August 23, 2007

55th night - Thursday

(7th Live Eviction & 8th HOH Competition)

Result of the 7th Live Eviction:
Jen leaves the house.


Result of the 8th HOH Competition: Jessica

8:30am (PST) - Jessica gets up, exercises in the Workout Room, then goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Everyone else is sleeping.

9:40am (PST) - Jessica gets called to the Diary Room - Jameka has to wake her up because she doesn't hear it.

9:55am (PST) - Everyone is sleeping again.

10:00am (PST) - Jen gets up and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Everyone else is sleeping.

10:10am (PST) - The houseguests are in the HOH room on lockdown. Most of them are sleeping, someone is showering, and Dick is farting.

11:07am (PST) - The houseguests are still on lockdown in the HOH room. Only sniffles, sighs, and coughs can be heard here and there. Everyone is either sleeping or resting, but no one is talking.

11:15am (PST) - Dick farts and says, "Excuse me." Everyone else is still either resting or sleeping. Jen is restless in the chair. No one is talking.

11:35am (PST) - Jen is awake in the chair, playing with her hands and fingernails. Still no one talking. Lots of yawns and sighs.

11:40am (PST) - Jen is still playing with her fingernails, then goes back to sleep.

12:00pm (PST) - There is only a small amount of soft talking. Other than that, no change - people are still resting and sleeping.

12:45pm (PST) - Still no change.

1:00pm (PST) - The HOH room lockdown is over and people are moving around - taking showers, putting away blankets, pillows, etc. Jen is in the Kitchen cracking eggs, taking just the whites, and throwing away the rest - she has used a half dozen. Eric walks by, but doesn't speak to her.


6:00pm (PST) - Dick just got out of the shower. Jameka is eating. Daniele is sitting at the Breakfast bar, just sitting there. Amber is at the Dining Room table. Jessica and Eric hug in the bedroom (with the tall beds), then go into the other bedroom (with the little beds). Jessica talks about seeing Eric in a dress on the screen and wonders how they can compare who looked better in the dress on TV. Jessica tells Eric that when Jen was on her way out the door, Amber said to Jen, "Don't forget to tell Dustin what I told you." Jessica and Eric think that's strange and wonder, "What was up with that?" Eric asks, "Are you excited?" and Jessica replies, "I'm excited." Eric tells Jessica that she should just relax until later tonight or tomorrow before worrying about what needs to be done [referring to the Nomination Ceremony tomorrow]. Jessica says, "Tonight, let's just have fun - eat, you know." Dick joins them and tells Jessica, "Congratulations," and Jessica says, "Thanks." They all go to the Kitchen - Eric goes to the bathroom. They discuss the HOH Competition and what questions they were asked. Eric seems relieved that he is safe this week. Jessica and Daniele talk about how "blondes have more fun."

6:15pm (PST) - Eric is still in the bathroom, getting himself ready - changing clothes, etc. Everyone else is still talking about the HOH Competition in the Kitchen. The conversation changes to what their goodbye messages to Jen were. Dick goes to the bedroom (with the round beds), then comes back to the Kitchen. Zach wonders aloud if Jen will stay in sequester or not. Everyone else agrees that she will. They think she'll want the attention, want to ask a question to the final two, and go to the wrap party to make a grand entrance. Eric joins everyone else in the Kitchen. They talk again about the HOH Competition and the questions they were asked. They sit at the Dining Room table and talk about Jen again, saying how Jen probably has no fan base. Dick suggests that she has the "psycho fans," like Omarosa.

