
9:00pm (PST) - The houseguests are on curfew tonight. No one is sure yet what time they are supposed to go to bed. Daniele hopes that Dr. Will will host tomorrow's POV.
10:00pm (PST) - After an hour of silence, there's still nothing going on, but there's some conversation. Jameka is in the hot tub and Dick talks to her about Jury votes. He says no matter who Zach goes to the end with, he's going to get second place because no one's going vote for him. Jameka is optimistic and seems surprised by Dick saying that. Zach comes out for a minute to chat and then says he's going to take a shower [the hot water is back] and then he's going to bed.
10:35pm (PST) - Big Brother gives them a couple art sets to make candles and paint plates. Daniele and Jameka set it up at the Dining Room table. Dick joins them and they discuss what they should paint on the plates. Daniele suggests something that represents each houseguest. They decide to paint a tear for Amber, a crown for Dustin, a ballet shoe for Carol, a tether ball with a mohawk and mustache for Nick, a lower gonorrhea nether region for Joe, write "me me me" for Jen, teeth for Zach, a Veto or a cookie for Daniele, a bed or snoring ZZZZ's for Jessica, a mouth or a tripod for Eric, a zipper lip for Kail, Mmmm Hmmm for Jameka, and a fart for Dick. All three of them continue to work on making their candle. Dick mixes the colors to make a new color, then adds more green. No one is really talking, except occasionally someone comments on what they're doing. Dick goes outside to smoke, leaving Daniele and Jameka to finish their candles. Not much conversation now.
Outside, Dick says they've been up three times now, but can they survive? He thinks they can, but at least one of them is guaranteed to stay. He plans to pull out some things to fuck with Zach tomorrow before the POV Competition to mess him up. He's excited and this is what he came here for - to win the money. He states that tomorrow's POV is as important, if not more important, than the Final HOH Competition. He giggles and tell the camera, "The speech you will be seeing Zach give, is as retarded as Zach is. And I mean that wholeheartedly and sincerely. He is a retard." He says this is the Final Four that he and Daniele picked to go in with and this is the Final Four they think they can win with. This continues for some time, then Dick goes back inside to rejoin the plate painting fest. Plate painting is not going so well, but it continues until after midnight.
12:05am (PST) - Dick gets called to the Diary Room. Zach is still sleeping in the HOH bed. Jameka and Daniele still painting their plates.
12:25am (PST) - Dick is in the backyard smoking and a cigarette and doing his usual monologue. A few minutes later, he is back at the Dining Room table doing crafts with the girls. There is only idle chit chat.
12:40am (PST) - Daniele goes to brush her teeth and talks to Dick in the bathroom. A few minutes later, Jameka comes in and talks to Dick while he brushes his teeth. They are talking about the blue ball that appeared in Jameka's tube in the POV Competition. She says she's going to ask the Diary Room again tomorrow.
12:50am (PST) - Jameka goes to bed, leaving Dick and Daniele to talk about strategy and boast about how great they are.
1:00am (PST) - Daniele sitting at the Dining Room table playing with her hair. Dick comes back and they talk for a while about things like Jen, POV Competitions, and bash Zach for a little while.
1:30am (PST) - Dick goes outside for a cigarette, while Daniele sits at the Dining Room table and waits for him to come back. Dick comes back and they continue to talk about ways they can rattle Zach before the POV Competition.
2:05am (PST) - They say "goodnight and good luck sleeping," as they head off to bed.
4:55am (PST) - Danielle is tossing and turning quite frequently, clearly not able to sleep. Each time she adjusts position, she quietly whines with an "unhh." All the other houseguests seem to be sleeping well.
5:45am (PST) - Dick gets up and goes to use the bathroom, then goes back to bed.
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