6:30pm (PST) - Dick has the chess set at the table. Daniele says, "This is a small group of people." Everyone talks about how they take a chair every time someone leaves. Everyone agrees that they thought this week would be a double-eviction week, just like they did last week. Daniele brings up that there hasn't been an America's Choice yet and Jameka says she doesn't think there will be one. Eric chimes in that he agrees there won't be one. They think maybe there will be one at the end of the game. Jameka says she's going to go lay down. They joke that when the food gets here, the smell will wake her up. More talk about Jen, then Eric talks about a spin-off reality show about his and Jessica's wedding. They talk about Vanna White. Dick asks Daniele what Jen said to her when she walked out the door. Daniele says, "Jen said thanks for being my friend, or something like that." Amber goes to the bedroom (with the little beds), where Jameka is. Amber thinks Jessica will put Dick and Daniele up again and Jameka agrees. They think Jessica wants Daniele out. Jameka asks if Amber had told Daniele she'd save her if she won POV. Amber responds that she didn't promise to save Daniele, just not to put her up when she's HOH. Amber says her deal was - if she wins POV, she'll save Daniele but it will cancel their other deal about not putting Daniele up when Amber gets HOH. Jameka says, "Best or worse case scenario is that Dick goes home." Amber says she's glad Dick didn't win HOH. Then they start thanking God and telling Him that they love him. Jameka tells Amber that she's tired. Amber says, "Next week has to be endurance." Amber says that Daniele needs to go and Jessica, as HOH, can't compete next week. She says, "I can win the endurance." They both say that after this week, they got it. Jameka says she's still not going to unpack. Amber still thinks Jessica will put up Dick and Daniele and she'll win POV. She says Dick was pissed he didn't win HOH.

6:45pm (PST) - Tonight, the houseguests got to pick what they wanted for dinner, so instead of picking steak or lobster, they asked for In-and-Out burgers. The guys have now relocated to the living room and are talking about fast food.

Jessica finishes making her bed and Amber lays down on the bed. Amber says, "You're leaving me for a week." Jessica responds, "I know. I'm sure someone will be bunking in here with you. It will probably be Jameka, so that's okay." Amber mentions, "We still haven't talked yet." Jessica replies, "I know. We need to." Amber asks, "Is it okay if I read your letter again? If it's not personal?" Jessica answers, "Yes. It will probably be from my mom again." Jessica starts to pack up her stuff to move to the HOH room. Amber offers to help her, but Jessica says, "It can wait." Jessica asks Amber, "Did Jen tell you something to tell me?" Amber says, "Yes. It was about Eric's girlfriend, Sheryl." Amber goes on to say, "Jen said that you don't like cheats. I wasn't going to tell you." Jessica says she doesn't know if that's true or not, but Jen's right, she doesn't like cheats at all. Amber says she thinks next week will be endurance and Jessica thinks it's a possibility. Amber asks Jessica if it was pissing her off when Dick was farting and Jessica replies, "Yes. It was so gross." Amber says, "It was rude," and Jessica agrees. Jessica says, "Eric won't stop talking about Jen and he needs to get over it because she's gone."

7:12pm (PST) - Danielle and Jameka are talking in the bedroom (with the little beds). Daniele is talking about the fight she had with Dick last night, then goes on and on about how horrible her life is and how she isn't like anyone else in her family. Dick comes in and Daniele rudely asks him to leave, so they can continue talking.

7:30pm (PST) - Dick is alone outside, smoking and spitting. He says he's very happy about Jen being gone and that he wouldn't mind Zach leaving this week. He also hopes Zach will be on slop this week. He puts his clothes in the dryer and then plays croquet. Eric is called to the Diary Room. Everyone else is talking in the Living Room, where Dick eventually joins them. Jameka and Amber are eating. Eric comes out of the Diary Room and says, "Wow! This is the whole house." Jessica is called to the Diary Room.

8:10pm (PST) - Everyone is waiting around in the Living Room for the burgers to arrive - there is general chit chat while they wait. They all talk about how happy they are that Jen is finally gone. Jessica announces that her room is ready and they all cheer, then go to see the HOH room. Jessica got pictures of her football team, her dog named "Diva," and other pictures. She also gets a shirt that says “Booyah” on it and some root beer. Her letter is from her dad, who writes, "Now that you've got the HOH thing down, how about winning a POV?" She says she loves it all! Amber folds Jessica’s new [very tiny] pink booty shorts and her "Booyah" shirt. They wonder who made her shirt. Jameka says her twenty-first birthday picture looks nothing like her. She got a lot of stuff, even a yellow shirt and Dick says he loves her shirt. Jameka says, “I bet they had Jen iron ‘Booyah’ on your shirt," and everyone laughs. Dick says, “That’s a great statement!" then says he's going to leave her alone to read her letter. Dick is the first to leave. Jessica says she's happy about getting three Snickers Bars.

8:30pm (PST) - Dick is alone outside again - he's smoking and laughing to himself. In the HOH room, Jessica starts to read her letter and Daniele jokes, “Does it say Carol sends her love?” Jessica says in her letter there’s no talk of who made the “Booyah” shirt and they speculate that Big Brother made it. Zack asks if Jessica was drunk in her twenty-first birthday picture and she says, “Yes.” Jessica and Jameka say they're hungry and hope the food gets there soon.

8:35pm (PST) - Amber and Jameka leave the HOH room. Dick waves Jessica's pom-poms around, doing a cheer for the Jets, then does ane Irish jig and sings, "Jen is gone!"

Amber and Eric go out to the backyard and sit on the double chaise to talk. Amber tells Eric that Jen told her that Eric can't be trusted because of what he did to Dustin. She goes on to say that Jen told her Dick and Daniele had told Jen to go up to the HOH room as much as possible [when Jessica was HOH] and act sad to try to get information. Eric says, "That, I believe, actually." Eric tells Amber, "Jen's crazy. She thought she knew everything, but she didn't, because no one talked to her. I never had any plan to get rid of Dustin. I liked him. I made a decision under the gun, as did four others, Jen included. As I see it, it's sour grapes."

Dick uses the body paints to write, on the door for the bedroom (with the round beds), "Ding dong the bitch is dead!" Big Brother announces, "Dick. Knock it off." Dick responds, "I'm almost done." Big Brother announces, in a more stern voice, "Dick. Knock it off." Dick repeats, "I'm almost done!" Big Brother announces, "Dick. Stop that!" Dick says, "I'm done! I'll wait 'til you aren't watching," then flips the bird to the camera. Big Brother announces again, "Dick. Stop that!" Dick snips, "I did!" [Several minutes pass.] Big Brother announces, "Dick, please go to the diary room."

9:20pm (PST) - In-and-Out burgers arrive. Dick says, "This was a very good idea." Jameka and Daniele thank Big Brother. Dick thanks Rich [Rich Meehan, the co-executive producer] for asking them what they wanted to eat. Dick goes to the backyard to tell Eric and Amber, "The food is here. When Zach gets out of the Diary Room, the food will be gone. So, you better come in and eat." Eric laughs, "I know. We'll just be a minute."

9:30pm (PST) - Zach comes out of the Diary Room, telling everyone that Big Brother will let them know if Jen does not stay at the sequester house. Everyone is sitting quietly at the Dining Rom table eating burgers - not really talking much at all.

Eric and Amber are still sitting outside and Eric is telling her that some people aren't looking at the big picture, they're just getting caught up with what's going on now. Eric tells Amber that Jen's comment about him [having a girlfriend outside the house], the way she said it was untrue. Amber is giving him advice on how much of the story about Eric's ex-girlfriend [Sheryl], he should tell Jessica. Amber says that Jessica doesn't need to know everything. Amber says he should definately tell her that it's been a while since they were together [he had said it was a month before coming onto the show that they mutually agreed to take a break]. Eric jokes with Amber telling her, "Why didn't you stop this from happening? [referring to his feelings toward Jessica]" Amber responds, "Oh, I know. But I see it. You guys have something. Definately." Eric says he doesn't want Jessica to think he's a cheat, because him and Sheryl were not together when he came on the show. He also says that Jen's comment was "completely uncalled for." Amber says, "We'll talk again later. Let's go eat." Eric says, "Oh, I'm sorry." They go to the Dining Room to eat with everyone - Jessica passes them on her way to the bathroom, saying she's done eating.

9:40pm (PST) - Everyone is eating at the Dining Room table, except Jessica - general chit chat.

9:45pm (PST) - Only Zach, Eric, Amber, and Jameka remain at the Dining Room table. Jameka is starting to clean up. Still just general chit chat - Zach is talking about his favorite wine, then talks about how "if you go to Sams Club or Cosco, you better plan on spending at least a hundred bucks." Jameka calls from the Kitchen, "You better believe that!" Amber says, "Zach. You're somethin' else." Eric is helping Jameka clean up the table. Zach talks about his sleeping issues and how he gets up at the slightest sound, "except when I have a female friend hangin' out, then I don't get up." Jameka and Eric complain about the ants in the Kitchen, "They are all over the clean dishes!" Dick comes back to the Kitchen saying he wants another vanilla milkshake. Zach talks about how many things have been broken in the house - Zach broke a plate and a glass, Dick broke Zach's bed, then there was Jen, and Zach pouts, "And Dustin broke my heart." Dick lends his hand with cleaning up the table. Amber is still eating and complains, "I am so full right now! Ugh!"

9:55pm (PST) - The Dining Room table is cleared off and Jameka is finishing up the dishes. Everyone is scattered around the house. Jameka asks Amber if her back is feeling better and she says yeah, that Jameka's back rub really helped. Jameka says she's glad. Amber sits back down at the Dining Room table and has more to drink.

10:00pm (PST) - Dick is on the patio, smoking a cigarette. Amber lays down in the Living Room couch. Daniele passes through the Living Room and they talk for a minute. Dick comes back in the house, goes to the Kitchen, and says, "Oh, I'm so full." Dick and Jameka chit chat and do dishes together.

10:05pm (PST) - Eric and Daniele are in the bedroom (with the little beds) talking about how great it is now that Jen is gone. They are both changing clothes on opposite ends of the room. Zach comes in and Daniele finishes changing and leaves the room. Eric is beating himself up about the question he went out on during the HOH Competition. Daniele comes back in and hears him and says, "You're so bitter!" and they all laugh. Eric leaves; Zach and Daniele continue to talk. They whisper something about Daniele possibly going on the block. Daniele covers herself entirely with the blanket [she's in Nick's bed] and Zach is laying on the floor [in Nick's old spot beside Daniele's bed]. They continue to chit chat this way. Zach says his favorite moment with Jen was doing the facials because he had never done that before. He says, "It was kinda cool." Daniele says her favorite moment with Jen was when she walked into the Kitchen and Nick screamed, "What?!...You're just jealous!" at her.

10:15pm (PST) - Dick and Eric are talking on the patio about how great it is that Jessica is HOH. They talk about the questions from the HOH Competition and give their opinion on each. Dick says he just guessed on the last one and says, "Oh, well." Eric is upset with himself because he's been trying so hard and he hasn't won anything yet. He says, "I want to win something before I leave this house!" He's really frustrated with himself for going out on the second question in the HOH Competition. Zach comes out and joins them and they talk about how the ratio of men to women is equalizing a little. Eric says, "Four to three isn't that bad, when there are seven in the house." They all joke and laugh about the things they did last night. Dick goes back into the house.

10:25pm (PST) - Zach says he "never had anything structured with Jen." Eric and Zach talk about the things that Jen may [or may not] have said about other people in the house. Eric says, "If people want to believe Jen's perception, rather than any one of us, then that's just terrible." Eric says that he's really glad Jen's gone. Zach agrees. Eric and Zach deny ever having any type of alliance with Jen. Eric says he describes Jen as a "pompous, little bitch." Eric says, "From day one, Jen was strange. She just got stranger and stranger." Eric says that Dick had pointed out that most of the competitions that Jen won was not by her own doing, that she just won by default. He says, "Week two she won HOH by guessing; Week three she won the POV, because Dick stepped off the pedestal [due to Mike's behavior]; Week four she threw the POV Competition to Jameka, so that she would take her off the block. So, she didn't even win that one. Then week five, she won the POV by giving up half her prize money. And she didn't even follow through with it. In that POV, she also agreed to go on slop for thirty days and didn't follow through with that, either." They both agree that what Dick said earlier ["that Jen will become a transvestite or a stripper or something"] will probably be true. Eric says that her life is probably going to be ruined now because of her behavior. Eric says again that he's glad Jessica won HOH and really pissed that he lost. They rehash the HOH Competition again.

10:45pm (PST) - Jessica and Jameka are in the HOH room talking about possible strategies for the week. Jessica wonders if Dick would use the POV on Daniele again and Jameka says, "Oh, yes." Jessica sounds like she wants to try to get either Dick or Daniele out. Jessica says she wants to talk to a couple more people tonight before she decides anything because they give her unbiased opinions. Someone is screaming in the house so they look on the Big Brother spy cam screen and say, "It's probably Dick." Jameka and Jessica talk about the female to male ratio in the house. They both say, "The girls are still ahead!" Jessica adds, "The boys are doing really bad in the competitions." Jameka says that Zach and Dick are shady, but she doesn't think Eric is. But she says Jen told her that Eric is even more shady than anyone else, even Dick. Jameka says, "Eric is really into you, though. You can tell. Mmm Hmm."

10:55pm (PST) - Eric knocks at the HOH door and Jessica tells him to come in and join her and Jameka. Jessica says she has never met a New Yorker before. Then Eric says he was sitting outside with Zach and Dick and realized - Amber and Daniele are in bed - Jameka and Jessica are up in the HOH room - and that's it. There's no one else in the house. He says, "So I thought 'what am I doing down here talking to these guys?' when I could be upstairs talking to you two." General chit chat for a while. Eric asks about Jessica's letter and gets it so he can read it.

11:05pm (PST) - Zach knocks at the door and comes in to chat with Jessica, Jameka, and Eric. They talk about how weird it is with only seven people in the house. Zach goes and looks at a couple of Jessica's pictures on the wall. They talk about the pictures for a while. Jessica notes that there's only a couple pictures in the room where she's not drunk. They are: one that she isn't in and one where she's drinking, but not drunk yet. They talk about her brother for a while. Jameka asks Zach if he's going to "do a BB8 tattoo" and Zach says, "No." Jameka says she's considering it and Eric says himself and Dick definately will. Zach feels that since he's "a part of the show," he doesn't have to prove it by putting it on his body. Eric feels he's not proving it, but celebrating it. Eric and Jameka discuss what size tattoo they will get and how it will look, then they talk about what Dick said he would get. They say they are all really glad that Jen is finally gone. Then the conversation goes back to tattoes again.

11:12pm (PST) - Dick is outside smoking and talking to himself, moving his legs up and down in an aggressive manner. [cut] Jameka, Jessica, Zach, and Eric are still talking in the HOH room - still about tattoes. They laugh about how the shower stalls were re-frosted. Jameka thanks everyone because she's still in the house. They talk about Jameka on slop. Zach says she should eat a lot tomorrow before the Food Competition, just in case. They all laugh.

11:17pm (PST) - Dick knocks and comes in saying, "There's nobody in the house." General chit chat continues in the room. They joke about how Eric may not compete in POV again this week because there are seven people in the house. Dick says, "But you're a good host." They talk about different television shows that they like. Dick says [during the ShowTime 2 airing] that he likes HBO, but doesn't like ShowTime at all. They talk about movies they saw in sequester.

11:25pm (PST) - Daniele and Amber are still sleeping. Dick, Eric, Jameka, Jessica, and Zach are all still talking about movies and actors in the HOH room. Then, Jameka and Dick talk about their families; Eric and Zach look at some of Jessica's pictures, while Jessica comments on them. They all talk about how they've been away from home now for two months because today is the twenty-third of the month. Eric admits he had some shady stuff on his computer at work and had to call his friends to erase any trace of it. They talk about what weird things Eric has done that probably aired or not - probably not the naked jumping jacks. They laugh about how Mike's "peek-a-boo performance" during the POV Competition [where Dick stepped off the pedastal] probably did NOT make it either. They talk about how they think Mike was caught up in the moment during that challenge because even after Dick told him he was going to put him up, he continued. Jameka, Dick, and Eric say after the show is over they are going to watch all thirty-three hours of it at once - they'll just drink a lot of coffee or something. Dick mimics Julie Chen asking Jen, "What do you think was your biggest mistake in the game?" Jameka comments that Jen wore her "special outfit" for half the day today, then changed at the last minute in case someone ruined her outfit on the way out. Dick asks, "She thought I would ruin her outfit?" When everyone else questions this, Jameka says, "Oh, yes. It's true." The conversation goes back to Mike [in the POV Competition] when he was acting like a baby on the ground saying, "Whaaa... whaa." They all say, "That was just so wrong."

11:45pm (PST) - Jameka, Jessica, Eric, Zach, and Dick are still talking in the HOH room. They are laughing and discussing Jen and the last few moments she was in the house. They talk about which parts, from the end of this week, will make the CBS airing. Jameka says that when Jen was screaming at Dick about him burning her, "she had really lost it." She says when she was in the Diary Room, she requested the psych for her. Jessica says her favorite is when Jen said she was eating because she was mad at Big Brother. They talk about how much weight they think Jen gained while in the house. Dick says, "She told me she gained twelve pounds in sequester, before the show even started." Eric pokes further fun at Jen by saying, "She said that she had never heard of Big Brother before, but yet she was friends with Mike Boogie. She went on a cruise with him. And she claims to have kissed Drew. But yet she's never heard of the show before. Yeah, right." The conversation changes to alcohol and what types they've tried and how you can buy it in certain states.

11:53pm (PST) - Zach says goodnight and leaves to go to bed. On his way out, Dick asks him to check the clock, so he goes out and comes back and announces, "Seven minutes 'til midnight." They chat for a minute more and Zach leaves saying, "Goodnight." Dick, Eric, Jameka, and Jessica continue to chat. Dick talks about how he has a room of his own now, so he's offering to anyone. They all decline and laugh about how loud Dick is when he sleeps. They talk about Jen again and Dick says, "I slept with that rank pussy for two months." Eric talks about how he did NOT enjoy Jen's last few days in the house.

12:00am (PST) - Dick says he's going to go to bed early and leaves Jessica, Jameka, and Eric in the HOH room. Eric wonders if Dick and Daniele's fight was real or staged. Jameka says, "It's hard to tell. But afterward on the patio, Dick's eyes were red ,like he had been crying."

12:35am (PST) - Eric gets called to the Diary Room and tells Jameka and Jessica, "Don't worry. I'll be right back." [Eric knows it won't take long because this is when he gets his assignment for who America wants nominated this week.]

1:00am (PST) - Eric returns to the HOH room and Jameka goes downstairs to bed. Eric's pitch is to play it safe and easy, put up Amber and Zach. Eric still thinks that Zach has an alliance with Dick and Daniele and he thinks it will be proven when everyone sees the votes - they'll know that the Donato's voted to keep Zach in. Because the rest of the house wants [and expects] Jessica to nominate Dick and Daniele, they discuss the possibility of backdooring one of them. They see the risk, in that, whichever one stays will still have Zach and would be able to go after them next week. Eric is impressed that the Donato's kept their word last week, "So, why make enemies of them? They could have just turned around and said, 'Ha ha. You fell for it and now we're putting you up.' And, you know, if you go to the end with them, you can't lose because no one will vote for either of them." Jessica agrees that the easiest move is to nominate Zach and Amber. The only thing that could happen is if Amber gets the POV, then a Donato has to go up.

2:30am (PST) - Eric and Jessica finally stop talking strategy for the night and chit chat for a while.

3:00am (PST) - Eric and Jessica get ready for bed - Eric turns off the lights and goes down to bed.

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